Obviously, if one cares about "the rule of law". "legal precedent", and any sense of prosecutorial SOP, this entire event was, to say the least, a disappointing outcome, however, just like with the lunatic E. Jean Carrol stretched statute of limitations, and sham trial, this does help fully illuminate just how far they will go, and the rules they will bend/break, to get there, just to preserve their stolen power.

And sure, it'll work in the short term, and it might even have some legs in the medium term, but it's not gonna fly in the long term, and everybody with any sense at all, knows this!

Love it or hate it, but our society is held together by the thinnest sinew of presumed credibility; A veneer of fair play, equal justice, and a near make-believe presumed- honest house of gambling, whoredom, and debauchery. We all know that it's a shitty, on the edge of town, low rent casino, of dubious character and practices, but it's the shitty little casino/whorehouse/beer joint that we accept.

But as soon as people realize the games are rigged, the hookers are imported Thai he-shes with the clap, and the liquor is bathtub gin that leaves you blind... well, there is no longer the veneer of legitimacy, and you might as well punch the bartender, slap your waitress, shoot the hookers, and smash a bottle of booze into the mirrors behind the bar and light the place on fire, laughing as you ride off into the sunset!

Well, Americans are seeing what a slipshod, crooked, unlicensed, cockroach infested, shithole jip-joint they are sitting in, and once that reality sinks in fully, the jig is up!

If I may quote the immortal Walter Sobchak- "Has the whole world gone crazy!? Am I the only one around here who gives a shit about the rules!?"


Note to the uninitiated- This is a league game, so mark it zero, or you are entering a world of pain!

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"They're calling the cops, man, put the piece away."

I especially liked the suppressed evidence that erotomaniac E. Jean Carrol displayed in that video where she painted all the trees and rocks blue outside her nuthouse. Should have taken her cat with her to Bergdorf Goodman so's Trump could grab her by the Vagina T. Fireball.

What a complete set of looneys. Even the animals aren't running this zoo, no one is.

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Son of a bitch…Just when I thought I was out (over Trump), that D(umb). A(ss). Bragg pulled me back in!

I’m not forgiving Trump for breaking most of his campaign promises but I hate Banana Republics more than braggadocious little lies.

Besides, the night he wins, I’ll be in my favorite neighborhood bar washing down a StoneBurger with some bubbly and laughing my ass off with the troops as we watch liberal heads exploding…a patriot’s favorite entertainment.

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Would THAT be sweet.

If it happens…

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The stuff of prayers and miracles!

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Generally speaking, “Normal Humans”, have a healthy distrust of lawyers and politicians. The engineering of this Frankenstein case is a premier example for this distrust. The celebration of the verdict will be short lived, the Democrats have no foresight… Perhaps they only look like human.

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34 counts at 4 years each - whew! They can put a man in jail for life and they don't even need a black man to overdose on drugs to do it - poor George Floyd overdid it. These show trials are amazing...

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“Read the whole article here.”

No, I’d rather not. I don’t give a tinker’s damn about his fucking article.

All I want to read about are the indictments of every Democrat we can get our hands on.

I want to read about statutes of limitations being extended or abolished so we can get every high-level Democrat in the country frog-marched, preferably after a 5 AM SWAT team raid on their houses, complete with strip searches for weapons -- on camera.

One thing I don’t want to see and hear are clowns like Ted Cruz or Rick Scott going on Fox News and pretending they’re talk-radio hosts, not senators, poking holes in the air with their fingers.

This is war. They declared it. It’s time to give it to them, good and hard.

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raid their fuckin houses, drag them out and put them on a plane to Gitmo. Maybe putting them on the tennis court with no shade and no water will be a good thing. Maybe a couple of the planes crash in the ocean.

Maybe a few hundred thousand enterprising NRA members can start picking off judges and congressmen and secret service agents while they are protecting Xiden (and then move on to Xiden).

Put Eisen and Schumer and Elias in front of a set of doors, one says freedom, one says showers.

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The American Revolutionary War was a pivotal moment in history, marked by guerrilla warfare, ambushes, and sniping tactics. Timothy Murphy, an Irish-American soldier, is often credited with changing the course of the war with his exceptional marksmanship. As a rifleman and expert sniper, Murphy played a crucial role in the Battle of Saratoga, where he allegedly killed two British generals at a distance of 300 yards.

Sniping was not a new concept during the American Revolution. American marksmen had employed tactics similar to modern-day sniping, taking well-aimed shots at officers and enemy positions. The British, on the other hand, relied on traditional musket fire, which was less effective at long range.

