Other than Ron DeSantis, a class act who has shown amazing forbearance by not retaliating against Trump's vicious smears, "Republicans" *won't* take that pledge, and they *are* bent on suicide. Thanks to all the mindless thuggish low-IQ Trump-worshiping ignoranuses, it was all too easy for Trump's vicious childish easily-disproved smears to take root & destroy not only DeSantis's current viability as a Presidential candidate, but his future viability. The Q-bait Trump Chumps actually *hate* DeSantis now, totally bought into "RINO...Soros...¡JEB!...Rove" etc. I donated to DeSantis many times, but as bad as Trump is, we would've been better off had DeSantis refused to run early on before "Safe & Effective" Man-Child Don started His heavy smear. I'll bet DeSantis regrets it now. Sad for the USA. By far the best, most successful, balls-on, aggressive, effective, actual conservative governor we had, now destroyed for national use. Trump would've easily won the nom anyway without smearing DeSantis. But He's a narcissistic jealous child. It's all about Him, not the USA. I regret having donated to Trump several times. He's a POS.

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“Mindless, thuggish low-IQ Trump-worshiping ignoramuses”

“Q-bait Trump Chumps”

Maybe instead of promoting a vision of a color-blind society that has never existed except in Coke commercials and Benetton ads, you should try to persuade fellow white conservatives and populists about the strengths of RDS.

But you be you.

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Hey, proud racist, I know very decent, successful, conservative "mixed race" & dark skinned couples. Went to college with some and these days are are many more. Took Sowell's course when he was a visiting prof at UCLA. He's about 100 times as intelligent as you are, despite being "black". There are only two truly loyal conservatives on the US SupCt and one of them is "black". I'd love to hear you to tell all these people they're inferior and should be segregated.

All but one of the "whites" on the court voted to deny "standing" to Texas et al in Texas v PA, thereby creating a de facto right of states to steal elections and thereby disenfranchise their own and other states' voters.

I know all this scares you due to some malfunction in your brain or your childhood, but it's hardly just in ads.

I didn't write "ignoramuses". I wrote “ignoranuses” for a reason.

You're big on the coward's M.O. of evasion-deflection-projection. You can't address any of my questions and observations about Universal School Choice.

"If the money follows the kid as in the new Iowa law, ample numbers of low-cost profitable new private schools will pop up *in low-rent poor "white" & "colored" neighborhoods* catering to them, giving them options for a good, non-communist, non-groomer, non-government, non-violent, education & vocational training, so their kids can get jobs and a decent future instead of relying on welfare-breeding incentives. Successful families in a successful modern economy don't tend to breed, and they're more likely to be loyal Americans. So, from your primitive tribal collectivist racist POV alone, why would you want to keep them ignorant and unsuccessful and breeding like rodents?"

Since you're afraid of "blacks" & "browns" outbreeding & mixing with "whites", it's not too bright on your part to deny them the decent education and training that would result in their success and choosing smaller families voluntarily. But then again, racists aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.

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Thanks for the anecdotes. Let me know when you have some actual data on successful and harmonious multiracial societies.

Most homogeneous societies welcome and easily assimilate a small number of “others.” Japan, for example, welcomed 14 refugees this year. Back in the last century Catholic Ireland was led by the Jew Taoiseach Eamon de Valera. We can make exceptions for Sowell and Thomas — but not LeBron or Ice Cube. (Sorry, Tucker.)

But it’s not segregation, it’s separation. I want to be free, free at last, of the obligation of living with blacks. To be free of so-called “Original Sin.” To no longer be burdened by some asserted “promissory note.”

I want to repeal the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Hart-Celler Immigration Act of 1965 and overturn Brown v Board of Education, amongst other Warren Court blunders. To regain my long-cherished right of free association.

And blacks can be free of us, the people they claim are holding them down in the country that they built. They can be free to erect the great cities, the great culture and the great civilization they say they can, free of white oppression and racism. Finally and unrestrained we will be able to behold, to paraphrase Edgar Allan Poe, the glory that is Detroit, and the grandeur that is Baltimore.

I have a dream that one day my descendants will be wishing that they could emigrate to the New Wakanda.

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We can make exceptions for Sowell and Thomas? How generous of you.

I agree on repealing 1965 Immigration Act, not the Civil Rights Act or Brown v BOE.

