the FBI is just a brothel servicing the Democrat party...

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Ah. No.

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Ah. Yes. And you can add the CIA, EPA, DOE, DOL, and others to the long list of Dem caddies carrying their clubs.

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Am here. No again. But if you must blame the Democrats for something, point to public sidewalks, city councils, town meetings, public schools, 40-hour work week, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, science, public universities and community colleges, the Second Amendment, ALL the amendments, the Constitution, the First Amendment so can can say just about whatever idiotic thing you want, and, wait for it: DEMOCRACY. LEARN AMERICAN HISTORY.

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Feb 29·edited Mar 1

When I think of Democrats: slavery, Jim Crow, the Vietnam War, abortion, DIE, crime, poor public schools, high taxes, drugs, the global warming nonsense, gun control, cancel culture, affirmative action, reparations, intersectionality, virtue signaling, social credit scores, mandatory vaccinations, oppressive regulations, open borders, no bail-no jail, the BDS movement, BLM, Woke Kindergarten, The Rainbow, restorative justice, 100 genders, ESG Scores, critical race theory, deteriorating cities, the living constitution, big government and corruption come to mind.

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You make good points. Ain’t gonna debate you. Thanks.

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

You are welcome. Perhaps you can join us to reveal exactly what the Dems (and RINOS), along with their radical allies, have in mind for this country.

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Most here know American history. The US was founded as a republic, not a democracy. As Ben Franklin put it, "A republic, if you can keep it." Obviously, we haven't.

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I will keep living with the aspiration locked into the words "...a more perfect union.." None of us have to agree and debate is actually a good thing. But the extremes have become monsters. Wokeism, pro-Hamas idiots on some college campuses, just about anything Trump and his gaggle say, is crushing the dream we all have to live a life of joy to soften the sorrows.

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More blatant ANTI whiteness! It should be mandatory to have liberals live in a 3rd world country for a while so they'll get a true appreciation of the West or "whiteness"!

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Worked in a chain department store ages ago. Every single organized shoplifting raid was courtesy of Our Greatest Strength. Every. Single. One. They even had to permanently lock one of the direct entrances from the parking lot because the angles were too favorable for grab & dashes. I witnessed a few of them and what I remember most is the laughing. Always, always, laughing as they they grabbed dey Tommy Hilfigga and Ralph Loren sheeeeit.

Poor, poor darlings.

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Perhaps that's why the FBI is not more effective in stopping these organized shoplifters, i.e, the Bureau has a wrong description of the culprits.

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Finally, an advertisement that features nothing but White people…

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Damn that’s funny!

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I know there is a common theme here after watching these videos, still pondering what it is? hmm...

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Yep. Notice how every one of these stores make their merchandise highly visible with displays and lighting that more or less bait people into undocumented transactions?

Additionally, the manufacturers -- and even the retailers -- bombard the citizens of underserved communities with commercial messages that chip away at their self-esteem. Imagine what it must be like to be an urban single mother of four children and have your lifestyle invalidated by "He went to Jared!" several times per day.

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The videos have a lot of soul.

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It's an IQ test: one of these things is not like the others.

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The FBI has been a rogue outfit since inception. It’s likely worse today than it was when they had a perverted, politically-driven crossdresser at the helm.

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The headquarters still has J. Edgar Hoover name on it. He was first director of the BOI Bureau of Investigation in 1924 and led the new FB(eye) until May of 1972. 48 years. When President Johnson was meeting with MLK and signing Civil rights legislation he had Hoover spying on MLK and even a friend Aretha Franklin. Talk about no R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Wray got his start working for George W. Bush in 2003. Interesting very interesting .............. Hi Ann.

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I've heard that J Edgar's name remains on the building only because of pressure from the Hawaii Congressional delegation. Hoover (virtually alone) had tried to dissuade FDR from implementing Japanese-American internment. Even Hoover had his limits.

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It’s on there because the freaks honor and respect their fellow freaks. He’s an icon, someone to be looked up to and admired for his taste in fashion wear. An early pioneer, a trend setter you might say.

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But they won't even get the bottom of ORT considering what group is behind it. Not sure what the point of the tweet was.

Making us feel better?

Are they going to blame MAGA for it?

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This is DEI in action. No matter what the problem is white people are blamed. Just like when black gangbangers go on mass shooting sprees the media uses stock photos of white males so dullards think they are the only ones capable of mass shootings.

Congress should hold a hearing and demand that FBI director Christopher Wray show them stats proving that pretty white girls are responsible for the unprecedented retail theft the nation is experiencing. He and the FBI need to be exposed as the hyper partisan buffoons that they are.

