I bet Ashley picked a real winner for her spouse!
But maybe we shouldn't let fat white women choose our immigrants
THIS is The New York Times’s most sympathetic case for third world immigrants: a fatty who would take anyone as a husband. After a painstaking nationwide search for some “family reunification” immigrant who didn’t look like a Nigerian credit card scammer, the best the Times could do was the unseen “spouse” of a fat American woman, known the world over for their excellent taste in men.
No explanation for why Ashley can’t join the mystery man in Brazil if it’s true love and not a scam marriage because she’s a leftist working for an immigrant rights group. (Curiously, the Times doesn’t give her pre-”married” name or her occupation, nor say how they met.)
Right on target Ann, as usual. Immigration scammers are going to be a major, adored voting constituency group for the Left and the Times is obviously pleased in its recognition of the new demographics in America. The full article is actually quite chilling, in that it details new plans to allow illegals to stay in the USA instead of having to return to their home countries for 10 years before they're allowed to re-apply for entry, as has been the existing policy. It will further erode the entire concept of legal immigration vs. simply running across our borders.
Readers who rightly recoil at the thought of giving the hard-Left NYT money for a subscription can read the full article at The Wayback Machine here at no cost:
Thank you Ann for bringing this to our attention...the article lays out the wide-ranging effort to weaken every aspect of immigration laws and it should terrify anyone who has even a remote understanding and appreciation for America's unique greatness, as laid out by the Founding Fathers.
These are dark times, indeed.
The Democratic Party is flooding our country with third world illegal immigrants in order to get them to vote and keep the Party permanently in power!! We are deliberately importing more poverty and crime! I’m sickened by this!