this is an AWESOME piece!!

this lawfare BS pisses me off so much, because the LAW is one of the social contracts that holds this country together!

by mutilating the judicial system to "get" your political opponents, by having ONE legal standard for us and another for them, they're not just destroying that legal contract, they are tearing down civilization...

this will NOT lead to anyplace good if we can't get them to STOP IT.

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You nailed it again,Ann. Keep it coming

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As usual, Ann Coulter nails the opposition to the wall. This prosecution of Trump is another step toward the end of the US and Western Civilization, together with the border and the ‘equity’ rackets.

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Brilliant. Day in, day out...brilliant. Ann actually restores my faith in the capacity of people to think, write and say the truth. A trait I'm increasingly losing faith in.

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She and Thomas Sowell

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100%. In fact, my law practice email sig block has this Sowell jewel: "If you want to help yourself, you tell people what they want to hear; if you want to help others, you tell them the truth. " I revel in both Sowell and Coulter.

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so... Billy Boy had some "legal expenses" too?

can we do the same thing to him that they just did to Trump?

oh, wait. I guess the statute of limitations has already run out on that, right?

wait a minute! if the GOP gets control of congress for a bit, maybe they could temporarily extend the statute of limitations??

just long enough to charge Clinton... like they did with Trump in that other case!

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Republicans NEED to start playing the Democrat game, or there will be no end to this stuff!

apply the same legal standards to THEM until they cry uncle and beg for peace!!

pick a wealthy Democrat big money contributor... maybe George Soros?

surely, he's taken out a bank loan before!!!

declare whatever he bought to only be worth $50, and charge him with fraud!

don't let him present a defense....

immediately make a summary judgement of "guilty" and fine him the totality of his net worth plus more!!

this could be done in an afternoon, if we were serious about it.

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Ann, this kind of razor sharp and well researched writing is why you’re the most effective journalist working today. Thank you!

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John Edwards spoke of the two Americas: "We live in Two Americas, one for the wealthy and powerful and one for everyone else."

Well, he was kind of right. The wealthy and powerful are not protected in 21st Century America. Look at the treatment given to Trump.

No, the real divide is between Lefties and Conservatives. Lefties are given incredible concessions and lenient treatment by the legal system. For example, no BLM/Antifa rioters were given substantial prison sentences for burning down US cities and causing more than $2 billion in damages, thousands of injuries and about 30 deaths. On the other hand, Jan6 defendants were given long sentences, some for merely trespassing.

Yes, John. We live in two Americas.

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Just saw Kamala stating “cheaters don’t like getting caught” to thunderous applause on Kimmel - no I’m not watching it was a clip on Fox - to me all they want to be able to say is Trump is a felon yay Trump has 34 counts against him yay and finally, NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW - whether any of this makes sense or not is completely irrelevant to lefties.

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Great article Ann. You should post it over on X to shut up the paid flying monkey's of the white house. Who am I kidding that wouldn't stop them. they can't read anyway.

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Nice recap of Bimbo accounting! I’m no accountant… but there may be a way for me to make some spending $$ being a bimbo. Hmmm it’s never too late 😎

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Brilliant analysis! It's almost like you have to be a sleazebag to want to be a politician...

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The sagacious Ann Coulter on The Mark Simone Show - (6-5-2024)


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The question I ask is, does Donald Trump actually do his own bookkeeping? I highly doubt it. Someone else logged the transaction. You get a bill from your attorney and what do you log it as? Trump did not pay Daniels anything, Cohen did. What did Cohen's bill to Trump say? "Legal expense?" Seems to me that if anyone is guilty of improper paperwork it would be Cohen.

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“How come when Trump lists his payment to squelch a single “bimbo eruption” as a “legal expense,” he’s committed “profoundly serious” crimes?”

It seems pretty obvious that liberals have such a fascination with losing their heads over everything that they are hellbent to goad the masses into rolling out the guillotines again for just one more savage collapse of civilization.

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Why is it that our uncontrollable philanderers are treated more severely than their uncontrollable philanderers? It's just not fair!

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