Ann, how could you in good conscious allow Cenk in the same room as you. Good luck !! You won't need it.

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Bari Weiss and her crew are doing some good work. I am not surprised that they invited you. I have heard you debate in terrible conditions and kept your composure and made your point very well. I am guessing it will be filmed for later viewing.

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Sorry, can’t make it but kick their butts Ann !!

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I can’t WAIT to see you slay yet again on this crucial subject you’ve proven to have mastered time and time again. Toi toi toi!

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You go, girl.

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We've all seen how Cenk 'debates' in these occasions. especially against Ann. So expect more pathetic ad hominem attacks against his opponents and a complete avoidance of the subject at hand.

The very notion of a 'bad faith' debater is personified by Cenk.

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Thank you for raising awareness of the importance of legal immigration in our country. Agree— Kick their butts and You go Ann!!

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You and Bari Weiss are two of my favorite people in the world. Cenk is a waste of time, but I suppose in the interest of "balance" he will be there wasting everyone's precious oxygen, but it'll be a fun roll watching it (I'm a subscriber to TFP as well). I know there will be no prisoners.

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Got my tickets. Looking forward to Coulter on offense with a subject which has been her existential passion even prior to Adiós, America. This will be a fact filled onslaught to thwart the invasion threatening the future of The Founders’ USA

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Please slaughter that stammering, irrelevant pig with your wit, Ann. Then go and do the same to Joe Scarborough, please.

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Please make the video recording available at substack....I'm in NY and can't attend...

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Spare me.

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Cenk Uygur is simply an apologist for both Islamic Hamas type barbarism and BLM-Antifa style domestic terrorism. He doesn't have the skills or logic to do anything but parrot woke-radical talking points without and basic understanding what what he's actually saying or what the real world around him clearly shows.

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And he's been a genocide denier in the past (the Armenian genocide, that is), naming his TV show after the perps (The Young Turks).

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Will you put it substance for those that are unable to attend?

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Libertarians are cuckoo.

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I sure wish I could come see the debate; if I lived in Dallas or anywhere near the area (or even if I could travel there), I would. But unfortunately, I live in the Bay Area of Crazyfornia (the absolute pigsty of illegal immigration--and other problems, courtesy of Gavin Newsance...)

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