Doesn't matter. The NY Post, Tucker Carlson, Tony Bobulinski, and others were yelling from the mountain tops about all the incriminating....and true...info on Hunter's laptop about Joe Biden.....two weeks before the 2020 election.

The powerful made sure it was labeled how they wanted it labeled.

DeSantis will be labeled a racist. In 2026...when it won't hurt.....he will be exonerated.

That's how it works. That's how it always works. And......apparently....there is nothing we can do about it.

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Or there is nothing that the neutered GOP "Leadership" cares to do about it.

Just shut up and keep those donations pouring in.

You may never get a wall or an impartial DOJ but hundreds in Congress are counting on you for their job security.

Ps...It is so F'ed-up that a bunch of "journalists" who aren't even knowledgeable enough to use a screwdriver have half of the people who run this country soiling their pants.

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American slavery is a very complicated affair but simple minded morons on the left and ignorant black bigots think it was characterized by wicked white supremacists lording it over black slaves. There were free blacks and white indentured servants which was why only "free, white persons" qualified for citizenship in America's early decades. Not all whites were free and not all blacks were slaves.

American slavery was not a strictly white on black affair. American Indians owned both black and Indian slaves and there were over 3000 black slaveowners.

Whether Veep Karmelo Harris can admit it or not it is historical fact that many black slaves and white indentured servants learned skills that later helped them earn a living and build black communities after slavery was ended. That is not a defense of either indentured servitude or chattel slavery, but facts are facts.

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An intelligent person can balance two ideas in his head at one time without toppling over into schizoid neurosis: 1) slavery is wrong; 2) being brought to America and its capitalist economy benefitted many slaves and created the world's preeminent black population of free people.

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Being hired out as skilled labor was crucial to Frederick Douglass. Though he escaped rather than buying himself out it was how he realized he needed to learn to read.

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I don't know which is worse. That bald face lies are being told or that a lot of people believe it.

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The fact that the sun sets in the West will become The Most Racist Thing Ever if it can hurt a Republican candidate for President.

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Well they already say the west and "western values" are racist so we are halfway there!

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No one really cares what the Pravda US media says. Other than Ann, does anyone with a cerebral cortex watch MSNBC? The people who care about the “racism” label would never vote for DeSantis or even the pussy grabbing Trump.

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Don't forget the swing voters such as "soccer moms" who mostly get their news from the MSM and University of the View...controlling the message is essential for winning votes from electors with deficient critical thought skills.

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The number of people that watch MSNBC doesn't matter much, even if one limp wristed pajama boy watches them MSNBC sets the NARRTIVE and the narrtive is absorbed via osmosis to the herd.

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Great news. Now the charge of racism will finally, finally lose its sting to conservatives, like it has to me.

We wish.

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No. The difference is, DeSantis is not a racist, whereas his Democrat accusers, and you, are.

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So what makes William a racist? The fact that he doesn't recoil if he's called racist?

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Guess you haven't read his stuff. He opposes the Civil Rights Act and Brown v Board of Education. He judges and would treat everyone based on skin color instead of each individual's character, though he says we can "make an exception" for Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas, whatever that means. Perhaps they would be allowed to visit the "white" areas on occasion, or clean our porches. He opposes Universal School Choice, the only chance too many poor "blacks" have to lift themselves up and assimilate to success, and the best long-run chance WE have to stop more vicious behavior from that community, because he fears "blacks" would then be able go to "white" schools and ruin them, which makes no sense.

He's a "white" "separatist". Openly. But he claims that's totally different from being a segregationist and he "hopes separation can be achieved amicably."

So, what if "blacks", "browns", and "mixed race" people don't agree to be separated "amicably" from the superior "white race"? What then? By force presumably.

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I don't support the Civil Rights act or Brown v Board either. And if you dealt in facts and logic instead of ideology and emotion there's plenty of empirical evidence showing that 60 after the CRA and 70yrs after Brown v. Board after race relations are worse than ever and countless schools have been destroyed through forced integration. The Civil Rights Act forbids discrimination based on race yet that doesn't stop universities, corporations and governments at all levels from engaging in rampant anti-white discrimination.

Why is white separatism bad but people like you praise black empowerment and self segregation? Most of my life I've witness blacks segregating themselves from whites at schools and workplaces. Blacks now demand separate dorms and graduations at universities.

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"facts and logic instead of emotion"? Sounds like projection and rationalization right there. And you started out so polite!😂

Worse race relations are explainable due to the Democrat racists' circumvention of civil rights and destruction of decent education. Integration does NOT equal bussing, which did wreck schools and helped nothing, and which I oppose; so much for that red herring.

