Hitting the nail directly on the head, with essential force. But there you go again Ann, being 'moral' in an immoral world which has escalated to the point of madness. Thanks for being a voice crying out in a vast wilderness.

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GOP culture warriors are spending way too much time shedding crocodile tears over Hunter's illegitimate daughter instead of trying to defund the FBI, protect the 2A and punish Biden and his confederates for the mass migration problem.

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We don’t have the votes.

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You mean we don't have the mail in ballots in the battleground states to win.

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We don’t have the senate. Every libtard in congress will reliably vote 100% pro Joe and Manchin and Sinema will be cancelled by Hoe if they even join conservative common sense in the first place. We just can’t get anything passed, but yes the gop should try anyway.

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YES! I wish House Republicans would spend all their time passing bills that are 70-30 popular with voters. Either Dems (in both the House and Senate) will realize they HAVE to vote for the bills -- and we get some good laws on the books -- or Republicans will at least have great issues to run on against the Dems next year.

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Agreed. And Ann might disagree but leaning too far right into the social issues might prevent DeSantis from getting the support that his legacy should hand him easily.

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I don't disagree. Most of the "social issues" shouldn't be federal issues at all. Let the states decide. Congress should be concentrating on IMMIGRATION, IMMIGRATION, IMMIGRATION (that is the feds responsibility); CRIME (as much as the feds can do) and ending pointless wars.

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I'm mostly just terrified of who the candidate will be if it's not him! Maybe we can at least stop handing the left ammunition like that dumb Macho Ron vs The Gays video. What might work in Florida isn't gonna work everywhere else, and we can't keep falling into the trap of getting sucked into culture wars that we won't win. But then again what do I know, I didn't turn Florida into GOP Mecca, either.

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The 6wk abortion ban DeSantis recently signed could really hurt him in a general presidential election. The Democrats would hit him hard on that and tell moderates that he supports a nationwide ban. As it is the GOP may still get shellacked in 2024 due to that issue.

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I agree. But at least he can, and should, take the 100% correct position that abortion policy IS NOT A FEDERAL ISSUE. congress has no right under the constitution to pass any laws about abortion, pro or con. It's up to the states, like most social issues.

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ICYWW, the letters to the Times about Dowd’s column either took her side or criticized her...for meddling.

Not one stood up for the institution -- the norm, if you will -- of marriage.

To the contrary, several letters, like Dowd herself, spoke of “our new understanding of family” when urging Joe and Jill Biden to get with the deconstructionist program and accept their illegitimate grandchild.

We have the worst elite in history.

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I agree with Ann about upholding respect for marriage as an institution. I don't think the mother should grow rich off a one-night stand, but Hunter did bring a child into the world and, morally, should help support the child. I'm also for respecting facts: Joe Biden has 7-grandchildren, not 6. That is a fact.

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I agree and joe Biden should accept that is his biological granddaughter. Why can’t they accept responsibility for hunters misdeeds?

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The women who identify as "single moms"... especially on the campaign trail... annoy beyond words. When exactly did it become this badge of honor to identify with?

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one difference from the premodern period is that fatherhood isn't just theoretical. everyone's father can be biological established without a doubt (yes, even identical twins, since theyhave unique mutations)

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I think this is funny because the Bidens are behaving EXACTLY like your basic hypocrite Liberal Elitist - not wanting an illegitimate child from a stripper of “lowly status” to sully their pristine (🤢) family name yet supporting illegitimacy and abortion as the upstanding “Catholics” they pretend to be.

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Hi, non-American here. Can someone please explain to me why anyone cares that some cracked out loser had an illegitimate child? I mean, yes, I understand he is your president's son but does it really matter re: the health of the country over all or your economy or the state of your foreign entanglements? Thanks all.

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Culture and honorable behavior have everything to to with the survival of this country. Collapse everything honorable and you are left with nothing of any value.

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We're descended from Puritans and many of us still believe in Jesus in the US. Affairs, illegitimate kids, and alternative lifestyles are not the mainstream nor are the glamorized by the average American.

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The nuclear family has historically been the foundation of USA society. Starting in the 50s, the illegitimacy rate of Black America soared. The Moynahan Report of the 60s, was an early warning.

I wondered what would happen if the white nuclear family broke down. We might be seeing that in progress :( White America's illegitimacy rate was in the low 20s, last time I checked. I wonder what the white illegitimacy rate in Portland is :P

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I can't speak to rates in the US b/c I'm not in the US or even an American. I was just curious as to why this fixation suddenly on a child etc. I feel bad for the kid to be honest. The rest are all adults and should own their own behavior

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No it doesn't, but this is the standard level of intelligence with which a lot of Americans discuss politics these days. It did matter when we were all pretending that a vote for Biden was a vote for character but.....oops.

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Long for the days when the stripper would have sued the Bidens.......you know - because they would have been embarrassed over the behavior of a Presidential son. Right.....distant memory....

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Jul 12, 2023
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Bang interns, or screw up in Iraq? Which president would you prefer?

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Now that I think about it, Biden screwed up on the border, the withdrawal from Afghanistan AND his son screwed around like a professional athlete. It's supposed to be one, or the other, not both.

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Hunter Biden was allowed to settle his back child support payments with paintings.

It's like he can print money.

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He gave her those shitty paintings?

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I thought I was the only one whosaw it this way. It never occurred to me that Joe Biden was somehow *even worse* because he did not want to acknowledge this child formally.

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Ann if baby mamas didn’t get a payday off the baby daddy that would really put the brakes on a lot of pro athletes sex lives.

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Thank you for thought provoking a realistic discussion Ann as well as link the Heather’s research. Agree. Babies are not imaginary playtime dolls. Playing with another humans life is evil. Talk about agnostic—As I recall, former President Obama and company never clearly declared their deeply or not deeply held beliefs—- in order for the machine to keep running..? There are never “benefits” in playing with or messing with another person’s life. Thank God there are good and honest persons who dedicate their time to helping others for real. I have met some good ones recently. Paragraph 23/24 of Heather’s piece is spot on—freewheeling generosity and whole neighborhoods depend on the gov’t money non profits attract. Have seen these situations as well. Very competitive/grant writing competitive kind of situations. A race to the top of the heap. Sit and “wait” for your number to be called. So, so sad.

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The West slips further into the Abyss.

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Great insight and perspective, as always!

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Right On, Anne!

--A 73-yr-old Child of the ‘60’s.

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And, write on, too!

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