I'm Black American, a foundational black American whose family has been here for centuries. I'm going to provide my opinion and solutions. This has happened because we stopped assimilating into the overarching American culture. If every black American modeled their thinking after WASPs, Catholics, or Christians this wouldn't be happening. My family, friends, and blacks across this country believe in racism for one reason only:

We have never lived in a homogeneous country - Caribbean blacks & Africans ( who are not and never will be black Americans) are classists within their own countries because their countries are all black, they see firsthand that hard work pays off and that the unemployable (without education, trades, or skills) end up starving in the street. The wealthy and the poor all look like them. In America whites have generally been richer than blacks so we continue to attribute it to racism because of our country's racial past. My people think whites got a headstart and that we can NEVER catch up. We don't attribute it to hard work or whites having a culture more conducive to success. It's a defeatist victim mindset that we've accepted without scrutiny. I know success can be replicated despite color because it's been done since the dawn of time, but anyone can see firsthand that Indians and Asians make more than the average white.

What is the problem: You can take the girl out the country but you can't take the country out of the girl.

It's a tale as old as time: the Israelites begged to go back to slavery after God sent them through the desert and told them of the Promised land.

What is the solution: As a man thinks in his heart so is he. Their thinking has to change. They have to see themselves as engineers, scholars, plumbers, moral, a productive part of American society. We've got to stop the hip hop, the victim movies, people have to get married and stay married. The family, church, and schools have to cultivate success and no other portrayals of derelict males or behavior should be glorified in music, TV, etc. White people love hip hop but they don't revert to degenerate behavior catalogued in those songs because they don't take it seriously. For the most part it's just a story to them. The difference is young black men and women see hip hop as an autobiography and/or a guide to life They see themselves in it and see it as their culture. They see themselves as violent or derelict because it's cool. We love being cool. Our culture rewards that it in ways other cultures would view as almost incomprehensible and infantile--because it is.

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Aug 28, 2022
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Drill rap, gangsta rap, hookup culture hip hop/rap/pop music, glorification of obtaining money and women by any means necessary is all just a multi-headed dog, a Cereberus, that further brainwashes FBAs who are an already brain washed group into seeing themselves as baser animals enslaved to their instincts.

FBAs will argue with you because most are still mistrustful of whites who aren't loud and proud democrats. Whites aren't my enemy, they are my fellow Americans. We've shared this country for centuries and l have more in common with them than any immigrant group (legal or illegal) and vice versa.

Religous values aren't gone they just need to be revived. They need to be explained in a Top Gun, Horatio Alger kind of way and not just in the pulpit on Sunday and on Christian TV. Morals have to be taught through moral stories again. It's what the Daily Wire is doing. It's what I'm doing in a fashion I won't be discussing on this platform. The war is only lost if we continue to play by their rules and/or we give up.

I don't speak negatively about our future. I see the immigration and I see the moral decay. It gives me something to pray against, politicians to vote for but most of all the resolve that this is a culture problem and it can only be defeated culturally or by something greater.

In other words, I'm not going gently into that good night.

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Aug 29, 2022
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Be my guest.

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With this sort of nonsense we are, more than anything else, reminded of how very little true anti-black racism there is in the world, when the perpetually-offended spew their bile on such an innocent situation in their hopes of manufacturing anger and "an incident" over a supposedly racist insult. Anti-white racism such as this has become accepted discourse in the public square, but not nearly enough thoughtful people have overcome their fears of calling it out for what it is.

“There is another class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”

~Booker T. Washington (REPUBLiCAN)

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Anyone who has anything to do with TIkTok is a loser, a lemming and/or a narcissist. None of these is good!

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damn! I get caught in the rain sometimes when I'm out running errands... am I going to accidently be guilty of cultural appropriation?? I HATE when that happens!

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How about this:

Whites take back potable water, the Small Pox vaccine, air travel, electricity, and the telephone, and we'll call it even.

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and cars, telephones, computers, clothing styles, etc.

that's my typical response.

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How stupid can a society be to give any credence to the professional whiner/victim class...my Lord, get a life...message to the black Tiktoker babe...

Eyeglasses were developed in northern Italy during the second half of the 13th century so she can start her quest for racial equity by ditching her white man racist eyeglasses and, while she is at it...

Since all of the protections she enjoys to spew idiocy from her virtue-signaling lips are the creation of some rather magnificent White, Western European Males who authored the Devine inspirations commonly referred to as The Constitution and The Bill of Rights, little Tiktoker can and should really pursue her vacant concept of equity by renouncing those surely racist documents and all of the individual racist liberties they have bestowed upon her...now, problem solved...

With none of these bothersome racist individual liberties she can STFU and either slither into the ignorance of her certainty or restart elementary school in a system (probably parochial or private) that hopefully teaches basic civics and government with a smattering of racist math (logic).

Problem solved.

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Black peoples be on a power trip 👶🏿👶🏿👶🏿

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speaking of "cultural appropriation", does anybody remember the black girl who accused employees at a bobba drink place of stealing black culture??

that's quite a scam.... apparently the black community (at least where she lives) have culturally appropriated an Asian dessert drink so much that this girl thought it had African origins!

so then she accused people from the culture that actually created it of stealing it from them!

what's the old scenario? you lend the neighbor your lawnmower and then you want it back they assume it's theirs and they're lending it to you?

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Who are the racists and who are the haters? We had slaves for 250 yrs, Africa had slaves for over 5,000 yrs. In 1830 1200 Blks owned over 10,000 slaves, to this day there are slave markets, in Libra, the top 5 Indian tribes in the 1830's owned Blk slaves. Good grief! Read a fu$king book. JustSaying!

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Yes, yes yes. And who profited from the SALE of blacks from Africa? Their black ancestors sold them willingly into slavery. For profit. They built the slave trade with all due deference to the Arab world. When the Cherokee went to Oklahoma one of their chiefs asked President Andrew Jackson if they could take their slaves with them.

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Not sure how this video qualifies as racist. Even Neil Sadaka could "hear laughter in the rain."

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Drew should have performed in blackface.

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Blacks see everything through the prism of race, they support race-based discrimination aka "Affirmative Action", yet it's white people who're racists.

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Libs are starting to cannibalize their own. What goes around come back around.

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is this just one racist retarded butt-hurt bitch looking for something to complain about or are there others who think that walking in the rain is cultural appropiration??

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Oh insanity it is. Unfortunately I saw a trailer for Viola Davis’ new adventure film and almost burst out laughing in the theater. Yes I’m a racist who cares? But the vibe has been set. You’re fucked if you’re white. And Drew you’ll always ET and your tv show FOR NOW

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Aug 27, 2022
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Funny thing about that excellent movie...I read about the thought processes of the film's makers a while ago, and the film had originally been intended as a commentary on where conservatism would take us. As Hollywood Leftists, the Director, Producer, Writers, etc. all were completely convinced that conservative governance and Capitalism would ultimately make the world fall apart in the manner they depicted in the film. Now that so many of the elements of the film are coming true in the real world...loss of literacy & basic education, a dumbing down of the populace, rampant crime bringing disrepair and grittiness to major cities...it's rather funny, i think, that the film's makers got it all precisely opposite. The collapse of Society that we're in the middle of is due exclusively to decades of Leftist governance and policy. The Hollywood Left is wrong again!

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