May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

Neely said he didn't care if he got life in prison.

Do you know who gets life sentences in NY? Murderers.

Neely announced that he did not care if he murdered one or more passengers. He was not deterred by the prospect of life imprisonment. He was ready to accept the consequences of his violent actions. So should we.

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"Alas, Neely died in the skirmish." No, he didn't. Neely was still alive when custody was given to the police. I do not know his actual cause of death, but he was not choked to death while being held by the subway passengers.

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

Toxicology reports pending. I wouldn't be surprised if this hungry, impoverished, homeless dude had enough discretionary income to purchase illegal drugs. We shall see.

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George Floyd had enough drugs in his system to kill a moose. But he was sold as a victim and martyr. Everything depends on the races of the people involved. This the real institutional racism. A holy war on Caucasians.

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In this constantly evolving regime of "the rule of law" versus "the unwritten rules" , where we are now is that black criminals are sainted and can do whatever they want, and whites will be crushed for trying to stop them. That's obvious.

So, the question then becomes- What will happen after another year or two of this? And what will "the unwritten rules" be then?

I say this because the entire reason that "vigilantism" is illegal, is because there is supposed to be a "rule of law" that supplants it's necessity, but when that is no longer true, are we going to be forced to basically "Wild West" our way through life? Literally having to shoot and kill people, at every turn, just to maintain our own safety?

You can't make a society suffer constant, random, violent crime, at every turn, especially by only one race, without there eventually being a very harsh backlash!

Our "leaders" need to re-watch the movie "Gangs of New York", and remember that one spark, can turn a society into murderous mob, and then, there is no way to stop them, it's a forest fire that can only be allowed to burn itself out.

"One Spark", and right now, we are grinding steel above a a fuel tanker filled with gasoline.



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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

"I say this because the entire reason that "vigilantism" is illegal, is because there is supposed to be a "rule of law" that supplants it's necessity, but when that is no longer true, are we going to be forced to basically "Wild West" our way through life?"

That is the fatal flaw of Western Civilization; when the gov't doesn't hold up its end of the social contract, law abiding citizens are hooped.

The rhetoric in this scene is spot on.


Is it right or wrong that they attacked the grocery store?

What if it had been an NRA chapter that gathered, not skinheads?

LEO who come to arrest the likes of Perry need to be met by a skirmish line of armed citizens who are sick of the good guys being charged.

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I heard that society failed Neely. Still puking!

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...so to even the score, they will fail the white boy Daniel Penny.

That is what all this has become [from the gay movement to BLM to immigration]. They have distorted all these commendable causes to get what they really want -- revenge followed by destruction.

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Well Ann, I am sure that you and Heather MacDonald can feel his pain. Your every effort to save modern young women from constant humiliation is met with similar scorn. No good deed goes unpunished. NYC is no longer safe for caucasians. You can fully expect to be railroaded by a Soros-funded D.A. for the crime of 'defending yourself while white.' Stockholm syndrome is now mandatory in all Blue states.

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Thank you for follow up news re: crime. This is heartbreaking. When did defending one’s space and country get to this point?…as the border is flooded….with fentanyl……and Lord knows what else..As I once heard, “The process is the punishment..” If one is actually a US citizen (or not) we are being punished for lack of solid USA leadership. Thank you for keeping this story in the forefront of news and information Ann.

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Fox, WSJ and Twitter [Elon] have surrendered. The left's victory is so near-absolute that those three businesses may not even wave the white flag since that would trigger the the very thing they are hoping to avoid, virtual execution. The only reason Ann and folks like us are still allowed to express the truth as we see it is because the vast majority are made uncomfortable by truth and do not want to hear it, and the left knows this fact perfectly well. But sooner or later, the left will send out an underling to put us down.

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May 16, 2023·edited May 16, 2023

There were 37 Black on White homicides in the month of March 2023 alone. How many of them received anything close to this viral media attention and publication. White Lives Don't Matter.


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There isn't a jury in NYC that'll convict him. That's why the lawyers raced to sign him up.

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I hope you are right. The political pressure on jurors will be intense. It has worked before to intimidate jurors.

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Just as crazy...it is not legal to ship pepper spray to NYC although if you can get your hands on some you can use it but you will probably be prosecuted for that.

A government that can't and won't protect its citizens, then makes it illegal to protect oneself.

And you get taxed to death for the privilege of being a gazelle surround by predators.

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"A government that can't and won't protect its citizens, then makes it illegal to protect oneself."

This is, sooner rather than later, going to piss someone off so bad that they go postal. Like Tucker said, 'you can't keep pushing people into a corner with no escape and expect them to just take it, it IS going to backfire.'

Between Trudeau conquering free speech and carbon taxing the nation to death, Biden deliberately flooding the country with third world garbage (add a drop of sewage to a vat of wine, you have a vat of sewage), and now the fuckin Fed saying they are going to go ahead with digital currency, the branch is being sawed pretty close to the breaking point.

Bring it on.

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Not to mention that just this weekend a CT US Senator and Planned Parenthood called for the equivalent of sedition if they could not get their respective ways with “gun control” and abortion. Funny how the left always looks to violence and overturning status quo to get what they want while, along with the RINOs, they label perfectly normal people who see through their bullshit as domestic terrorists for just telling them to fuck-off.

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