Democratic Judges: Dress Code at Private Charter School = UNCONSTITUTIONAL
They're coming for Girls bathrooms next!
A private school’s requirement that girls wear skirts is sexist, triggering, unsafe and unconstitutional, say 9 judges appointed by Democratic presidents — plus one George W. Bush appointee. All Republican appointees on the the 4th Circuit, but one, dissented.
Here’s the one, Bush judge, Roger Gregory:
But it was all worth it when W. swept the black vote three years later!
[Black vote for Bush, 2004: 11%]
From The New York Times:
** How does the school even know what gender the girls are? Are they BIOLOGISTS?
** Whereas having the big, bad federal appeals court step in to rescue girls from the “devastating consequences” of having to wear skirts doesn’t make girls look like delicate flowers at all.
** And, once again, only the very rich, who have enough money to forswear any government aid, will be able to escape the NO GENDERS lunacy of the left.
Elections have never mattered so much.
"** How does the school even know what gender the girls are? Are they BIOLOGISTS?"
First laugh of the day~~~~~~~~)
As Ann says, only the very rich stand some chance of avoiding the tyranny of government. Assuming this decision stands, where does this line of reasoning end? Would a public school or charter school receiving federal funds be prohibited from requiring teenage girls to wear bras (the male classmates say "cool")? Bras differentiate girls from boys and "stigmatize" them, n'est ce pas? How about just being called a girl? Ouch, I am harmed for life. Why can't we all just be people? Flip this around and if boys cannot wear bras and earrings and use tampons then they are aggrieved, too. Governmentally required "weirdo city."