Snipers like Murphy and others played a significant role in the war, using their skills to pick off enemy officers and disrupt enemy formations. This unconventional warfare tactic allowed American forces to gain an advantage on the battlefield, as British troops were often caught off guard by the sudden and unexpected loss of key leaders.

The Battle of Saratoga, fought in 1777, is often cited as a turning point in the war. Patriot snipers, including Murphy, are credited with playing a crucial role in the battle, using their marksmanship to target British officers and disrupt their command structure. The British defeat at Saratoga led to a shift in the war’s momentum, ultimately contributing to the Continental Army’s victory.

The American Revolution was indeed a sniper’s war, with marksmen like Timothy Murphy employing unconventional tactics to gain an advantage on the battlefield. Their skills and bravery helped to change the course of the war, ultimately contributing to the Continental Army’s victory and the birth of the United States of America.

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I originally misread his name as Timothy McVeigh, who should have been made President if for no other reason than he only got 168 of them and not 900 if he had waited for the building to fill a little bit more.

There is no fucking way that America votes its way out of what it has turned into. Xiden turns back and smiles when a reporter asks him about Trump claiming to be a political prisoner. If that isn't a middle finger to at least half the country, combined with his previous comments about not being able to take out the gov't with AR15s because the gov't has F15s.... this is about ruling, not governing.

He and the monkey Obama (pulling strings) will not stop being a threat until their carcasses hang, headless, from the nearest light pole. Whether that happens by virtue of a rural marksman or the verdict of a court is what remains to be seen.

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Possibly the most blatant example of lawfare since Beria's "Show me the man and show you the crime." It's not coincidental that this trial turned out to be just another socialist poker game. Exceeding the statute of limitations, inflating misdemeanors into felonies, a state filing federal charges even the feds wouldn't file, not explaining what other charges were until the show at the end of the hand.

I have to assume those who are swayed to not vote for Trump now constitute our national percentage of low information (no information?) voters. 17%? You'd have to function at 2nd grade level to miss the point in Bragg's 3-card monte of a trial.

So yes, it'll be overturned (unless the judicial system as we know it has passed away), but the chattering pieholes on MSM will have their precious "convicted felon" phrase, which they'll trot out after every commercial break from here until November 4th.

I was toying with the idea of voting for Kennedy, but I've now I've switched gears. I'm voting for the republican Nelson Mandela, Donald Trump.

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Well Folks, if we ran Nuclear Power plants, at sea and onshore, like the American Judicial System appears to be operating in New York, we would be in for some terrible results. (Full Disclosure: 50+ years in Nuclear Power, zero as a Lawyer)

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Glaringly reversible error. Trump wins on appeal.

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I don't think this changes anything. Voters are dead set for their man this cycle.

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Thank you for this perspective Ann. Must work hard to digest the content appropriately and the rules of reason.

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Darn, I first read this as Coulter and was hoping for something juicy, but it's Honig -- (Disclosure: Both Bragg and Trump’s lead counsel, Todd Blanche, are friends and former colleagues of mine at the Southern District of New York.)

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I don’t want to hear these FNC cable news heads “analyzing/commenting/forecasting” anything at all. I’m sick of them. All they do is remind me of how our world is going to hell and there’s absolutely NOTHING we can do about it.

Okay Oklahoma/Texas/Louisiana - drag Mayorkass into court for human trafficking and convict him. Then maybe I’ll watch cable news again.

Spare me how many tens of thousands of criminal illegals are crossing the border, how many people died at the hands of Venezuelan thugs, how many police have been prosecuted for doing their job, how a few parents booed the trans athlete over the roaring cheers of the woke parents, just STOP. I don’t care.

I’m watching the weather channel

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This guy is embarrassed because he is a lawyer. He cites the money given to Democrats from 2020. The judge gave way more than $35 and this lawyer knows it. This isn’t an ‘error’ by the court or jury.

An ‘error’in baseball terms is when a player attempts to make a play but fails in that attempt. This is not an error, it was deliberate. This reversible error is not an ‘error’ in applying the law. It is malicious prosecution. Making up a crime. That’s it. In the Duke lacrosse case the DA brought charges knowing the accused were innocent and he was fully prepared to have the result reversed but he did it anyway. What he didn’t anticipate was his own jail time, which was the only justice done in that case. The people who brought this case are evil and they are criminal and they should be prosecuted.

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Then there's Letitia James!

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I’m worried for our country if this verdict is not overturned!

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The Dems finally found someone they want to put in jail.

If Republicans had any balls at all, courts across the country would be flooded with local prosecutor indictments of every elected Democrat everywhere.

That's the only way out of this - courts in places where people work for a living and know which bathroom to use need to start dragging the Pelosis and Obamas of the world in to answer every charge we can think of, real or otherwise.

Nothing will change until this happens.

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