Alivia, every graduate history class is now woke. The title is only an excuse. Black history is just as bad as everything else.
If you haven’t been in a college in the last five years, you cannot imagine how bad it is. Grad school is the darkness beneath the ‘fridge where all the cockroaches hide.
As someone who tries to see the positive side of things when possible, Kwanzaa is a tough one for me but after a moment of reflection I can see that it actually does serve a useful purpose.
When a neighbor decorates their home with Kwanzaa-related ornamentation, when people say "happy Kwanzaa" to you, when a business references Kwanzaa in any advertising or when a school celebrates Kwanzaa in any way, shape or form, it sends a VERY useful message to the rest of the world...LOUD and clear. And that message is:
"This person or this entity is extremely low- I.Q., they are very likely proud, virulent anti-white racists and most likely loathe America, Western culture in general as well as any black person who is not a Marxist. You should stay well away from them, don't trust them, don't do business with them and don't allow them to teach your children."
It's a very similar and equally-useful message that is sent by people who normally dye their hair in unnatural, fluorescent colors, have prison-quality neck and facial tattoos, who wear bovine-inspired nose rings and who routinely eschew modern hygienic principles.
It's another tool that normal, sane and healthy people can use to steer clear of hazards in the workplace or near home.
Black Panthers were funded and trained by KGB of USSR. These was done in order to undermine the fabric of American society from within. Back in the 1990s one Russian newspaper published an interview with KGB colonel in charge of the base where they trained left-wing radicals from all over the world, according to the colonel, trainees were confined to the base throughout their training. These measures were adopted after Black Panthers went to the nearby town harassed local women.
I think you should read more about the black panthers and why they were necessary. I am not sure if you know the REAL TERROR that white supremacists were inflicting on the black community but it was HORRIFIC. you can’t have a serious conversation about the black panthers without acknowledging the REALITY of the state of black America at the time. They were the only group who were protecting the lives of black children living in poverty and policing their own communities. They actually implemented the poor people’s campaign policies that Martin Luther King just talked about. When Malcolm X said it’s the ballot or the bullet - yeah they were the bullet.
Black Panthers were founded in 1966 in Oakland CA, two years after the passing of 1964 Civil Rights Bill, and operated mostly in northern cities, which were hardly a KKK territory. If Black Panthers were founded in the Jim Crow south, then their existence would be justified, otherwise they just helped to destabilize major cities and further contributed to the Urban Blight, just like KGB intended for them to do.
The FBI went from American hero status to American Stasi and they did it to themselves all for the vanity and greed of their leadership...sound like a familiar story?
Ann, Everything you have to say about this Kwansa pseudo-holiday is surely spot on, but I remember Huey Newton, Bobby Seale and their crowd quite well from back in the day. They would have been mystified and insulted by your contention that the Panthers weren't seeking armed revolution. Of course they were! They just weren't very good at it.
Screw Kwanzaa. I'm black and believe me when I tell you hardly anyone celebrates this farce of a "holiday". I can think of only one person out of over 100 people who celebrates it and she's an alternative/spiritual person who thinks God is a woman.
There was a push in the 90s and 2000s to make this happen. I remember being a kid and going to public events and a host or someone would talk about Ujamaa or some other made up Kwanzaa principal. Us kids were just waiting for Santa to come out and a candy cane or toy at the end of the event. As an black American it's embarrassing to be encouraged to adopt a quasi Jewish/Hanukkah candle setup with some red, green, black candles that are supposed to represent a Foreign continent that most black Americans have not been to and have zero connection with. We are NOT Africans, most Black people look nothing like Somalians or Nigerians or Kenyans or Sudanese people. Africans have 99% - 100% African DNA which does not look like Black American DNA which is 70% - 85% Black and 15% - 30% white DNA.
No one said that people who celebrate Kwanzaa do not also celebrate Christmas. Since we are a mixed family we have both a Christmas Tree and a menorah. If I were Black, I would probably celebrate Kwanzaa too. What do you celebrate?
