She's Indian when she wants money and black when she wants votes.

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Don't dare say she was the border czar!

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Kamala isn't even black unless we go back to the old racist one drop rule. She is south asian Indian 50%, Black 25% and White 25%. Pretending to be black.

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Yeah, I know her father has Irish (slave trader no less) in his background. But she is definitely more Indian than Elizabeth Warren...but not more Indian than Usha Vance! How does any of this stuff matter anymore anyway? Very few people are even 90% anything let alone 100% anything. And with blacks, the situation is even more complicated since we have had open borders for fifty years. My doctor is Nigerian, not African American. We have an entire Ethiopian congregation at my church - the adults are Ethiopian-Americans and their children just consider themselves Americans (and btw, they can't stand Commie sympathizing Democrats like Kamala). I have cousins who are half white and half African American. I have neighbors who are African Americans but consider themselves North Carolinian and Alabamian respectively. Everyone is a mix of something practically. Can we just get over this stuff finally? Things were getting better all the time until the racial hucksters resurfaced ten years ago. It is a scam to divide us. Look at that ridiculous white men for Kamala event? Or the same one for women? Both came off as mental patients for Kamala to me. It is just so lame...

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31

No, we can't just get over it. The one drop rule still applies...any part black means black; even if it's 3/4ths something else, the 1/4 black is all that matters because it dominates all other characteristics.

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As long as the person is from the left. The left basically doesn’t consider Justice Thomas to be black

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I think that is abhorrent.

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What's abhorrent is pretending we're all alike. We're not.

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Racial Hucksters? You're right about that one.

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The one drop rule still applies; as far as I'm concerned....she's black. 25% black makes her black and with the low IQ that goes along with that. She's a typical low IQ black and her behavior and lack of any thinking ability prove it.

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There's an old saying about never getting into a war of words with people who buy ink by the barrel.

In the digital age, the cost of speech is far lower than ink, and the dishonest Press have been eager to exploit that, having dropped any vague attachment to any concept of ethics decades ago. Thankfully this now works both ways, and Citizen Journalists (as well as Hot, fearless Pundits like Ann) have ample opportunities to hang the LeftMedia with the miles of electronic rope they've laid out for noose-making...all it takes is noticing, remembering...and having the top-tier wordsmithing skills of an Ann Coulter.

Just as the wonderful Swift Boat Vets saved America from the dystopian hellscape of a President John Kerry simply by having the courage to speak the truth and to bring up facts that DemocratMedia trash would prefer nobody ever hears, so also Ann Coulter will go down in history as being one of the very few beacons of truth in this Dark Age that threatens to engulf us all.

She not only brings the facts but backs them up with essential hyperlinks to the various nooses that the DNC Media hasn't yet gotten around to scrubbing from the internet.

Those who care about the truth are truly Blessed to have your wisdom available to us, Ann, as well as that of your wonderful guests.

Every article, every podcast, serves to remind us how breathtakingly stupid the legacy media is for banning you and for not giving you your own broadcast TV program. Your readers are the luckiest and most well-informed readers on Earth. THANK YOU ANN!

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Well, let's not forget that a part of Kamala's climb was based on merit... Just ask Willie Brown and Montel Williams!

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meritsackricy..if you will

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Just heard the “Heels Up Harris” flame today and ROTFLMAO

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Why do Republicans let the media and Democrats set the parameters of allowed speech? Grow a pair and say the truth!!

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The dem AI bot picks its answers from:

(1) you're a racist.

(2) you're against democracy.

(3) you're against the planet.

(4) you have no compassion

(5) you're a colonialist pig

(6) you're over masculine

(7) you're a stupid white person

(8) you're a right wing radical

(9) you're so not cool

(10) you're stupid

(11) you din't believe in science

(12) you're privileged

(13) you want kids to die

(14) you want women to die

(15) you're a capitalist pig

(15) you're trans-phobic

(16) you're a stupid christian

(17) you're an evil jew

(18) you're backwards

Oh, I could go on..,

Like spoiled brats, the dem thing is NEVER to actually have a discussion about dem failures or try to govern better. After all, dems are (1) leftist single women with mental problems (2) perverts (3) angry people still upset that we do not live in utopia, and (4) the useful idiot. No explanations needed for these groups. Unfortunately, they are a large segment of the population.

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And a new one for J. D. Vance: "you're weird." Don't say they can't innovate!

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This could be my all time favorite internet comment

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They promote DEI, then you notice DEI, but they claim that’s not DEI, therefore you are clearly in need of more reeducation about DEI. If only we could get a little bit of DEI around here.

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Here in Silicon Valley, a guy lost his place on a local school board after his wife tweeted that Kamala Harris's only qualification to be vice-president was that "she has a black p---y". This from a woman, who was absolutely right and had every right to say it.

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Ann - this is another one that I laughed quite a lot...thanks again.

So Republicans are told not to call her DEI, and many perhaps comply. This is very much like their fear of being called racist or something. When even a usual Dem loving big tech like Microsoft got rid of DEI department this month, what are they afraid of.

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Some would say it might have been something other than DEI that propelled her from being a mattress accessory for Willie Brown to the Border Czar. I guess one could make the case that she F’s-up everything that ends up in her hands.

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Omg wish we could give coins on this app, because I would empty my virtual wallet for the “mattress accessory” comment. Absolutely EPIC flame. Keep ‘em comin’!

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Isn't the ability to F everything up what Obama alleged about Biden? Maybe it's a requirement for Dems, especially VPs.

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Thank you for not capitalizing black; that's one of the dumbest editorial moves ever made by the NYT et al.

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Isn't there a contradiction in Dems' aghastitude at Harris being a DEI hire? Isn't DEI supposed to be a glorious thing that we should all appreciate? Oh, those silly DEImocrats!


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now, THERE is an idea!!

from now on, whenever Democrats or the black community reference the history of slavery, just DENY that it happened!

"slavery? what's that? that NEVER really happened! it's just a Leftist conspiracy theory! something they tell the black community, all their lives, in order to manipulate them!"

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These blaks know they can intimidate everyone with implied or actual threat of ruination or violence. In private they drink, smoke weed, do coke and laugh and laugh and laugh.

Kevin Mcarthy begins every sentence with the word “LOOK”. And that’s where he should end the sentence. He’s the White shade of stupid.

Good one Ann.

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As long as the LEFT controls the Media and Black Churches, any GOP outreach to the Democrat plantation base is a total waste of time. In addition, Blacks are totally dependent on welfare handouts and government jobs, so they won't vote for the party that supports cutting down the bureaucracy and tax reductions.

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