I remember walking to my office from the PATH train in NYC. There were always quite a few homeless people around, but one in particular struck me. He had his stryrofoam cup out for change, but he had a look on his face like he'd just given up. I kept thinking that the people putting change in this homeless guy's cup were just buying nails for his coffin.

That was the one and only time I saw someone who looked truly doomed.

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The homeless have found "homes" in my old Downtown St. Paul neighborhood......they are setting up "homes" in the stairwells of my Condo Towers. Even though it is happening within the shadows of the state capital......apparently nothing can be done about it. So I "gave my Condo away" and moved 150 miles from that cess pool [otherwise known as a big city]......to the peace and safety of the sticks.

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Man, I have been living in the bliss of ignorance. I had no idea of the depth of the homeless.

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Thank you Ms. Coulter for taking time out of your Never -Trump campaign to write about a serious matter.

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Please just shut up and pay your taxes...more than the homeless depend on you...think of the the wealthy with empty hotels, all the six-figure salaries at 501(C)(3)’s and most importantly the multi-million dollar pensions for and endless legion of government bureaucrats

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Great article. I wrote a similar study which the UK Govt has now piloted in 3 cities called Housing First which provides wrap around support in addition to housing. The evidence after 3 years is that almost every rough sleeper (as we call them) has remained in housing.

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this is an eye-opener!

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