Gemini's responses mirror those of so many on the Left, who have never read Ann's books or listened to any of her speeches in their entirety, and whose only understanding of her are the out-of-context snippets that legacy media puts forth as truthful examples of her statements when in fact they are lies...lies of fact and lies of omission.

It seems that, just as Snopes is completely biased and untrustworthy on any subject even vaguely tangential to politics or issues of the day, so also these AI systems may be worthwhile as a helper for small children searching for a name for a new pet but certainly not for anything of substance.

I'm old enough to remember in the early days of the internet, how spellcheck helpers for word processing programs were an absolute joke, and some still are. Programmers have apparently learned precisely NOTHING about the complexities of the world and are perfectly fine with unleashing AI systems upon the public that produce obvious, elementary falsehoods...but falsehoods that invariably align with Leftist/Marxist/Maoist ideology.

How many other industries wallow in ideological smugness and refuse to progress in terms of their thought processes? Only those that have replaced the search for knowledge and excellence by the search for ideological purity.

We live in a technological age that is shrouded in Darkness, and Ann Coulter is one of the very few beacons of Light.

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If an advanced AI program had been developed in 1936 Germany, the programmers would most certainly have tweaked responses to reflect a bias toward the social norms of NAZI Germany. In 2024 America, we’ve got young, woke, progressive Marxists involved in programming our advanced AI. Of course it’s going to be a shit show. I’d expect nothing less.

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Ha ha, Ann, I'm totally 100% good with crediting Mickey for this thread with Gemini (I prefer to keep a low profile) but that was my thread with Gemini that I linked in Twitter, and Mickey re-tweeted it (I'm @peegu36 on Twitter). It wasn't obvious from the link.... And yes, what doesn't come through in the retelling but was obvious at the time I was engaging in this inquiry was JUST HOW FAST Gemini is at.... admitting its incompetence, bias, and fraud when challenged. Just as fast as giving its original answers if not faster. Now I find that on inquiries with anything involving people, Gemini now states that it is not yet ready to handle people. You can also see in the thread with Gemini, that they go easy on Mickey and don't tar and feather him like they do you...obviously due to his better social credit score with Google.

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Oh boy. Deus ex Machina. The Morlocks are working overtime, bless their hearts. What's really scary is that there are a pretty good number of imbeciles who will actually lap this up and call it good.

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Has anyone asked Gemini to conduct a similar analysis of AOC, Talib and Omar?

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I expect Gemini is programmed to collect statements (not information, which it does not understand) from the mass of internet writers, and repeat these statements or possibly summarize them as "truth". Gemini then also gives preference to writers from some sources, and anti-preference to writers from other sources. So if (at least two?) preferred-source writers at some time said that Ann Coulter wrote "ragheads", then that becomes Gemini's statements, rather than searching all of Ann Coulter's writings (since these are non-preferred) to determine actual facts. Apparently Gemini does not understand the concept of actual truth, and does not know how to search for proof or refuting evidence of any statement, just repeating statements from preferred sources even if these are frequently false. Which pretty much makes Gemini useless for historical research.

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Mickey has obviously seen "The Ultimate Computer" Star Trek episode. Too bad he couldn't get Gemini to burn itself out. I have been saying it is automated plagiarism for a while now but as I said to some other writers on substack, it is apparently also automated libel and defamation. Chat whatever is just as bad- it thought renowned Yankee slugger Aaron Judge only had 74 career home runs and then fought me on it when I tried to correct it. I have heard now dozens lies, fallacies, etc. from and about many sources- this AI stuff is crap and just like in the Star Trek episode, as biased and wrong as its creators. Let's hope it doesn't wind up killing hundreds of people (or thousands or millions)!

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Apparently the same thing happened when Matt Taibbi checked to see what Gemini was saying about him.

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Let’s face it, if Ann was dressed like a Catholic school girl selling girl scout cookies in the church yard she would be painted a serial killer of Girl Scouts.

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Please someone tell Gemini, Ann was born at night but it was not last night! JustSaying!

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Mar 3·edited Mar 3

This is terrifying, the speed at which information fascism has permeated the internet.

I have no clue on how to fix this aside from somehow killing the hive mind, Borg web.

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Thank you Mickey! Now lob a few questions about Israel its way.

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The Genie (Gemini) is out of the bottle and now it will spread like a bad virus and nothing will be trusted unless we sit around the campfire and talk only with those who haven't looked at their phones in the last year. Matt Taibbi's account is just as bad or worse. I'm next oh well : ) F em

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Defamation lawsuit essential.

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Gemini just continues the mind-boggling, universe-defying perfect winning streak of supposedly "objective" outlets and platforms that just happen to perfectly mirror every detail of every leftist worldview.

Maybe the law of averages will kick in one day and we'll get a small victory, like like some cherished liberal position being called "controversial". Until then, it's total, Borg-like unanimity.

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Congratulations on 1,300 published articles. That is an impressive body of work.

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