I’m with Ann! DeSantis is the only one I trust to build the wall and get this country back on the right path.

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DeSantis for president!

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I don't know why DeSantis isn't mentioning the 91 indictments. It's like everyone thinks the Democrats aren't going to put Trump in jail. They are literally trying to take his business from him in that "fraud" case where no one is charging that Trump defrauded them.

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Remember how we were warned about Totalitarians taking over? About what it would mean to individual rights? They're here now. And they are in charge.

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DeSantis is pussyfooting around Trump’s legal issues. He should just explain he can’t beat them all unless the prosecutors implode and they are working hard at that. The FL judge is not likely to incarcerate, though. The point is that Trump is reckless and the catalyst for it all. It’s almost as though he deliberately poked the bear or is just plain ignorant.

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Attacking Zion Don from the left is a bad strategy in any case, but you don't want to remind Trump cultists that he is being persecuted!

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"It's like everyone thinks the Democrats aren't going to put Trump in jail." They love Democracy so much they'll probably extradite him to Ukraine for the Gonzalo Lira treatment. They're good people.

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Actually, it was because they had Tom Brady.

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Tom goes to Tampa Bay and gets another ring. Vinny Testaverde was a Heisman winner who played in Miami and was the first-round draft pick of Tampa Bay. "Despite being in the top 10 upon retirement" in stats like 6th in passing, 7th touchdowns, " his 123 losses as a starting quarterback is an NFL record." I was at his first game in Chicago and with all the hype he choked. Maybe me and my buddy screaming "Vinny, Vinny." behind the Buccaneers bench got into his head. Ron's not ready for the big leagues Ann.

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Well said Ann Coulter

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Vivek 2024!

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Jan 14·edited Jan 14

No one has done a better job of articulating the plain facts than Vivek. But he can't produce a win at this stage. If any Democrat is elected President this year, they may never lose again. Everything is riding on the office this year. Your entire future is in the hands of the voters and none of us can afford to miss this last opportunity to stage a reversal of the DNC-Uniparty madness and sloth.

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Yep, agree. Mike Johnson is a great American and a rock solid conservative. He is very smart, articulate and a great face for our party. If he is deposed, we are truly lost.

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Good luck to you and Ron, Ann. But Trump is still the likely nominee. The D.C. swamp-Deep State-DNC-media conspiracy is so out of control that only Trump's chaos can take it on at this point.

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I like the theory, but if we are really worried about the “swamp” and the “deep state,” DeSantis is the clear choice.

I voted for Trump twice but have come to realize that his histrionics and constant unfiltered comments aren’t a substitute for determination and follow through.

He is lots of heat and much less light and much less of a true conservative than DeSantis.

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Mike Johnson is a good example of what would happen to DeSantis. True conservative and honest guy with the right intentions. But the people in opposition are pure evil and will wear you down relentlessly. Either Johnson or DeSantis would make a fine President in anything close to normal times. But these are anything but normal times. The greed for wealth and power in people like Pelosi and Biden knows no bounds. We need a war-time consigliere to defeat them once and for all.

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Thank you Ann. Never give up. Words to live by!🙂

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It's a terrible choice as far as I'm concerned, and Trump just has too many flaws to have earned my vote.

He'd be far less terrible than Biden, but he doesn't have the discipline or attention to detail that is required to make lasting policy changes, as DeSantis would have done. He cares more about insulting people on social media than he does about a conservative agenda. And I can't forgive him for allowing Fauci to shut down the country. That's just a deal breaker for me.

But many of my friends will vote for Trump and I respect their decision.

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Emotionally aside, we know and understand that, Constitutionally Donald Trump can run for President from prison, even as a convinced fellon. Though he could make a mockery of alt-left radical extremist weaponizing of the Department of Justice and govern as President from prison. He would likely simply grant himself a pardon, watch woke Democrats scramble heart-felt demand that the Supreme Court must weigh in on the situation. His own conservative packed court that, while having failed to legitimatize his cry-baby "stolen election" antics would, in this case have no choice but to overturn the guilty verdicts (in the interest of upholding the electoral process and the so-called "will of the people"). Which would give him instant credentials of having been "exonerated by the Supreme Court." As Ann just presented so eloquently - never giving up allows snatching victory... not just for DeSantis, but for Trump. He failed us once. He allowed leftist enemies of state to walk in and put the country at extreme risk (mostly due to the Biden administration open border policy) and now, even in the face of being hunted down as a wanted criminal, is poised to bring back victory from the debths of defeat. It's now up to us - the American voters. We can choose the Trump led Republican Party, the party of failure, or the party of evil - the Democratic Party which ushers in filth, degradation and the relinquishment of the normalcy and social order to the extent that we become not anarchy, but what's essential a Satanic theocracy. The choice is yours!

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At this point (post DeSantis dropping out) we're probably better off if Biden gets re-elected and the progressives continue to drive away the last remaining sane Democrats and piss off blacks over immigration.

Let Team Biden and AOC do the dirty work.

If Trump did end up back in office, it will just consolidate the left against a common enemy and we'll end up exactly back where we are today. Like Groundhog Day forever.

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Matt Ryan was never the same lol.

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I'd be on the next flight to Iowa for tomorrow's caucuses, but I pretty sure that would be illegal. -15F also sounds really uncomfortable.

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I am a DeSantis guy all the way. He was/is a great governor; he intelligently and forcefully debunked the Covid fear mongers and opened his state.

I care more about what you do than what you say at a campaign event or in a debate.

But the reality of politics is that you have to project some sort of charisma and decisiveness. He is the not the same guy in debates (for the most part) that he was in pandemic and hurricane press conferences. His meek raising of his hand in support of Trump in the first debate was indicative of this.

Also, he needed to go scorched earth v. Trump from Day 1. I don't think it would have made a difference, but at least you go down fighting. Trump has never passed up an opportunity to insult and lie about him....trying to win over the Trump supporters by not going after Trump was a failed strategy.


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So now that desantis is out, are u sitting this election out?

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I can't vote for Trump. Not just because he is a repulsive person, but because he let Fauci run the country. He didn't get the wall built. Yes, the economy was good, he appointed good Justices (any Rep. would have) and he was stronger presence on the world stage than Biden (a very low bar). Reasonable minds can tell me I'm crazy.

I think Biden will beat him. The polls now mean nothing. By November he will be worse than Hitler in the eyes of the media. And he gets out Dem votes like nobody else.

My hope is that the Reps win the House (with more than a margin of five) and the Senate, and that Biden has another feckless four years without totatlly ruining the country. And maybe somebody like Glenn Youngkin wins in 2028 as a result.

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So you're willing to put up with four more years from a senile man who hasn't put America first? He will make America a third world country!

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