I had no idea Minnesota had so many aspiring rappers.

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Just an appalling lack of diversity.

The government must do something.

As Tom Wolfe said in “Bonfire of the Vanities” we need The Great White Defendant.

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Did you see that one white dude at the end? He instigated everything. The other innocent youths were duped by him to get involved.

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A true 1%er

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Are these actually mug shots or the starting defensive players of the Minnesota Vikings?

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I was about to say the 2nd set is possibly the Steeler's wide receiver lineup for '23.

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I never hear anyone say “People our Community needs to get its shit together.”

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No city where blacks have taken over political authority has gotten better. No one. All slide into decline -- even Selma, Alabama.

Despite their loud declarations not only didn’t blacks build America, but they can’t even maintain it, let alone improve it.

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We are not so far from a time when a person who dares to notice a pattern here will suffer greater consequences than the feral scholars whose lovely portraits we now are seeing.

It's usually the same pattern, repeated throughout the once-great American cities that these scholars seek to destroy. One naturally wonders how many, if any, will actually serve any prison time and if it will be any significant time. And we wonder how many deaths they have been instrumental in causing.

Most of us can guess that the recidivism rate will be near 100%.

As long as prosecutors refuse to charge and prosecute, and judges let them out early, we will have a growing sense in America that there is no justice, and into such a void vigilantism will inevitably walk.

There are millions who are fleeing failed cities; I was one. But there are millions who, for whatever reason, are unable to flee and must live in the Hell that such ferals as these create. These people will one day grow tired of such circumstances and will take it upon themselves to change it. When Government fails to do its most basic duties, citizens will eventually step in to do the job.

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Dream on.

Reparations are a lot more likely than vigilanteism.

See the coverage of California’s Reparations Commission and then compare that to the coverage of Daniel Penny.

Name one white public official anywhere in America who will say that “Blacks don’t deserve reparations.”


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"Reparations are a lot more likely than vigilanteism." (sic)

One does not preclude the other.

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Dream on about “the millions,” white flighter.

Any day now....

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Au contraire, these are not “mug shots.”

These are “head shots” of the actors auditioning to be in the next Mercedes Benz TV commercial.

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You know who suffers the most from this, the poor law abiding blacks who live in those communities. That is, the same poor law abiding blacks who vote for Alvin Bragg and Larry Krasner

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And Brandon Johnson in Chicago.

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Alvin Bragg's constituents voted for a communist whore and got themselves railed by Bragg's pimp, George Soros: https://aghostinthemachine.substack.com/p/george-sorosdemon-and-his-alvin-braggbitch

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Those are some of the darkest Scandinavians I've ever seen. Since the national media has refused to show photos of non-white criminals one has to turn to the local media for the truth. National media implies that sex crimes against children are committed overwhelmingly by creepy white men but based on local crime data and the county jail directory in my local area black and and Hispanic males (and in some cases females) commit 60-65% of sex crimes against children. Several police officers have been accused of sexual assault or sexual misconduct and all of them are black or Hispanic.

But the rapist, killer, dirty cop and child molester is always white in Lifetime movies and in the fevered imaginations of our national propaganda ministry otherwise known as the MSM.

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Speaking of Scandinavians ;-) it has become fashionable among some uber-lib Scandinavian women to not only 'not' report their rapes by 'migrants' at all but to essentially offer themselves up to to them as an 'act of compassion'.

Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.

Some people have been so browbeaten and terrorized by the woke mind virus that they will literally offer themselves as human sacrifices for their 'religion'.

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Perhaps they just want to take the fast track to single motherhood.

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“Minnesota Men” arrested.

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Our new country is GRRRREEAAATTT!

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Obviously this lacks diversity

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There’s a real opportunity here.

If we put Tim Scott on the 2024 ticket we’ve got a chance of getting 8 of these guys to vote Republican!

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Crime sucks. What else can I say?

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The government has succeeded in keeping them down!

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Another sad example of “agricultural racism.”

When milk is perceived as white, blacks suffer the after-effects.

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How did that white guy at the end get in there? He must have been the true instigator who tricked the others into getting involved.

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