There's also been an unannounced merger between the radical Jewish ADL and the FBI. Increasingly the FBI is becoming highly political and indistinguishable from the ADL who they work closely with.

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Respect is like gold, and at the top levels that the public sees the FBI has lost a great deal of it, if not all that they once had. The FBi has become so openly politicized that nothing other than a thorough housecleaning at all top levels will make it right again. How does a once-August agency come back from such gutter-level corruption as being the dirty tricks and Kerfluffle clean-up crew for the Democrat Party, entirely weaponized against anything that threatens powerful Leftists?

Long gone are the days of unimpeachable honor and respect, deserved or not, that the majority of the public held them in. Any future President who takes on the task of bringing back the FBI's golden glow will need to be scrupulously forthcoming regarding all of their corruption and missteps over the past decade or more, and put in place a series of powerful fail-safes that will prevent them from ever again being commandeered by any one political Party as their own personal cudgel against their enemies.

It will be a long and hard road for the many honest agents in the field who are utterly disgusted by what their once beloved Agency has become, but the sooner we start down that path, the better.

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Vivek Ramaswamy had the best solution, which eliminated most of the bureaucrats and kept the field people, I'm sure it's out there on YouTube.

Currently, Efrem Zimbalist Jr. is spinning in his grave.

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Feb 28·edited Mar 3

It's been my opinion for many years now that the FBI is a clear and present danger to civil liberties in America and are increasingly aligning themselves with the American left wing and Democrat party. It's time to consider massively defunding them and narrowing their scope of operations if not abolish them altogether.

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Thank you for being entertaining while being informative. When I took Urban Economics in the late 70's, the professor, who was black and from some African country, informed us that when the black population of a town hits 15%, white flight accelerates. I observed that firsthand in my town in Suffolk County, NY.

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DEI means whites get blamed for all the harms caused by "the diversity," while "the diversity" gets credit for everything good white people do (or have done). So they'll race swap Cleopatra and Hannibal, but they won't race swap Caligula or Stalin; however, future biopics of Idi Amin and Pol Pot will most likely depict them as white.

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I’m sure white fragility holds some responsibility for the actions of non white criminals.

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It's systemic racism! Report to DEI training. (I'll save you a seat!)

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Recall, too, that 911 was the era of the wall built by Jamie Gorelick that prevented CIA and FBI from sharing intelligence (using the word loosely).

That was neglect, at best; after the Patriot Act, law enforcement and intelligence was turned inwards, so it is not an exaggeration to say that Americans (especially the good kind: whites) are in greater danger now that they were when the administrative state staged 911 (as a pretext to implement the surveillance State). J6, anyone....? Trump trials....?

Trump's first act after taking his hand off the Bible must be to evaporate the CIA, FBI and DoJ (there are no Federal crimes listed in the Constitution), then move on to the EPA, DHS, TSA, ATF (combine the elimination of Federal law enforcement agencies with the distribution to NRA chapters nationwide the billions of rounds of ammo stockpiled by the monkey Obama).

Those billions of rounds could be, potentially or theoretically, loaded into all sorts of firearms that newly deputized citizens could use to round up (or round down if you get my drift) the millions of third world arrivals. Corpses could be piled up in the national forests that have been trashed with garbage and grafitti, as vultures, coyotes, etc, need to eat, too.

That is all.

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I agree with the elimination of TLI (3 letter initialization) agencies as unelected bureaucrats who have no right to create or enforce their own set of laws. That's the job of Congress.

However, there ARE 3 federal crimes listed in the Constitution: Treason, Piracy, and Counterfeiting. The feds should still enforce those, and leave to the rest to the Several States (9th & 10th Amendents).

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good catch.

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Oops, guess the DOJ should have the FBI arrest the counterfeiters at the Federal Reserve System. As G. Edward Griffin summarized it in The Creature from Jekyll Island, the Fed (which creates money from nothing) is private, not federal; it's not a system (but run from NYC and DC); and it has no reserves (but instead creates "money" from thin air). A great cartoon from decades ago showed two masked counterfeiters printing fake bills in the basement, one saying to the other something like "the local economy is about to get a much needed injection of liquidity."

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Hmmm... The libs, via media, depict everyone good as a "person of color" and everyone bad as white. They think their fantasy race-game is the solution. So how is that going? Stupid us for our primitive view that we simply need "law and order." Stupid us for thinking the solution to racial disparities in "crime" does not require race-based solutions. The fact is, the dems are right when they say we have systemic racism in the country. It is called the "DNC" - the org that sees and acts from a race perspective -- the definition of racism. How creepy.

Ann, thank you for putting a mirror up to their faces. They may not want to see themselves in the mirror but, no doubt, forcing the mirror on them is the right thing to do!!!

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