Excellent points from Bill Otis
For anyone who thinks a Harris presidency might not be so bad, compared to Trump.
Two paragraphs from a post on the substack, “Ringside at the Reckoning”
A time for choosing
Nov 03, 2024
[T]he best argument for a Trump victory is that it would be a rebuke and a setback to the virulently anti-American thinking that undergirds the Ruling Culture and — sometimes concealed and sometimes not so much — the dominant thinking in academia, journalism, and the Democratic Party. The problems with their anti-American worldview are, in extremely condensed form, three-fold. First, it’s corrosive, notwithstanding all Ms. Harris’s phony and cynical talk about unity. Second, it’s false — America is not a racist vortex; it’s an enormous force for good for its own people and for the world. Third, a country cannot long survive when ruled by people who hate it. Contrary to Obama and his acolytes, including Ms. Harris, American does not primarily need reformation to atone for its awfulness. Primarily it needs restoration of the values that have made in singularly great. It won’t get it from Trump, but it will come a lot closer than it will from Obama’s fourth term. …
[I]t is, ironically but precisely, the peaceful transfer of power that Trump’s indictments now put at risk. The entire, irreplaceable predicate of the peaceful transfer of power is the losing side's faith that the winning side won’t try to put them in jail. Any way you slice it, Trump's prosecutions — certain to endure if not multiply under a Harris Administration — endanger that predicate as never before in our nation's history, including the aftermath of the Civil War. (Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee were never tried for anything).
Otis also correctly refers to Lyndon Johnson as “probably the most awful President of my lifetime … who simultaneously accelerated a gruesome war he had no intention of winning and grossly expanded our morally and fiscally bankrupt welfare state.”
Read the whole thing here.
Another White man who can’t say “anti-white” once in his lengthy article, even though that is exactly what he’s criticizing the Democrats and the left wing for being, believing in and practicing.
And so we end up with euphemisms (“anti-American”), cavils and quibbles.
Always thought LBJ the worst President in my lifetime policy wise