The media, “educators,” and above all, politicians have been in pretend mode for about thirty years. Ignoring the obvious racial and living circumstances has not improved minds or quality of life. When ignoring it didn’t work, politicians chose to attack law enforcement and the Courts to change the stats. If they’re not getting arrested or convicted, the problem disappears, correct? Ah, no, the problem is worse, and while there are high profile attacks against Whites and Asians, which the media desperately tries to suppress, unless a Daniel Penny attempts to intervene, most of the victims are Black and Brown. Btw, Trump fed into this narrative with his Leftist First Step Act. We need a Ron DeSantis to begin to unravel the lies and return to a civil society. We don’t have an over incarceration problem, we have a fantasy narrative about human nature that involves emboldening bad behavior by turning the other check and not imposing consequences. The Juvenile Justice System needs to be turned on its head with a failed privacy policy and coddled punishment. Drug dealers years ago deliberately used juveniles because they were actually manipulating that very system’s flaws, up to and including acts of violence.

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"Fifty years," but who's counting. 1970 was The Year of the Covert Liberal Public School Agenda.

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Nov 26, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

The euphemisms employed to describe feral non-whites is designed to make them look like blameless victims when they are nothing of the sort. But it's hard to have sympathy for a Jewish teacher who is (or was) a likely supporter of BLM, wokeism and "equity" (anti-white discrimination).

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Eaten by their own

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Only thing more delicious is the irony.

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Absolutely. The dems have perfected the "divide for political gain" technique. Sow discord, inflame racial hate, create victims out of thin air. Every dirty trick in the book.

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Btw, anytime they are wearing a mask, it means they are up to no good. Masks don't prevent covid.

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We are doomed as a country at this rate. Bringing this kind of hate into our schools and thus into our communities is horrific. This is the globalists wish. To tear down the societal threads that bind us. To eliminate our culture and our traditions Jihad

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The group support of the intolerance is striking and doesn’t seem appropriate for school.

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Is “lower primate” euphemistic enough?

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On a bright note, when the second civil war begins at least we will know who is on the other side.

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Maybe yes, maybe no. Remember that the ugly lumpenproletariat in the videos was assembled and weaponized as a pincer attack by some of the most sophisticated and urbane globalist billionaires, many of them at least officially supportive of Israel. The tail of the dragon can hurt you, but you don't save yourself by attacking the tail, or by getting yourself in the middle of a fight between two dragons.

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Oh, Apple of no one's eye, I loathe you. Let me count the ways.

It's more than OK in NYC to deny others the right of freedom of speech, freedom of association etc. What did they expect would come of their century-long campaign to force leftist backwardness and unwisdom on America?

Are NYC folks aware that no group has been more supportive of blacks and others, and for a longer period of time, than Jewish Americans?

Americans gold medal every week in The Most Astonishing Stupidity category.

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True that Jews supported blacks and others, but they did it because they viewed the white population as a greater threat to them. Blind self-preservation makes some people short-sighted. But more importantly, it was the whites themselves who passed the Civil Rights Act and set up the Civil Rights Commission that has been exploited to eviscerate our society. It was whites who repeatedly voted for Democrat politicians who pandered to black hatred of whites and imported millions of "immigrants" from the most backward parts of the world to increase Democrat political power. The Most Astonishing Stupidity Award has many contenders.

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In the “The Most Astonishing Stupidity, Historical Division,” what about the Southern White planter class which, already confronted with one bunch of indigenous red aborigines, decided it would be a good idea to transport millions of black African aborigines 3,000 miles simply to get free labor and free sex?

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It’s tough to be Jewish when you find out the people no longer consider you “Top Victim.”

After writing all those movies, giving all those lectures, building all those Holocaust memorials and museums -- to discover that somehow Arabs have supplanted you must be galling.

I guess it’s best to just look back with wonder and gratitude and say, “What a great run we had!”

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I like the one about the black lady in NYC (maybe Chicago) sitting on a bench, complaining that 'they' got 'our' turkeys, ie, the new arrivals lined up earlier.

Similarly a few years ago in the south, black parents were outraged that money that had been traditionally used for their grievance / education was now being diverted to spanish translators with which to help the new arrivals from further south.

All the Leftist factions WILL consume each other, it is only a matter of how long it will take and who will be left standing.

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Now we await her apology.

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.....if she wants to keep her job.

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“Safe-space seekers”

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Extra ! Extra ! "Hamas Gets Trump Elected"

The Global Conference for Israel meets this Thursday in Denver CO. Governor Jared Polis who is Jewish will give a speech that night. Pro-terrorist/Hamas/Palestinian groups will be protesting according to the Denver Post. On Sat. Dec. 2nd after going to their synagogues and talking with friends over lox and bagels I wonder if support of the Democrats will be brought up. I hope they have the Chutzpah.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"

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By the time it is over, deportation of illegals may be the least of it when the exile of undesirable citizens to a modern day Elba must be executed to restore civilization and preserve the constitutional republic.

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We were told they were unfairly surveilled and targeted by law enforcement and if they were treated fairly we would see what reliable, upstanding citizens they they would be.

I hate to say we told them so, but...........

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Have they considered “looting to liberate Palestine”?

It’s their preferred form of protest.

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Stay out of any place that has a black DA. They will always turn against you. Best is to no be in a black run city.

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When can we start calling them ""People Who Should Have Never Been Born?"

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