I totally agree that he needs to endorse Lee Zelden.

Prayers that Republicans take both the house and the senate and actually get things done like impeaching the big guy & giggles.

The list is very long.

Too long to type.

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I'm a former Democrat.

These are not Democrats.

They are pushing socialism that has led to communism.

Tulsi Gabbard is the only decent Democrat.

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In a sane world, untold millions from ALL Parties would be storming the NY Governor's and Mayor's mansions demanding change. BLM/Antifa/CRT/Wokism would have been laughed off the public stage as utter lunacy years ago. But even at this late stage the Zeldin vs. Hochul race is VERY tight.


Initially the Mail refers November as a 'blowout' but later says:

"Despite the close poll, Zeldin's shot at the governor's mansion remains long.

Other recent polls showed Hochul with a comfortable, double-digit lead."

At least at this stage, New Yorkers don't appear to be taking this cataclysmic crime wave seriously, and seem content to watch NYC ...and many other Blue cities... literally collapse rather than rebel against the Woke & Leftist ideologies that are destroying the quality of life for decent people.

If Zeldin makes it in, and I hope he does, will he have a clear mandate from The People...and the needed Legislative support...to make real changes for the better?

I sincerely hope so, but I'm having difficulty finding numbers that suggest a massive public groundswell of sentiment in the direction of sanity. It appears that most Dems haven't had their fill of barking-at-the-moon crazy yet and are exhibiting a contentment in having their streets running with the blood of the innocent, and of (productive) people and businesses literally fleeing for their lives.

Yes, Paterson should endorse Zeldin and ESPECIALLY Democrats should embrace Zeldin...to send a clear message that they want their cities back. They need to make such feelings crystal clear, and SOON. My great hope is that these polls are all completely wrong and better times are indeed ahead for NYC as well as all of the USA.

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I forgot, why did he leave office?🙄

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It goes beyond Lee Zelden winning. Paterson has made the point I have been trying to make since I woke up [in the traditional way]. This is not a problem of just these times.....this is a problem of an over-reaching and lying Government.....no matter who is in charge.

A complete reset on what our governments at all levels do and how they do it....and how they are elected and how they stay in office....needs to be had. Or who cares if Zelden is in office.

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The way things are going the Republicans are going to just let the Dems solve the problems they themselves created, just like the’90s when Clinton and Co. got “tough on crime” after decades of mollycoddling criminals and subscribing to every bad idea to come out of a sociology department. They got to play hero while Republicans were busy chattering. They even managed to throw in some gun control and surveillance bills while half the party was napping.

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Thank you for follow up and your perspective on this illegal immigration migrant issue Ann.

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I appreciated Mickey Kaus' point that the media covered Martha's Vineyard with such vigor because the journalists prized the holiday locale.

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How about next up the LA City Council?

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Yeah, but you see, Ann, feckless, upper-middle-class white liberals don't feel guilty anymore, so that's progress. I'll admit that I was skeptical at first.

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I completely agree but he'd never go that far. Chastising his fellow liberal/progressive brethren is not beyond what is acceptable to them. But to actually endorse the only candidate who would change this situation for the good isn't even an option for him.

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