I’m beginning to think that immigration isn’t even in the Top 5 of issues that Trump’s remaining base even cares about. Look at the things they say when it comes to just illegal immigration. “I don’t care if foreigners pour into my country at an astronomical rate as long as they do it LEGALLY.” There’s no way to expect these people to hold Trump’s feet to fire on the wall when they have the politics of ‘90s era Democrats.

It also doesn’t help that Republicans are so used to losing that they trot every minuscule “win” for Trump in order to keep defending his failed presidency, as if any of it was earth shattering and/or didn’t get swept away the minute Biden took office (or even before Biden took office).

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I see no difference between Trump and almost the entire Republican leadership in the post Reagan years...except that Trump played "The Game" better than the rest.

SOP for "The Game":

Release a red-meat conservative position statement (probably based on polling data because none of the leadership have any clue about Conservatism) to the faithful.

Promise to fight to the death for said position.

With the faithful all ginned-up start the fundraising and grab as many dollars as possible while everybody is red-hot.

Never really intend to do much about achieving the goal but place 100% blame for failure on the Democrats (an especially ludicrous excuse when Republicans control the entire Legislative and Executive branches).

Promise to succeed next time if only the Republicans can take control during the next election cycle (for which more money must be raised from the faithful).

Never really intend on doing crap (lest the Chamber of Commerce gives the leadership a spanking) but, undeterred...Repeat The Cycle!

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Trump's failure was that he likes making deals and that he doesn't have a DNA level hatred of government in the same way the Left has a DNA level hatred of liberty. They WILL burn the country to the ground in order to rule over the ashes.

The only question is whether they will use fossil fuel or leave it to Tesla combustions.

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Speaking of DNA, please find me the future leadership that has a passionate love of government...a government based on the Constitution and Bill of Rights as they are actually written...not as one would wish them to say in the moment.

Presently, what we call government is a circus where the politicians (and "free" press) have become the useful idiots for the bureaucrats and the organisms that created and maintain the bureaucracy. Which, BTW, is the exact formula that Stalin used to create his bureaucratic totalitarian state.

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This a 1000 times

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Ann is on point as usual. It's befuddling to me how enraptured the Republican base is with Trump. It's like they can't even remember all the losing. Let's just get this out of the way: if Trump is the nominee again, he loses. We all lose. Trump in 2024 is like Hillary in 2016: the only potential candidate who could lose to the other guy.

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I can’t imagine how much more productive we all could be if we weren’t always bitching about Donald Trump. In the run up to 2016 it was bitching about what he was going to do. In office it was about what he was or wasn’t doing, now the lead into 2024 becomes bitching about what he didn’t do.

Are we not letting the tale wag the dog? Why doesn’t the GOP formulate what a Republican/Conservative President needs to do to be successful and let the prospective applicants respond those issues and the path to getting them done?

Could that be a viable way forward? Hell the Democrats just won an election with someone who’s best qualification for being president was that he was a warm body who wasn’t Donald Trump. Of course we have to take into consideration that the Dems know less about what most Americans want and more about winning elections.


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Alas, polling shows that the great majority of Republican voters much prefer STRONG TWEETS!!! to actual accomplishments.

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I’m fifty, and I can tell you it’s all our elders and angry Gen X males yelling at clouds who support still Trump. They’re still enamored that he “stood up” and “said something,” yet they fail to realize he accomplished nothing and his vitriol ended up costing us two elections.

The left is overjoyed they have him to run against again.

I will say I’m appalled the Republican-led Congress and Senate didn’t get a bill passed to complete the wall. These are not serious statesmen.

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DeSantis isn’t going anywhere after signing into law a six week abortion ban. And watch both of the Carolinas start turning blue with their six week bans. I thought ballot harvesting would cause us to lose everything. Nah.

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Tweet loudly, no stick

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While it's true that President Reagan never had BOTH the House and the Senate he did have a Republican Senate for his first 6 years. And never forget that he did acquiesce to the 1986 amnesty of some 3 million illegals...he did a fair amount of capitulating during those 8 years. Nobody's perfect....not even the greatest President of the 20th century.

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May 24, 2023
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William Wallace would have separated his thoughts into paragraphs.

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But it kind of goes with the run-on sentences and general mishmash, though, don’t you think?

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Thanks for the insight. Reagan was a breath of fresh air in troubling times. He was an actor and believed in the lines he was selling voters. Like DJT he was manipulated by the R Party to get all they could. Similar to Pence/Bush that didn't have the Boss's back and it resulted in some bad decisions. I think Ann's wish for DeSantis could come back to haunt her. There is something about Ron lately that has my red flags popping up. The big problem I see is the "R' team is only telling us what we want to hear and it's going to take time for us to winnow out the RINOs.

