Quoting Ann Coulter, "There has never ever been a right wing mob!" Ann Coulter and Mickey Kaus on the same podcast, it doesn't get any better than this!

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Reference to Demonic that is no longer left-wing monopoly was probably the very best thing I heard from this discussion. I never thought of that but as always quite an impressive point.

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Are you backing Mo Brooks because he denies anything nefarious happened with the last election?

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does Ann allow swearing on her podcast?

honestly... I've always want to see (not just hear) Ann go on an obscenity laced tirade that would make the most hardened sailor blush.

but somehow I doubt that will happen. at least not here.

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it is NOT a good idea for Democrats to be able to disqualify Trump from running again... because once they pull that off once they'll want to do it every election!

the last time we had an election for Mayor in my city, the Democrat controlled BoE in my county "disqualified" every single Republican candidate in the primary.

we had a "non-partisan" ballot that was all Democrats!

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While I listen to this I have to put up with my Mum yelling at me that I have no right to judge Black Lives Matter, CRT, or George Floyd because I'm White!

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Ann, I was wrong. I had asked you to consider moving the idea for guests on your podcasts to the back burner based on my assumption that they would end up being like around 90% of your media interviews over the years (Mark Simone being a rare exception to this) where the person you're talking with is constantly interrupting you and doing their utmost to prevent you from making your points...because they know you're correct and they don't want to admit they have no case on national TV.

Although your fierce determination usually won the day and you were eventually able to make most of your points despite the host's breathtakingly rude belligerence, these interchanges were oftentimes painful and frustrating for viewers who really wanted to hear what you had to say. I doubt that I was alone in wanting to shout at the host "SHUT THE HELL UP AND LET ANN SPEAK!!"

This polite and gracious conversation with Mickey Kaus was nothing at all like that, and it was so very refreshing to see a courteous liberal who was apparently raised properly and is willing to let others have their say, and responds thoughtfully and congenially to points of substantive disagreement. It seemed to me that both of you had ample opportunities to make your points and respond to the other, and both did so thoughtfully and with courtesy. This sort of interchange has been, in my experience, unknown on TV and radio for probably 30 years or more (William F. Buckley's Firing Line program is the last in my memory) and I believe the lack of such programming has been a big factor in the overall coarsening and lowering of the quality of public discourse... too many people think that it's normal to shout each other down and by doing so that determines the validity of differing sides of complex philosophic, political and social issues.

As you move forward, if you can find guests who are as equally thoughtful and courteous as Mickey Kaus, I believe your podcast interviews would be exceptionally popular among thoughtful viewers who are truly interested in unravelling issues of the day but are frustrated by the shrill and oftentimes hysterical tone of other interview programs.

Leave it to Ann Coulter to raise the bar on podcasts as well as interviews! THANK YOU, ANN and full steam ahead! :-)

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Anyone else less than crazy about this media player? May be just me, but every time I pause and then come back to the video, it starts from the beginning again. Or doesn’t play and I have to close and open it again.

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I've had occasional sync problems with it. Can't say about other stuff.

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Betcha didn't think I noticed that seating change you guys made. You'll have to get up PRETTY EARLY in the morning, etc., etc.

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Jun 21, 2022
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A governor like him in a purple swing state is very valuable, to keep the value of conservative governance in front of the state’s voters. Another Jeb! running the state could have worse consequences for the future of the GOP in national elections

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Jun 21, 2022
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There’s still time so anything could happen over the next two years, but if things stay the same than the next election is the Republicans’ to lose. We may not need to sacrifice a Republican governor in order to gain the presidency. If the next nominee uses the Moore/Laffer/Kudlow team we’ll be alright.

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