As Gorsuch said. "As the brief and furious history of the regulation before us illustrates, the routine issuance of universal injunctions is patently unworkable, sowing chaos for litigants, the government, courts, and all those affected by these conflicting decisions," Gorsuch wrote. "Rather than spending their time methodically developing arguments and evidence in cases limited to the parties at hand, both sides have been forced to rush from one preliminary injunction hearing to another, leaping from one emergency stay application to the next, each with potentially nationwide stakes, and all based on expedited briefing and little opportunity for the adversarial testing of evidence."
Birthright citizenship should've ended LONG AGO because the authors of the 14th amendment intended it for freed slaves NOT for the children of ILLEGAL aliens from over 170 nations on earth!
Thank you Professor Ann re: highlight of an American History class most citizens and teens are required to complete upon graduation. (With a generous “C” grade or better considered passing.) In addition a separate test given in middle school and then again in high school simply called “The Constitution” dives into the specifics. Passing is also required, notecards and all. Proficiency in American English not essential. But, heck would be kinda nice, right?
Very good Ann.....I hope they keep going and yes I am positive we are in one hell of a mess. I also am willing to feel some pain for the overall good of the country. Do not know if it is possible but give everything you've got...I have thought for DECADES now when what I would call a paltry, minuscule judge no one has heard of...except maybe his 50-100,000 "constituents" stops any ruling by the President, Congress whoever to be totally ludicrous. And personally I do eat and like eggs but I can also afford a little higher price..I did not vote for Trump because of eggs, though Dems thought all for voted for Trump because we are uneducated....uh, no. My PRIMARY reason was for hoping he could do something about ILLEGAL and LEGAL immigration...birthright citizenship....if he can't throw them all out..ok...but he is SCARING the shit out of them and some I am sure will leave on their own. Hopefully many but we will see....
I am pleasantly surprised by how many questionable institutions were created by executive order like FEMA (and even the FBI!). What is done can be undone I would think. It is rich to see lefty MOCs recoiling, well, left and left. Their lazy legislative grants of broad authority to agencies (meaning the executive should he choose to awake and exercise power) is the exact authority that gives Trump and his appointees the power to shut down a lot of this nonsense. This ridiculous idea that some unnamed bureaucrat should have more power than the President should be dispensed with completely. The President is only limited when he exceeds the authority granted under law (such as Biden on forgiving student loan debt) and the Constitution or fails to act in accord with the law (e.g. Biden on the border). Unfortunately, the Department of Education was created by statute. But I bet a good chunk of what it does was done under executive power.
As Andersen Cooper might say, "don't be a dick".....but in Ann's case, Andersen would use another word that rhymes with bunt.
I think I now hate the left. They work way too hard avoiding the simple pursuit of the truth...always looking for "the evidence". The evidence will come in time's only been 33 days....right now they are just working on some very good hypothesizes and hunches from what has been far!
...and the price of eggs STILL HAS NOT COME DOWN! Trump lied....
If I was Elon...I'd look into CNN getting USAID money. Just a thought.
"It's almost as if they decide based not on any fixed principle, but on whose side they take."
Wait until the next time voters overwhelming pass a local ballot initiative banning illegals from getting driver's licenses or giving them in-state tuition and see what the worshippers of "Democracy!" do.
Their sudden concern for the constitution is touching but I am not buying it. Wasn’t the constitution the product of rich white male taxpayers a lot of them owned slaves it doesn’t get any worse than that. Why would they be worth paying attention to at all. As far as the issue at hand yes all of this is barely a rounding error in the massive unfunded liabilities of the US government government but if you can’t touch obviously silly expenditures like transgender surgery in Guatemala what chance do we have to make the much bigger cuts in entitlement programs that will be far more painful & the answer none. Any combination of budget cuts & or tax increases big enough to make a dent in these numbers would cause an economic collapse all by themselves which would blow up the deficit. We are locked in a trajectory to hyperinflation. We have never had the world’s reserve currency hyper-inflate we are in uncharted territory & it won’t be fun. Remember Germany hyper inflated in the 1920’s they were an important economy but no where near as important as america is today. We all know what happened after Germany hyper inflated
The Judges are going rogue and constantly misinterpreting the Constitution
It should be law, that if a judge gets overturned twice by a higher court, then that judge gets vooted off the bench and loses his/her law license
Judges should be subject to the same vexatious litigant rules that they apply to litigants.
