Trump was so horrible in the last debate, I won't be able to watch. I look forward to your summaries and live Tweets, Ann.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

Bingo and I watched Nixon Kennedy

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I listened to it, so I knew Nixon won.

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Republicans rejecting De Santis for their “populist” hero (idol?) is the biggest mistake Republicans will ever make this side of the end of America. They really think Barabbas is their savior.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

To be fair, a lot of that is on DeSantis. Had he displayed the intellect and speaking skill of Vivek Ramaswamy, and not been the choice of Hillary-voter Rupert Murdock, with rumored campaign advice from Turd Blossom (Karl Rove), he could've been a contender.

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They don’t seem to know how to do math. Getting an additional 2% of 1000 voters who may like you is twice the votes of getting an additional 10% of 100 voters who hate you, and easier. I am not convinced Trump will win the debate. Despite what people think he is a horrible debator

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He’s up against a brain dead near corpse tho - and anyone who says Biden “aced the state of the union speech!”is that person whose knees are still aching from trying to match Kamala’s jack in the box performance

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I was at a point where I was going to vote for Trump because he's the better of two evils..

I still might...

but part of me balks at voting for him at all because he wants to hand out green cards like they're candy!

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Jun 26·edited Jun 27

Granted, I've never cheated on my wife with a porn star, but wouldn't stapling green cards to diplomas put downward pressure on native wages? Especially where H-1B visa holders are at the mercy of their sponsors.

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A better question is why are those foreigners here in the first place, to make wealthy Woke colleges wealthier?

We know it’s a Global competitive marketplace now, but why do our children have to compete against a Cherry-picked selection of the world’s talent IN THEIR OWN SCHOOLS?

Isn’t the competition supposed to start once the kids have been prepared?

Limit foreign students at any US university to 2% of the student body — and 0% in science or tech.

Also, America’s wealthy should be investing their money in reforming and improving American education, not in strip-mining the Third World for talent they did nothing to cultivate and then promising those ringers a path to US citizenship none of the wealthy ever fought to defend.

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Get them out.

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AC, I’m with you on the poor and working class whites. Gaining 1-2% of this group far out weighs any gain in the minority vote. The obsession with breaking the color barrier chews up a lot political capital with little or no success.

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The Ann Coulter Made Me Look It Up Phrase of the Week: vox clamantis in deserto

(such a good one!)

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

Brilliant as usual! Unfortunately it’s more like Ann is the voice crying out in the wilderness aka John the Baptist and Trump is Herod. What’s Latin for “There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down [of The Nonexistent Wall]?”

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I love the sub-title...

"Maybe he shouldn't concentrate on impressing people who will never vote for him"

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Yeah, I’m not buying Trump is going to be a big fat lib should he win in November. If he is lucky enough to get a favorable congress, he will also have a lot more support from people in his administration this time around. I think he gets in and gets a lot done. I could be wrong, but this administration (Biden) sucks really bad. Things have to go another way.

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Agree. As opposed to a lot of others, you sound like you either have kids or at least don’t hate them.

Four more years of whites not being hired and barred from the best universities in favor of blacks, Hispanics, foreigners and Asians -- that doesn’t sound like the future I want for my children. But that’s what 4 more years of Biden will get you.

Isn’t it amazing that people think losing the Presidency will somehow work out for the best? I believe that is called the Goldwater Strategy of 1964.

This is our homeland. We don’t have another. Why are so many who were part of letting this situation fester so sanguine about telling us to give up?

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Good question! I'm not really sure why, other than people feeling hopeless and dont like Trump. Guess they would feel better with Paul Ryan running things. Rumor has it he knew about the Steele dossier and did nothing.

I'm not willing to accept another 4 years of this. It will go down just like you described. I don't want that for any of our children.

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What will it take for white people to admit that our tradition of political liberty is not universal, but rather the nontransferable product of our unique genetic makeup? Or that the psychological traits producing culture are largely hereditary? The trends in Asian voting should cure us of the notion that we can make common cause with others on the basis of IQ and work ethic. Indeed, technically proficient workers with demure slave mentalities pose a greater threat to the white middle class than do angry blacks.

"Sen. Chuck Schumer would be demanding an Iron Dome on our southern border" is yet another shining example of pregnant Coulter prose. Nationalism for me but not for thee, goyim.

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Republicans were taught to be ashamed of the “Southern Strategy,” which when the Democrats did it was called the “Solid South” and never criticized. FDR with Garner, Adlai Stevenson with Kefauver, JFK with LBJ never had a negative word spoken about their campaigns for relying on White Southern voters.

By 2000, though, even a Republican National Committee Chairman was apologizing for pursuing White votes.

But in 2004 Steve Sailer advocated “Inreach” rather than outreach following Sam Francis’s admonitions to Pat Buchanan in ‘96. Trump in 2016 stumbled into that strategy because otherwise he had no chance.

Soon we in America will understand what President Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore said decades ago: that in a multicultural society you vote by race and religion.

We have that society now. Foolish white leaders let that happen. We can’t change it or hope it will somehow all work out for the best. It’s time to cast aside the childish “Colors of Benetton” dreams of yesteryear.

Let the Democrats have their “Coalition” of the Fringes” held together with nothing but KKKrazy Glue. Vote your race and nothing but your race.

We didn’t cause black people’s problems. And we can’t fix them.

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yeah, the statistics, the fact that Democrats are allowing an invasion on our border, and the fact the the GOP is sitting around with their thumbs up their asses....

it all infuriates me.

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immigrants (legal or not) are given preferential treatment when it comes to getting into colleges and with regard to the grading standards they're held to while in school...

and now Trump wants to give them a green card once they've taken the taxi ride down that express lane?

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

He could win on policies if he could remake his personality but, alas, he cannot. His unbridled ego and penchant for lying/exaggerating are too ingrained and are too much of a turnoff for enough voters that they would rather vote for a doddering imbecile.

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Your comment about Republicans being embarrassed about courting white voters immediately brought Mona Charen to mind, who seems to have spent her entire life trying to convince her best friend Ruth Marcus that Republicans aren’t racist.

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Haven't heard Charen's name in ages, but I'm sure she believes Republicans are racist. Wouldn't she be appalled at the truth in Ann's column?

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Excellent, and yes, story-reading drag queens are in play. One of the reasons I’ll never vote for Trump is that he subjugated to Kushner, a stone cold liberal.

White men, except the ones imbibing too much adult beverage ala Rush, will either stay home or protest vote.

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Well I'm going to down vote GOP, but at the top RFK

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Everyone has to make up their own mind depending on their own state electoral history. Trump can’t make up a 2020 20 point loss, so my vote is meaningless.

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After all these years there are people here who still think White Flight is a strategy.

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He’s not a Politician.

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Despite it being a pejorative term I would still prefer a competent and skilled politician running for President

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If only!

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