You're NOT going to get resegregation or your "separation" euphemism, so again, your "solution" comes down to whining and insulting "blacks" and "browns" instead of facing reality and accepting workable solutions like Universal School Choice, which you really haven't thought through, because everyone should love it, including racists who would like to see "blacks" and "browns" stop breeding so fast.

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Where has USC worked? Be specific. Cite the data to back up your claims about its efficacy

Why do you accuse me of denying blacks a good education? Black education is fully funded. They elect their own school boards. They support the Democratic Party in every heavily black city, a party 100% against vouchers and mostly against school choice. They are getting exactly what the majority of them want, misguided as you may think that is.

Why do you deny blacks the responsibility for their years-long actions and failures and instead blame a white man? Are you a racist?


Read it. You’ll learn something.

And separation is coming. Some call it National Divorce, some just say we can’t live with each other anymore. But it’s coming.

I hope it can be amicable.

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This is very strange column every time you write you are constantly demonizing Trump obviously Trump is living rent-free in your head. Is there 1 column you have not mentioned Trump? I am also tired of hearing about Trump mainly from you. If Trump wins the primary he cannot get elected and he will win the primary. So get used to President Newsom!

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Thank Trump worshipers for President Newsom. Way to go destroying DeSantis even though Trump would've easily won the primary without smearing him.

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Sadly, things are just as you’ve laid them out here,Ann. The media is desperate for the GOP to nominate Trump and the GOP k is going to play right in to their hands and do precisely that. Then the GOP loses again. Then they wonder how they lost. Then they blame a vast conspiracy for the loss. Rinse and repeat for 2028.

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Thank you for today’s thoughts on civil rights issues Ann. One of the most stunning bullet points had to do with the 43% rise in drug related 911 calls for people aged 20 and younger per The American Federation of teachers push to keep schools closed. ( busy funding their pensions during the lockdowns perhaps) And the persons who should have been called out in the Nicholas Cruz massacre from the “School to Mass Murder Pipeline” article of 2/28/2018. What is Randi Weingarten’s position on these school safety issues? There is much to be explain by the so called adults in charge. I stopped holding my breath for an answer a long time ago. It is no wonder the younger generation may be confused.

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EVERY Republican candidate, when asked about Trump, should say as soon as I see you ask

Democrats what Hunter Biden did to earn the millions that the DOJ told the court in Delaware on July 26 that he earned from China and Ukraine, then I will answer questions about Trump.

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Trump 24/7.

Even the Long Island, serial killer knows d.t. bc he did work for him as an architect.

We are all ( 65 %) of the country over Biden & Trump but that's who the msm wants.

It's a ratings thing. 🙄

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Ann you clarify.. I hope thinking people adopt your position. Thanks Ann for zeroing In on the necessary

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Thank you so much for your insightful analysis! Hoping you are working on a new book. You always give a good “one, two punch “ in your columns. Did Mike Tyson give you any lessons?

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Former NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo actually called ICE "a bunch of thugs" during a televised debate in 2018: "Former "New York Gov. Cuomo Calls ICE “A Bunch of Thugs”," 8/31/2018.

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Six -- count ‘em, six -- of Ann’s questions for Democrats involve race.

The thing we’re supposed to ignore because it “doesn’t matter.”

And because Democrats are the real racists (DR3). Even though blacks have voted 9 to 1 for Democrats for DECADES.

As do the majority of all non-whites, no matter how wealthy, family-oriented, and capitalistically successful those non-white groups are.

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It doesn't matter what we do or talk about. Newsome is our next President.

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Well, as I have already stated in the previous post, there is so much corruption in the GOP, there is no way the overwhelming majority of GOP candidates can answer any of the twenty-five excellent questions Ann postures for them to consider. I hope I'm 100% wrong. I'd be hesitant to take off my tinfoil hat---I'm not putting down the cigar or coffee no matter what.

The leftist wants their opposition to virtue signal to the nation their worthiness by supporting their effort to destroy Trump. It's a ruse, designed to divide the GOP. Leftists know full well that republican candidates have enough political corrupt baggage in their histories that their opposition will lose votes no matter which why they respond.

If only the GOP candidates and voters could be lead like rats by the female version of the pied piper, Ann Coulter, and repeatedly ask the twenty-five questions relentlessly when questioned by leftists, I believe they wouldn't end up drowned in the polluted political river the leftist have created for them.

Perhaps, I should give up my cigar and my coffee, the caffeine and nicotine has combined to cut off the oxygen to my brain.... or has it?

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