As Gorsuch said. "As the brief and furious history of the regulation before us illustrates, the routine issuance of universal injunctions is patently unworkable, sowing chaos for litigants, the government, courts, and all those affected by these conflicting decisions," Gorsuch wrote. "Rather than spending their time methodically developing arguments and evidence in cases limited to the parties at hand, both sides have been forced to rush from one preliminary injunction hearing to another, leaping from one emergency stay application to the next, each with potentially nationwide stakes, and all based on expedited briefing and little opportunity for the adversarial testing of evidence."
Birthright citizenship should've ended LONG AGO because the authors of the 14th amendment intended it for freed slaves NOT for the children of ILLEGAL aliens from over 170 nations on earth!
Thank you Professor Ann re: highlight of an American History class most citizens and teens are required to complete upon graduation. (With a generous “C” grade or better considered passing.) In addition a separate test given in middle school and then again in high school simply called “The Constitution” dives into the specifics. Passing is also required, notecards and all. Proficiency in American English not essential. But, heck would be kinda nice, right?
The Democrats think the three branches of government consist of: Democrat elected officials, Democrat voters and the Media.
beautifully written thankyou
Very good Ann.....I hope they keep going and yes I am positive we are in one hell of a mess. I also am willing to feel some pain for the overall good of the country. Do not know if it is possible but give everything you've got...I have thought for DECADES now when what I would call a paltry, minuscule judge no one has heard of...except maybe his 50-100,000 "constituents" stops any ruling by the President, Congress whoever to be totally ludicrous. And personally I do eat and like eggs but I can also afford a little higher price..I did not vote for Trump because of eggs, though Dems thought all for voted for Trump because we are uneducated....uh, no. My PRIMARY reason was for hoping he could do something about ILLEGAL and LEGAL immigration...birthright citizenship....if he can't throw them all out..ok...but he is SCARING the shit out of them and some I am sure will leave on their own. Hopefully many but we will see....
I am pleasantly surprised by how many questionable institutions were created by executive order like FEMA (and even the FBI!). What is done can be undone I would think. It is rich to see lefty MOCs recoiling, well, left and left. Their lazy legislative grants of broad authority to agencies (meaning the executive should he choose to awake and exercise power) is the exact authority that gives Trump and his appointees the power to shut down a lot of this nonsense. This ridiculous idea that some unnamed bureaucrat should have more power than the President should be dispensed with completely. The President is only limited when he exceeds the authority granted under law (such as Biden on forgiving student loan debt) and the Constitution or fails to act in accord with the law (e.g. Biden on the border). Unfortunately, the Department of Education was created by statute. But I bet a good chunk of what it does was done under executive power.
Time to go on the Maher show and school him.
Long overdue.
As Andersen Cooper might say, "don't be a dick".....but in Ann's case, Andersen would use another word that rhymes with bunt.
I think I now hate the left. They work way too hard avoiding the simple pursuit of the truth...always looking for "the evidence". The evidence will come in time's only been 33 days....right now they are just working on some very good hypothesizes and hunches from what has been far!
...and the price of eggs STILL HAS NOT COME DOWN! Trump lied....
If I was Elon...I'd look into CNN getting USAID money. Just a thought.
so in 3 weeks eggs have'nt come down but i know the russians finally picked up that laptop from the pawn shop
I thought being called a dick by naughty boy Anderson was a term of endearment.
Lead, follow, or get out of the way.
36 Trillion in the hole and what do we have to show for it?
"Keep on Trumpin"
Brilliant, as usual
It's time for Trump to get mean...
"It's almost as if they decide based not on any fixed principle, but on whose side they take."
Wait until the next time voters overwhelming pass a local ballot initiative banning illegals from getting driver's licenses or giving them in-state tuition and see what the worshippers of "Democracy!" do.
Ann explains it all for you! She makes it sound so simple because maybe it is.
Should the executive branch be free to treat injunctions as mere suggestions? Serious question.
I second this question
Their sudden concern for the constitution is touching but I am not buying it. Wasn’t the constitution the product of rich white male taxpayers a lot of them owned slaves it doesn’t get any worse than that. Why would they be worth paying attention to at all. As far as the issue at hand yes all of this is barely a rounding error in the massive unfunded liabilities of the US government government but if you can’t touch obviously silly expenditures like transgender surgery in Guatemala what chance do we have to make the much bigger cuts in entitlement programs that will be far more painful & the answer none. Any combination of budget cuts & or tax increases big enough to make a dent in these numbers would cause an economic collapse all by themselves which would blow up the deficit. We are locked in a trajectory to hyperinflation. We have never had the world’s reserve currency hyper-inflate we are in uncharted territory & it won’t be fun. Remember Germany hyper inflated in the 1920’s they were an important economy but no where near as important as america is today. We all know what happened after Germany hyper inflated