“ Fight of my life….?”

That applies to kids with cancer , soldiers under fire , not to embezzlers.

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I'm sure it was the fight of her life. She probably fought like hell not to get caught. (Yet she got caught anyway, so she couldn't even do that right...)

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When it applies to embezzlers, it's a sign their lives are pretty worthless.

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One naturally wonders how many times this sort of thing will need to happen, whether it's brazen fraudsters, incompetent firemen and police officers, unskilled airline pilots, quack doctors or incapable airplane builders.

How many innocent people will be forced to needlessly die on the altar of liberalism?

How many excellent, brilliant people will have their careers and lives destroyed because their skin wasn't the 'right' color?

How many once-respected academic institutions will have their reputations wrecked...perhaps forever, because they embraced this cancerous, Maoist, DIE religion?

Respect is more valuable than gold, and it can't be bought. Industries and institutions that have aligned themselves with this madness may regret it one day but then it will be far too late.

And thoughtful people have been telling them what the consequences would be all along. Eventually, threatening to call someone a racist for daring to speak the obvious truth will cease to cause folks to retreat in a fearful silence, but it will be past time to fix things.

Ask any older Chinese person about Mao's Cultural Revolution. Ask them what the Red Guard did to China. There are many, many similarities to the DIE madness, and the results will be the same if we don't stop it, and soon.

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"How many innocent people will be forced to needlessly die on the altar of liberalism?"

With Mao alone, I think estimates run between 40 and 80 million.

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"Respect is more valuable than gold, and it can't be bought."

I don't see that having any impact on the people who are running the place. Keynesian economics was never anything but garbage, putting a veneer of academic respectability upon shabby redistribution, same with MMT. But between the two an ounce of gold that cost $20 a century ago now costs $2200; this of course reflects a demolition of purchasing power, a demolition of the value of labor, but the other day we were treated to Xiden's economic advisor struggling to explain how the gov't prints money and then lends it out to people.

Unless disrespect is punished, in economics, in medicine, in military, in law, in media -- as Bongino puts it, 'unless and until real world consequences are imposed upon dishonesty,' -- nothing is going to change.

The beauty of the Second Amendment is that you don't need it until they try to take it away. I hope everyone here has been honing their marksmanship / respect-withdrawal.

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Ann, she was just decolonizing Facebook and Nike's bank accounts. Facebook and Nike should accept their systemic complicity in this matter and engage in restorative justice by offering her another C-Suite position—perhaps Executive Vice President of Black Wealth Global Initiatives, Takeovers & Shakedowns—and issuing her a Mastercard Black Card along with the explicit encouragement of a welcome back card inscribed: 'Lies Without Limits.' As Henry Rogers (Wakanda name: Ibram X. Kendi) has made clear: the work is never done.

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She'll be available in just five-to-seven years.

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Another “unqualified-marginal -individual”, in a BS position… who thinks she can steal from a company who can use a computer model to project her every move. Dumb and stupid not a good combination. I’m surprised they had the guts to prosecute her.

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Come on Ann, "Fraud is Reparations!"

They can't all be burdened with getting their reparations through shoplifting and looting, some of them gotta take the high road!

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past couple of years I've noticed "Chief Diversity Officer" (CDO) role established everywhere in corporate America. Without checking i can almost bet you cannot be a white male to apply for such job. I believe they are mostly black female. If CDO is occupied by such type, then they are proving they are not diverse to begin with, among all other typical nonsense of this sort.

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Notice all the non-white actors playing in TV-ads? You can "thank" CDOs for that.

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"DEI" stands for:




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Awww...Facebook and Nike are getting the education that Steve Buscemi, Rick Moranis, Fran Drescher, hunderds of Asians, Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, and millions of post-integration white kids and adults have already experienced. Among others.

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Proponents of DEI are either delusional dolts or very clever Marxists.

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I'm shocked - shocked.

As for diversity, grifters gonna grift, right? Got to admire her ambition, though.

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She was just showing that Black Lives Matter!

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Another reason to hate Facebook.

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At the end of the day, DEI is a theft of shareholder wealth…at least she wasted no time and vectored directly to definitive theft.

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Diversity FTW!

It's our strength.

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Would enjoy seeing Ann interview one of these DEI's, if only for the laughs....LOL.

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Thank you Ann for an important update on the tentacled climate culture of diverse inclusivity at Facebook.

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