P.S. Ignore the grammar police below :)

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Thank you Ann for sharing your perspective. Disclaimer: Three favorite reads: Next to my personal Bible and the Book of Virtues (William J. Bennett) is your well written and factual/clearly researched Treason book—dedicated to your Father, John. Because of my earned respect of the three reads. I refer to the contents regularly and with steadfast practice. Thank you. Will keep my eyes open.

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This might be unpopular but Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell helped thwart Trump's agenda. But Trump also said he was the best negotiator on planet Earth so he should have been able to get a Republican Congress to enact his agenda despite the obstacles but didn't even come close. He also outsourced everything to Jared Kushner who was also an America Last/Israel First rat.

The Democrat party of the 1980's was more conservative than the Republican party of today so Reagan got what he wanted in exchange for spending money on some Democrat pork projects. Reagan promised to abolish the Dept. of Education but forgot that promise once in Washington. He also gave us amnesty and the Martin Luther King Holiday. Reagan was not as conservative as legend tells it.

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Trump is such a clown, and his worshippers in sites like The Gateway Pundit just don't get it.

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Cue the boomers shouting “I like Ron but he should WAIT for 2028.” Yes, and you should WAIT for that cancer screening but ignore that lump. WAIT for the lifeguard to come rescue you, but don’t try swimming! Buffoons, just like their loser ex-president for whom I voted and would never do so again—they wouldn’t know a con-man if he fleeced them for donations at a rally.

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BONUS ANN AUDIO CONTENT, from today’s Mark Simone show. She speaks about immigration, elections and against “her favorite congressman” Rep. Tom Massie, (R-KY) another libertarian fantasist.

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Ann (if I may, probably not but whatever): Plz stop with the anti trump stuff. It is so tiresome. The GOP needs to stop infighting and develop a ballot harvesting operation to compete with the Dems. If it doesn’t, it loses -- even if (and especially if) Desantis is the nominee

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If you’re looking for the GOP to develop ballot harvesting, why aren’t YOU anti-Trump?

Who was in charge when the GOP was caught with its pants down by the first Democratic ballot harvesting “trial run” in CA in 2018? (Remember all those Orange County Red seats that flipped and how surprised Ronna Romney McDaniel, Trump’s choice for party chair, was?)

Who was caught by surprise by harvesting operations in Democratic cities in 2020? Even though he was warned, AND SAID HE KNEW ALL ABOUT, he had no plan to counter them and no answer. Instead, he spent all his campaign time urging GOP voters to overwhelm the polls on Election Day?

Whose incumbent party chair -- Ronna, again -- was completely outfoxed in key states again during the 2022 midterms?

Please. Donald Trump is a carney barker. He shouts about all the great things he’s done, but keeps stepping on rakes. He couldn’t organize a church social. He watches TV, tweets and listens to anyone who flatters him. (Such as KKK: Kim, Kanye and Kushner) You saw that for 4 years.

Old dogs don’t learn new tricks.

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Why do you seek censorship? What do you consider to be "anti Trump stuff"? Are you aware that Trump was president for 4 years? Why do you want to shut down discussion of his 4 yr report card? Ms. Coulter included only a few examples of his job performance. You should be eager for more. These are life and death matters which you reduce to "GOP infighting." It's true that Trump is now a deeply embedded member of GOP Establishment, beloved by RNC for WinRed, but that's the opposite of what he was elected to be in 2016. He was elected to stop the GOP Est. Instead he joined them. His biggest crime of all is never mentioned, ie, that he unilaterally suspended the Constitution in March 2020. He'll never be pres. again because he'll never win Michigan, Penn, and Wisconsin again. His 2022 choice for US Senator from Penn was so bad, voters instead chose Fetterman. In Feb. 2023 his chosen candidate for Michigan GOP chair DePerno, who was also the Estab. favorite, was defeated in favor of a grassroots candidate. A Trump lawyer even worked the convention floor w DePerno and he still lost. In Nov. 2022 entire Michigan legislature became Dem. for 1st time in 40 yrs.

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Pleading with someone to stop talking about something isn’t censorship. Otherwise, I agree with you.

Anytime,but particularly now, is a great time to examine Trump’s many failures and ineffectiveness as President.

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Trump’s base needs to hear it as often as possible.

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DeSantis choosing to formally announce his candidacy on Twitter tonight is a glorious raised middle finger to the legacy media and a demonstration that he knows where people get their news nowadays.

He doesn't have a golden escalator or a diamond-studded sedan chair to bring him to the people but utilizing the modern Public Square in this way is wise.

If his speech is spectacular it has the potential to be a moment just as electrifying as Trump's....if not, well, it will probably be advisable to get used to 8 years of President Harris, given that she will be the easiest puppet for the Deep State to control just as they control Pedo Joe today.

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I love this!

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