Still amazes me anyone supports Democrats, who have gone completely Mad as a Party.

But here we are, praying God will save us from ourselves. Again.

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Put a clown in a palace and he does not become a king; the palace becomes a circus. Here we are.

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As the West and the world continues to darken, thanks to global confiscation and redistribution, all of these problems will get worse. Politics, elections, politicians... this is all prestidigitation intended to distract the masses from the real trick that's occurring behind the scenes, and that is the wholesale replacement of Whites worldwide. The tipping point has been passed, so there's no hope that "democracy" can reverse this. Anyone who understands exponential growth know that the West is doomed. This video sums this up nicely: https://rumble.com/v4pynur-the-collapse-of-western-civilization.html.

There's only one way to reverse this catastrophic trend now, and that is through the free market. https://childfreebc.com/candidates. Would be cool if Ann would offer her thoughts on this; she's never one to shy away from contraversy.

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We have wide open borders because the rich want to flood the labor market and drive wages down to third world levels. Lets get our priorities straight what’s more important the survival of western civilization or bill gates screwing Lupe the maid out of a raise? The same thing happened at the end of the Roman Empire

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Ann hits the mark again. The problem is that the country has been taught that western civilization is morally reprehensible and half of them seem to believe it. Westerners apparently brought disease to Indians (I say Indian because without a couple of Italian guys this place wouldn't even be called America and was not America when the Asians who settled here were its only inhabitants) - how awful! Indians savagely scalped and murdered Europeans = just desserts! Why if we just left them alone they would have put a man (or better yet, a woman!) on the moon years before us! The only bad slaveowners were white southerners. Not the ones in Africa who sold their fellows into slavery or those folks like Kamala's ancestors in Jamaica or the Chinese or everyone else in the many places in the world that still have slavery. But like I said, half the people believe this stuff apparently and are willing to support two people competing for Moron of the Century for President and VP.

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Ann: “and by ‘implausible’ I mean ‘completely retarded.’"

Thank you, Ann, for unreservedly using the ‘r’ word BECAUSE IT FITS LIKE NO OTHER.

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Just what America needs a self-proclaimed knucklehead a heart beat away from being president.

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You mean the guy who went to China 30 times and in his mug shot from being busted speeding at 95 mph and drunk in the 90s wearing what looks like Mao's hat with John Lennon round glasses? (The Daily Beast has the mug shot and ticket) The guy that puts his hands in a prayer clasp and then bows to the audience. Call me Joe McCarthy but if there ever was a Manchurian Candidate Walz is it. Had to throw out my Tiger Balm after reading this, thanks Ann.

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The greatest thing I have ever read.

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Great column. When's the next book?

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16 hrs ago·edited 16 hrs ago

Excellent article Ann! Every single progressive solution towards social problem not only failed to deliver on its promises, but created the whole slew of new, unforeseen social problems in America. For example, "War on Poverty" prompted millions of Black women to breed as many out of wedlock children as possible so they could get more foodstamps from the government. That's how we got the underclass of criminals. Gun Control laws (as part of war on crime) only disarmed law-abiding citizens, not violent offenders. Democrat solutions for racial integration (School Busings and Housing Projects) forced millions of white people to move to the Suburbs taking their taxes with them. As result once prosperous cities turned into post-apocalypse, zombie ghost towns.

Yet, despite all those miserable failures, Democrats keep pushing for the same criminal policies. The question is why? To answer this question, one needs only to read the ideologues of the modern Left and their sheer hatred towards Western Civilization. The best way to destroy the West is to implement those exact policies. Democrats already achieved that goal in every major city in America, now they planning the same fate for the rest of the country. Democrats are not stupid, they're evil.

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My dear sweet Ann: You are always brilliant and insightful in your analysis, and the humor and irony always comes through powerfully!.

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Ann does not understand what Walz and every housewife understands.

If you have a carton of rotting apples and a carton of good apples, what you do is you mix the rotten apples with the sound apples. That way, the good apples will transform the rotten apples and make them good again. Walz understands that this is also the solution to crime. You mix the criminals up with the law-abiding people and the law-abiding people will magically transform the criminals into good ctizens.

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Most liberal insanity is fueled by the fact that these notoriously tightwad tools have carte blanche to fund their lunacy with other people’s money.

Somehow these personally parsimonious "public servants" have driven the nation bankrupt; lived entire lives on the government payroll and become multimillionaires.

To add insult to injury, Walz has done it wearing clown suits 2 sizes too small and exhibiting every genuflection, tic and passive-aggressive deficiency consistent with a borderline total testosterone deficiency in one’s physiology.

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Ann writes things that make me angry but that are still fun to read...

btw, I'm SOOOO sick of the outright LIES from the Democrats and their media.

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The more power the Dems get and the increasing moronic ideas emanating from mouths…. the closer I feel we get to virgin rape plan.

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😉 we love you

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Yes, she's got balls. Send her to the underground, even though we ain't shit, but we got some zingers for her. Pour her a Jack and coke. She's qualified to hang out with the men!!! (All the men at the bar nod) Gotta have a shot of Anne.

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