"The Civil Rights Act forbids discrimination based on race yet that doesn't stop universities, corporations and governments at all levels from engaging in rampant anti-white discrimination." That's because most "Republicans" are cowardly corrupt collaborating sissies. But it's starting to change, despite the desires of fake "conservative" racefluffing racists to go back to Jim Crow Separate but "equal". The SupCt decision against Harvard, while subverted by John Obamacare Roberts and Trump's fake conservative appointments, clearly rebukes for that and hopefully starts a new trend. Harvard will circumvent, and it will come back to the court for review and Harvard will get spanked.

"Why is white separatism bad but people like you praise black empowerment and self segregation?" You know NOTHING about me or you would know I despise "black empowerment and self segregation" as RACIST. Have you even read what I write? Or just what you wish I wrote?

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Circumvention of civil rights was the goal all along. I don't know of many cases where the DOJ has charged any black or non-white with violating the civil rights of whites which happens often. You'll need to explain why Brown v Board was a good decision and also the fact that SCOTUS had no authority to integrate schools from the bench. Integration should not be forced and people should have freedom of association.

What is your master plan for solving the intractable race problem in America that has been made much worse by forced integration in all spheres of life. The fact is that when people have freedom they typically stick with their own kind. If you desire to live in a multiracial, mixed race hell then suggest you emigrate to S. America.

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1.The Civil Rights act was a blatantly unconstitutional act that ended free association.  Cuckservatives like yourself brag that Republicans voted for it in greater numbers than Dems because you're stupid and / or naive. 

2. Considering what happened after Brown v Board a reasonable person couldn't blame him.

3. Race is not skin color, race realist like Hickey and me acknowledge the differences between races. One of those differences are predilection to commit crime.

4. I hope he makes an exception for me as well.

5. White Separatism is bad because why exactly? Be specific.

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I don’t support CRA or school choice, and not sure about Brown. Does that make me a racist?

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Don't know. Are you?

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No. But seems like that is one of your criteria as you started off your answer with that. You seem obsessed with that charge

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As a total aside-

If there are two topics that I am literally sick of hearing about, it's slavery and the holocaust! Of all the events in human history, these two being banged like a drum, 24/7/365, is as maddening as Chinese water torture.

Rest assured, it's no accident.

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So the racist Democrats, and probably a certain "conservative" racial separatist who comments here, are horrified to have it known that "blacks", if not oppressed by Jim Crow & its modern equivalents, are capable of high intelligence & skills, raising families with good Christian values, earning a good living, etc. As opposed to living on welfare and acting like mindless rabid animals who do nothing but beat, burn, loot & murder both each other and the neo-slaves whose taxes & inflation-confiscated wealth pay for their welfare. The latter "blacks", instead of being re-enslaved, are now serfs in the Democrats' neo-feudalist plantation. Their sole duties as serfs are to behave like vicious primitive tribalistic racists when the Laird calls them up, and, of course, vote Democrat.

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Didn't miss a single nail. Couldn't agree more.

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Probably the only benefit of the current 'administration' is that what they say is almost always the precise opposite of the truth, which makes things easy for thoughtful people to understand what's going on.

As for Mess-NBC issuing an apology, has that ever happened before?

Another convenient constant in life is that Leftists will NEVER apologize or admit fault in any way, which eliminates the stress of waiting for them to make things right. They'll just pretend it never happened and go on to the next thing, as they always do.

Thank you Ann for illustrating another win for DeSantis, which the media will pretend never happened.


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Kudos to Ann for watching this MSNBC insanity for us. Like Gone Man

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BONUS ANN COULTER AUDIO CONTENT, her Wednesday appearance on the Mark Simone radio program:


Ann discusses her problems with the revised Twitter, Amazon Prime Music and SF’s “shrinkage” problem.

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Thank you for today’s content Ann. It’s all about the hair.☺️ (Astutely mentioned by you re: “touching a black person’s hair) BTW. We all come into this world the same way as we exit:. Bald. No Hair. No teeth. (An extra) Today’s lesson: Chock full of valuable information to realistically and with honesty move the country back on track. Yes. May the best man win. Replace “AP” with HP as in Humanities Psychology. If our animal friends could speak words, they would ask us humans, and not so politely, I am guessing, to get our acts together if they are going to be required to continue to be at our service. Thank you again Ann.

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Thanks for the legwork on this Ann. I'm keeping it in my holster to fire (oh my goodness gun algology) I mean send to next next idiot friend of mine that brings this up.

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Ann, if I pay extra for a VIP special can we watch the debates with you? I would love to watch them with you live, obviously not in person, but can you do a special live debate night Substack video, I want to watch it with you!

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