I've always wondered when school types clamor for more diversity, why they're not looking for skinheads.

Looking for a world without police, money, or landlords? Try Portland. Or San Francisco.

Akiea Gross has that look on her face like she took a dump somewhere in the building and she's waiting for you to find it.

Woke kindergarten sounds like Operation Headstart in reverse, (Operation Assfirst?) I guess there's really never a better time to dumb down than kindergarten. That should stick with them for life, however short.

Scaring the crap out of psych patients, what could possibly go wrong? Maybe next week have them all hitchhike on the Interstate?

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First line was a gem and it just kept getting better.

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Ahhhhh ...after reviewing the article I would take a Xanax if I had one , Whiskey will have to do..... Libtards are a virus.

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At the Wisconsin State Capital, they had a Girl Scout event that had these young girls "pretend" to vote and then made "protest" signs and marched in the rotunda. I hope young people will discover how they have been used in this culture war and become bold allies to save the Republic.

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Funny, the very first Ann Coulter book I bought was at a used bookstore in San Clemente, California. They had the hardback prominently displayed on a shelf behind the counter. I said I would like to buy it. The clerk went "ewww." I asked her if the point of the store was to sell books of all kinds. She didn't reply and just rang me up. That book made me a fan. I then downloaded three of Ann's audible books and listened to all of them for the cross-country drive back home. Big fan ever since.

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I’m at point where I am pondering that all of those hysterical woke leftists and trans-mongers should literally be rounded up and sent to labor camps in Alaska!

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If you don't celebrate, promote and fund every expression of cringe sexual kinks that would make a San Francisco male escort blush, you're a puritan with your fascist boot crushing the windpipe of the First Amendment.

If you're Jared Taylor or Vdare and you can't have a bank account, rent a hotel convention space or even set up a social media account (forget about publishing books...), then that's different because, uh, like feelings and stuff.

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Fifty years ago I read Janet and John at school here in England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿. Simple and innocent times, how lucky was I. Thank Ann. Andrew

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It took me a while, but I finally realized what the Dems are doing to black Americans: Democrats are regressing to their slave-owning days when their slave codes prohibited teaching slaves how to read and write. Illiterate slaves were easier to control.

They were afraid of more Nat Turners. Nat Turner, a highly intelligent and literate slave, led a revolt in 1831. Slave owners attributed his leadership to his literacy and believed that illiterates would never revolt.

Today, Democrats with their allies of the teachers unions do their best to maintain functional illiteracy in the African American community. For example, according to the 2022 NAEP test, only 10 percent of fourth-graders and 15 percent of eighth-graders in Baltimore and Detroit public schools are proficient in reading.

What better way to keep these Dem wards on the plantation?

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All true, but for today's Dems, RINOs, and corporatists, slave training isn't just for one race anymore. It's for everyone, or soon will be, with even your diet and medicines forced on you by your owners at the World Economic Forum and World Health Organization. WEF Fuhrer Klaus Schwab salivates that once everyone's chipped, we won't need faux elections anymore because he'll "know" we prefer to eat bugs and modify our RNA, and will make damn sure we do.

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The so called parents who submit their children to comprachicos "teachers" should have their parental rights revoked.

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In Ann's defense, I was about to tweet "Letitia James needs to do her damned job."

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No books needed here. But that was a long time ago. Girls were girls. We had Valentine cards. It was educational while developing the Id. Then I had Hailey Mills in Pollyanna (deep crush) and the 10 year re-release of From Here To Eternity famous beach scene. The beginning of the strong attraction toward the opposite sex. The more sordid sexual stuff came unwanted but in stages. But not from school except for 8th grade sex ed where one of the PE teachers told a gay very blue story of a vice officer in Long Beach with a billy club. The 60’s. And Dad gave me the TALK.

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Thank you Ann for update on the innocence of kindergarten in 2024. Here’s a ‘wondering”…I wonder what has happened to common sense and decency.

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What are the last 2 books? The ones with the inappropriate-for-children illustrations?

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The bottom picture is from Gender Queer, by Maia Kobabe. I can't find the picture above it though.

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Amusingly, Substack incorporated an ad for the ALA in their email version of your post 'Great Liberal Ideas This Week'.

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Feb 5, 2024
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In 1982 I was assigned as a school officer for the week the regular officer was on vacation. I had to stop three 13 yr old girls from attacking another girl. I asked why were they beating another student. The answer "We had to beat Marisol, she gets A's and wears bows in her hair". I banged my fist on a locker and screamed, if you touch her again I will hurt you. Police Officers are allowed to use ruse and deception. I would never touch them but they weren't sure that I wasn't crazy. These girls stopped attacking Marisol. They came to the station house to tell me that over the last 3 months they had been raped. I asked why didn't they report this sooner. The rapist was a Cuban Refugee from the Mariel boatlift under Jimmy Carter in 1980. The Cuban had been terrorizing Spanish Harlem and the girls believed I was tough enough to arrest him. I went into an illegal social club grabbed the Cuban rapist threw him to the floor and arrested him. He told everyone he would kill anyone near him if they called the cops. He surrendered easily to me, eventhough he had a knife and a 9mm handgun. Acting tough made those girls trust me. I also promised myself if I had children they wouldn't go to public school. They received an excellent education in Catholic schools from preschool through college. Today the public schools are much more dangerous. Teachers are routinely attacked, schools are in chaos. God help the students because the teachers unions and leftist DA's make a safe education impossible.

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