I didn’t know the history of kwanza at all, but the candles and the meaning for each candle about community and unity, if you believe that stuff it doesn’t seem hurtful to anyone. It seems like a fine holiday if you celebrate holidays. Honestly I didn’t know the history
Ma'am I'm black, believe me when I tell you hardly anyone celebrates this farce of s "holiday". I'm ADOS/FBA and there was a push in the 90s and 2000s to make this happen. I remember being a kid and going to public events and a host or someone would talk about Ujamaa or some other made up Kwanzaa principal. Us kids were just waiting for Santa to come out and a candy cane or toy at the end of the event. As an black American it's embarrassing to see a ridiculous to be encouraged to adopt a quasi Jewish/Hanukkah candle setup with some red, green, black candles that are supposed to represent a Foreign continent that most black Americans have not been to and have zero connection with. We are NOT Africans, most Black people look nothing like Somalians or Nigerians or Kenyans or Sudanese people. Africans have 99% - 100% African DNA which does not look like Black American DNA which is 70% - 85% Black and 15% - 30% white DNA.
Thank you again for your astute perspective Ann. Only you can re-write the words to Jingle Bells and make perfect sense. Thank you for specifics in the history lesson too. Much needed.
Yay! Thanks, Ann. This needs to be an annual column.
I just trudged through a four month graduate school class about Black History. It was one big woke burning bus crash.
Knowing the truth about Kwanzaa helped me see behind the curtain.
This article should be read to our kids each year on Kwanzaa eve.
It’s magic!
Black history is woke? I’m printing that on a t-shirt. You can not make this shit up!
Alivia, every graduate history class is now woke. The title is only an excuse. Black history is just as bad as everything else.
If you haven’t been in a college in the last five years, you cannot imagine how bad it is. Grad school is the darkness beneath the ‘fridge where all the cockroaches hide.
It’s bad.
You spelled Olivia wrongly.
A wonderful, updated column Ann, thank you!
As someone who tries to see the positive side of things when possible, Kwanzaa is a tough one for me but after a moment of reflection I can see that it actually does serve a useful purpose.
When a neighbor decorates their home with Kwanzaa-related ornamentation, when people say "happy Kwanzaa" to you, when a business references Kwanzaa in any advertising or when a school celebrates Kwanzaa in any way, shape or form, it sends a VERY useful message to the rest of the world...LOUD and clear. And that message is:
"This person or this entity is extremely low- I.Q., they are very likely proud, virulent anti-white racists and most likely loathe America, Western culture in general as well as any black person who is not a Marxist. You should stay well away from them, don't trust them, don't do business with them and don't allow them to teach your children."
It's a very similar and equally-useful message that is sent by people who normally dye their hair in unnatural, fluorescent colors, have prison-quality neck and facial tattoos, who wear bovine-inspired nose rings and who routinely eschew modern hygienic principles.
It's another tool that normal, sane and healthy people can use to steer clear of hazards in the workplace or near home.
Happy New Year!
The "Airing of Grievances" was originally just a Kwanzaan ceremony, though the original ceremony continues year round.
I thought Pelosi renamed it "Schwanza"?
It’s that time of the year and this annual column is one of my favorite traditions...first a shot of Dickens and then a chaser of Coulter.
Thank you Ann.
Thank you!
Black Panthers were funded and trained by KGB of USSR. These was done in order to undermine the fabric of American society from within. Back in the 1990s one Russian newspaper published an interview with KGB colonel in charge of the base where they trained left-wing radicals from all over the world, according to the colonel, trainees were confined to the base throughout their training. These measures were adopted after Black Panthers went to the nearby town harassed local women.
