An excellent and essential column, Ann!

For decades I've been astounded that so many Americans (and Europeans) vacation in Mexico regularly when we have so many beautiful places right here in America they can go to. It's sometimes hard for me to process the apparent reality that the combination of cheap hotels, cheap booze and cheap hookers are so much of an overwhelming draw that they're more than willing to roll the dice over coming home safely versus contracting Montezuma's Revenge or winding up hacked to pieces and sealed in an oil drum somewhere under the Mexican desert landscape.

This is yet another in the long, long lists of indictments of legacy Western media, that they are so utterly terrified of being called 'racist' for honestly reporting on the regular horrific crimes in Mexico that they will simply ignore it all for the most part, and in so doing people are lulled into the idea that vacationing there is just as safe as going anywhere else. Your relentless hammering on immigration issues as well as Mexican crime is sincerely appreciated but I do wish that far more people would hear your words. Vast numbers of people are needlessly dying over this.

As to America's involvement in overseas wars, it seems that most of it is entirely profit-driven. With such vast sums of money in the balance, only leaders who are pure of heart can stop it.

I pray that Ron DeSantis is such a leader.

DeSantis / Coulter 2024

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Your analysis is spot on. However with the current leadership in the military, it would be a miracle if they could even take over a local Taco Bell.

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Something else Trump made even worse. If DeSantis is the nominee, we have a good chance of winning a Republican House and Senate. And unlike Trump, DeSantis won't waste a GOP legislature on Paul Ryan's tax cuts.

Then we can have a real military again and not a welfare program paid for out of the Pentagon.

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I like Ron, but the powers that be (Dems Rinos Deep State media etc) keep pushing Trump to set him up as the straw man to lose to Biden in November. Then they will explain why a brain dead quahog would obviously win against a convicted insurrectionist.

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This is Ann Coulter at her very best, on the warpath and not taking any prisoners.

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A war with Mexico would put multiculturalism in America to the test. It will test the loyalties of Mexican Americans who we are told are more American, more moral and work harder than descendants of the Anglo-Saxon and European settlers. Given how many Mexican flags I see in predominantly Mexican neighborhoods I think we already know the answer.

Ann left out the part in Mein Kampf where Hitler believed the British Empire was important to world stability and that he was willing to make the German armed forces subordinate to them. But in our infinite wisdom Britain and America decided that Stalin, who killed, imprisoned and starved far more people than Hitler before WWII started, was a lesser evil than Hitler. Ole Winnie was also an admirer of Hitler and wrote favorably about him when he was a journalist.

So Great Britain helped "win" WWII but lost their empire in the process and became Little Britain where London is now a third world hellscape. Half the world was languishing under communist tyranny until 1991 and now America is undergoing a Bolshevik revolution of its own under the name of wokeness.

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Nice to see the old Ann back. Great column!

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That is a fantastic article. I have been saying this for over 20 years. Somehow math and common sense do not matter. We spend trillions overseas but somehow it is had to find 10 billion for to build a wall and it is somehow it is unthinkable to treat the cartels like terrorists.

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Excellent article Ann! It's interesting how the very same Democrats who want to disarm law-abiding citizens over 400 mass shooting victims, killed each year by criminals, yet won't do a thing over 100,000 Americans killed by opiates that come across the Mexican border.

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I believe to get control of the border, we first need to get control of the politicians. How about we start a campaign to unionize the conservative electorate. There's power in numbers, right? Do you think we could get a million people in every state who would agree with our immigration demands? All politicians care about is power. I believe 50 million votes would at least get their attention.

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mexican cartels aren't a threat to the Deep State.

Tim McVeigh and Marvin Heemayer are. I support the emergence from the shadows of thousands of Tims and Marvins and their thousands of guns with millions of rounds of ammunition, forced out of the barrels of well regulated semi automatic sporting rifles. I'm no gun expert; semis throw more lead downrange, but my bolt action .223 can reliably hit within 1" at 100 yards and 1.5" at 150.

I also think that every law enforcement officer should have to do a stint in the Mayerthorpe Alberta detachment (look it up). 5 showed up, 4 assumed the temperature of the snow bank into which they fell.

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Always made smarter by your ability to cut through the nonsense on policy issues. There are few places in our American reality more defined by nonsense than our pretend borders, passivity with narcoterrorists, and willingness to let America's drug user cartel continue funding the mayhem. There is no meaningful accountability with any of the three, and without it, our ongoing failure is assured. Thank you for continuing to hammer on the truth...

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When a nation’s ruling elite succumbs to the allure of empire, its focus turns outward to the opportunities and adventures there, rather than to the parochial concerns of the bitter clingers at home. After all, when the world is your oyster, why settle for meat loaf?

Conservatives acquiesced to the US assuming leadership of the free world in 1947. They turned their backs on the lessons of Athens and Rome, democracies and republics which died after imperialism won out.

Ever since Vietnam conservatives have asked for smaller, limited government, somehow ignoring the obvious: you can’t run a world-spanning empire from 50 state capitals. So the central state continued to grow and the homeland deteriorated.

Today we see the butcher’s bill for endless war and empire in our cities and Rust Belt. We also see it in our alienated DC elite that despises its own core population and will not defend it.

They’ve even forgotten another Roman lesson: Don’t let the barbarians cross the river.

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Let's storm down to Mexico and make them change their pronouns! That'll teach them!

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Thank you for follow up story on crime Ann. Land locked geopolitical crime waves pouring across the U.S. border is frightening. As is flying into our country from up north and the Canadian border. Frightening. Invasion. Yes. Thank you for the link info of Gov DeSantis immigration plan. Focused and solid.

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So Miss Coulter you ask, “Exactly how much do our elected representatives hate us?”

I’m not so certain that “hate” is the operative term...it’s more like how subhuman do our overseers think we are?

We (the normal masses) have been lied to and disrespected since at least the Gulf of Tonkin fantasy.

Like pack mules we do have a purpose...just ask any dork like Paul “Eddie Munster” Ryan and he will tell you, “Just shut up and pay your taxes.”

How else can the Beltway stooges and their handlers keep getting rich by destroying our beloved republic....

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What about the Regan Administration ignoring the pleas from the Americans on the ground in Beirut? They sent solid evidence to our government during the 80's that Iran was funding Jihad. I can't believe that dirt poor men living in a garage were able to come up with the funding to bomb the American Embassy and those Military bases. The Iran Arms Embargo. We were selling guns to Iran using the money to fund the Nicaraguans in their fight against the Sandinistas. All that Cocaine flowing up to the USA from South America. The birth of the Cartels. Well you know what Nancy says. Just Say No! Oh the 80's.

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The divine and magnificent Ann Coulter on The Mark Simone Show - (9-6-2023)


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After the first Republican debate, I watched a review of the debate on local Fox News out of Phoenix, Az. They discussed Christie, Ramaswamy, and other candidates, but I don’t think they even acknowledged DeSantis. This was disappointing because I support Ron DeSantis for President.

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Ann oh Ann what would we do without you

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