Suspect there was little sense in picking our own damn cotton. Good grief, what a fetid sewer we’ve made of things.

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Lincoln originally wanted to send freed blacks to the Caribbean or Liberia so they could have their OWN nation & not constantly CRY like babies about "racism" 24/7 even though things are infinitely better here than in Africa. Wish he stuck with that plan!

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Lincoln actually did send some back most died. One that did survive was Joseph Jenkins Roberts, a fruit Vender in Petetsburg Va . He was also the first President of Liberia. One of the only things I remember from high school history class, that and as a kid I regularly tripped over a granite marker with is name on it.

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Blame the Framers, who gave common [whites] the Bill of Rights and right to vote.

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The Framers aren't the problem, the blacks are. Even though they have it INFINITELY better here than in Africa they still CRY about "racism" 24/7! Most Africans don't even have running water or their own bathroom for cryin' out loud! We should APPRECIATE how lucky we are to be in the west/America like Oprah Winfrey herself used to say!

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Does karmela the Vp celebrate?

Does professor Gay?

KJP- buckwheat in drag?

Katanji the judge who can't define what a woman is? Does she celebrate ?

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KJP, a.k.a. Black Shirley Temple.

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Great as usual. Always seems fresh. Also thanks for the introduction to VDare of which, amazingly, I was unaware. Though I am uninterested in immigration (as opposed to the current invasion) as a serious "issue" it does seem to function as magnet and inspiration for the best, most contrarian, conservative writing. It's immigration that really sparked Ann to be the true heir to Bill Buckley, the best we have now at the elegant expression of the unsayable. I lost interest in Peter Brimelow at the exact moment he became interested in immigration, but what a wonderful writer he remains as VDare shows!

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I had absolutely no idea Trump Whitehouse statement on this fake holiday. I just looked it up and it is indeed found in the archive section of whitehouse official website. While not keeping immigration related promises (such as Ann's dream Wall ) I can't believe he not only pushed release of "low level" criminals but also made such statement. Oh yes "Law and Order!"

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Don't you realize while Trump isn't anywhere near perfect he's a ZILLION times better than OPEN borders Biden?

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Thanks Ann, Andrew from England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿!

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E Michael Jones says that Hannukah is the Jewish form of Kwanza

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Over the years it's become more apparent that those who celebrate Kwanzaa know little or nothing of its origin.

At least it sounds African. I'm not sure it has any other value.

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I used to send Kwanzaa cards to people with a sense of humor

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Festivus for those people.

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PANDERING to 13% of the population is the worst mistake this country ever made! I say this as a NON white person. NO other nation on earth has passed a law PANDERING to a small % of the population like this! My parents came LEGALLY from India where Muslims are 14% of the population. A UFO would land on the White House lawn before Muslims get a civil rights law in India! Africans have never done that either! Big mistake for it to happen. Blacks already have it a ZILLION times better here than they'll EVER have it in Africa!

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It seems like a fading "holiday" like when the Ds all wore supposed African shawls and took a knee for some jock that forgot to look at the NFL logo. The one that has red and white stripes and stars with a blue background and NFL centered in it. Cracks are forming all over this house of cards. I point out to my left-leaning friends how the Ds treat their own like Eric Adams, Bernie, Al Franken, and Andrew Cuomo, and you can't forget the voters in Iowa, and New Hampshire losing to South Carolina for first ballots cast and Florida who won't even have a choice because they canceled the primary. This is all hubris on steroids.

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The "Noor Al-Sibal" and the "Ann Coulter Pens New Racist Screed..." links now yield a "404" response.

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41 Black-On-White Homicides, Including Another Sjw, the Usual Toll of White Female Significant Others, and Just Random Stuff

November 2023—Another Month In The Death Of White America


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"it wouldn't be kwanzaa without this column". I was wondering if I'd missed it. Thanks.

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Thank you Ann. Please keep these historical bits coming. Smart and funny. You are a gift.

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It's no "Is there a Santa Claus", but I look forward to this column every year.

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We mustn’t forget that in addition to hating whites, Karenga ardently believed that Jesus was psychotic.

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