I think you should read more about the black panthers and why they were necessary. I am not sure if you know the REAL TERROR that white supremacists were inflicting on the black community but it was HORRIFIC. you can’t have a serious conversation about the black panthers without acknowledging the REALITY of the state of black America at the time. They were the only group who were protecting the lives of black children living in poverty and policing their own communities. They actually implemented the poor people’s campaign policies that Martin Luther King just talked about. When Malcolm X said it’s the ballot or the bullet - yeah they were the bullet.
Black Panthers were founded in 1966 in Oakland CA, two years after the passing of 1964 Civil Rights Bill, and operated mostly in northern cities, which were hardly a KKK territory. If Black Panthers were founded in the Jim Crow south, then their existence would be justified, otherwise they just helped to destabilize major cities and further contributed to the Urban Blight, just like KGB intended for them to do.
Doesn't anybody like the FBI?
The FBI went from American hero status to American Stasi and they did it to themselves all for the vanity and greed of their leadership...sound like a familiar story?
This is another piece I learned from Ann - the whole fake history of Kwanzaa. Thanks again.
Ann, Everything you have to say about this Kwansa pseudo-holiday is surely spot on, but I remember Huey Newton, Bobby Seale and their crowd quite well from back in the day. They would have been mystified and insulted by your contention that the Panthers weren't seeking armed revolution. Of course they were! They just weren't very good at it.
Screw Kwanzaa. I'm black and believe me when I tell you hardly anyone celebrates this farce of a "holiday". I can think of only one person out of over 100 people who celebrates it and she's an alternative/spiritual person who thinks God is a woman.
There was a push in the 90s and 2000s to make this happen. I remember being a kid and going to public events and a host or someone would talk about Ujamaa or some other made up Kwanzaa principal. Us kids were just waiting for Santa to come out and a candy cane or toy at the end of the event. As an black American it's embarrassing to be encouraged to adopt a quasi Jewish/Hanukkah candle setup with some red, green, black candles that are supposed to represent a Foreign continent that most black Americans have not been to and have zero connection with. We are NOT Africans, most Black people look nothing like Somalians or Nigerians or Kenyans or Sudanese people. Africans have 99% - 100% African DNA which does not look like Black American DNA which is 70% - 85% Black and 15% - 30% white DNA.
I guess we can then officially call this..............entrapment! Now I know how the Michigan guv "kidnappers" feel. Happy Kwanzaa!
I always learn something from Ms. Coulter, did not know there were so many Kardashians.
"Kawaida, Kwanzaa and Kuumba are also the only three Kardashian sisters not to have their own
shows on the E! network.)"
Hardly. I was replying to Thorn
No one said that people who celebrate Kwanzaa do not also celebrate Christmas. Since we are a mixed family we have both a Christmas Tree and a menorah. If I were Black, I would probably celebrate Kwanzaa too. What do you celebrate?
I didn’t know the history of kwanza at all, but the candles and the meaning for each candle about community and unity, if you believe that stuff it doesn’t seem hurtful to anyone. It seems like a fine holiday if you celebrate holidays. Honestly I didn’t know the history
Ma'am I'm black, believe me when I tell you hardly anyone celebrates this farce of s "holiday". I'm ADOS/FBA and there was a push in the 90s and 2000s to make this happen. I remember being a kid and going to public events and a host or someone would talk about Ujamaa or some other made up Kwanzaa principal. Us kids were just waiting for Santa to come out and a candy cane or toy at the end of the event. As an black American it's embarrassing to see a ridiculous to be encouraged to adopt a quasi Jewish/Hanukkah candle setup with some red, green, black candles that are supposed to represent a Foreign continent that most black Americans have not been to and have zero connection with. We are NOT Africans, most Black people look nothing like Somalians or Nigerians or Kenyans or Sudanese people. Africans have 99% - 100% African DNA which does not look like Black American DNA which is 70% - 85% Black and 15% - 30% white DNA.
Thank you again for your astute perspective Ann. Only you can re-write the words to Jingle Bells and make perfect sense. Thank you for specifics in the history lesson too. Much needed.