The real problem with so many of the alphabet people ( particularly women and swishy guys) is that no one ever tried to seduce them. No one ever said “You have beautiful eyes!” no one ever recognized their sensuality and they rebelled against the idea of heterosexuality as a rejection response.
Even worse if some shy guy says it to a co-worker, she reports him to HR.
I asked a college student once what was the difference between flirting and sexual harassment. Her answer was very quick. All depends on who is doing it.
When a conservative likes a meme with an eagle and an American flag, it's "code" for right-wing terrorism and they're a clear and present danger to democracy.
When a liberal posts "Death to America! - Kill whitey and the Jews!":
“The personal political and social views (of it's founder) are separate from the work Woke Kindergarten did with us,” Bazeley said.
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
The clenched fist always connotes cool and superior intelligence. It seems to be the core of this innovative nurturing of future nihilists and anarchists.
It’s laughable how insecure, inadequate narcissists look in the mirror to design curricula which are nothing more than dogmas to create a world of “mini-me’s”…I guess misery is comforted by company.
So, you want better test scores (i.e. better performing students)? Maybe the proven centuries-old method of nurturing critical thinking is the answer lurking directly under their pierced noses.
We are talking about kindergarten and elementary students who do not have a basic vocabulary let alone the ability to take a thought and express it in a sentence being propagandized with complex moral, social and civic concepts. Or better yet, giving tablets and laptops to children who think 2+2 is the name of a rap artist.
Education, like almost all human advancement, is an incremental process progressing from basic building blocks of knowledge towards the goal of critical thought…Voila, one is transformed from an organic blob into an analytic, contributing member of society (civilization).
Perhaps the issue is that the “creators” of these woke stillborn curricula themselves are and will always remain nothing but organic blobs that consume and pollute while contributing nothing.
How insane is it to be asking kindergartners and other small children to build a non-existent state in a part of the world they know nothing about? And the founder of 'Woke Kindergarten' apparently couldn't be bothered to do any research, which would show her that the Palestinians have received more international aid than almost any one else on earth, and that much of this has not gone to building "Palestine", but instead to funding terrorists like Hamas. But you'd need to be a thinking adult with world experience and critical thinking skills to understand that. Why are these people hell-bent on indoctrinating children to accept their own political maxims? I firmly stand with Israel, but I am not expecting children to comprehend this conflict, which most adults don't even understand! I want children to learn to read and write, and do their sums, something that clearly isn't happening in American schools.
I always look at the woke idiots clamoring incessantly about how horrible America's Founding Fathers were while, there same woke idiots, perpetually cry about their "rights" (actual or imagined).
Where do these idiots think their rights came from?
Most adults might start understanding what Israel is facing when someday they are dragged out of their Mommy's basement to be raped and beheaded by internationally funded terrorists. Try screaming about your "rights" then!
~Students are encouraged to address each other as COMRADE.
~Woke Kindergarten teaches its students about the beautiful policies of the Left.
~What better place to start questioning your gender than in kindergarten?
~Students will learn that open borders are liberating, baby.
~ For $259,000 your kindergartners will learn how to use their power together! (Whatever that means).
This is their mission statement:
"Woke Kindergarten is a global, abolitionist early childhood ecosystem & visionary creative portal supporting children, families, educators and organizations in their commitment to abolitionist early education and pro-black and queer and trans liberation."
How looney must a school board be to allow their children to be propagandized so?
Instead of eliminating the gap, American educational reform should be focusing on the education system itelf. Academic performance statistics are meaningless in a country where education has declined dramatically. A population that mostly doesn't read books and has become infamous among foreigners for lack of knowledge about foreign countries. The schools are at fault. And so is the failed doctrine of university expansion, which was designed, in my view, to cover up the educational deficiencies of students graduated from high school. Everyone's educational outcomes would improve if the academic system returned to its original rigorous standards and universities returned to selecting on merit (and good behaviour).
It's heart-warming to see the government, at every level, laying out the stratification for the coming race-war, culture-war, partisans-war, civil war.
I mean, they could just as easily, leave it for us to figure-out for ourselves, so it's nice to see our tax dollars drawing the lines of demarcation, so we don't have to... That's just good governance.
Proof that woke ideology is based on empty slogans and produces nothing useful for society. And what a surprise that attacking Israel is apparently essential to the woke movement. Yet more proof that these people are steeped in the very bigotry they accuse other people of nurturing. Will anybody be held accountable for prostituting the academic futures of young African-American children on the altar of anti-American fulminations and grievance politics? This is California we're talking about, so I guess not. When the new woke initiative is unveiled, the media goes into orgasmic positive reporting mode. But when that initiative ends in failure, namely making the lives of their pet victims far worse than before, we hear a resounding silence. It's time to chase down, expose, and question the purveyors of this nonsense, and then vote to ensure they cannot keep ruining the lives of children!
Thank you for update on the education crisis Ann. The woke decision makers’ problem is systemic and its tentacles reach far and wide and last for a very long time. A child being denied a safe and appropriate education is the problem. When will the adults learn this?
I don't know how things work over in the United States, but there need to be public enquiries. People need to collect a body of data that shows the calamitous decline in academic performance engendered by these destructive initiatives, and demand publicly that purveyors of racial division and national destruction answer to the American people. We've seen before that when grilled with tough questions, the woke edifice collapses under the weight of its own contradictions, distortions, fabrications, and moral ineptitude. A series of damning exposés will encourage the American people to push back on this corrosive, anti-American ideology.
"In 1965, President Johnson signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) into law. . . . ESEA doubled the amount of federal expenditures for K-12 education, worked to change the relationship between states and the central government in the education arena, called for equal treatment of students no matter where they reside and attempted to improve reading and math competency for children in poverty. . . .
"ESEA is still the law of the United States today. However, the law has required periodic reauthorization, which has led to significant changes since 1965. One of the most well-known reauthorizations was President George W. Bush’s No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001. NCLB called for 100 percent proficiency in math and reading scores nationwide by 2014 . . . "
Education in America is about money, organized labor and politics...somewhere, like dust on a shelf, come the students.
Give me no more than ten 200 year old books; a single room; no Dept. of Education (municipal, state or federal); no parents allowed and I will give you back a thinking, intellectually curious and mostly sane graduating class.
If our education is so good than why do only one of three fourth-graders tested proficient in reading on NAEP tests.
It is worse in some cities. For example, only 10 percent of fourth-graders and 15 percent of eighth-graders in Baltimore and Detroit public schools are proficient in reading.
Given that this is California we're talking about, what surprises me is that the program got cancelled, rather than implemented statewide.
Yeah, well California can surprise us. Like when Governor Newsom rejected the reparations proposals that he had stupidly encouraged.
The real problem with so many of the alphabet people ( particularly women and swishy guys) is that no one ever tried to seduce them. No one ever said “You have beautiful eyes!” no one ever recognized their sensuality and they rebelled against the idea of heterosexuality as a rejection response.
Even worse if some shy guy says it to a co-worker, she reports him to HR.
I asked a college student once what was the difference between flirting and sexual harassment. Her answer was very quick. All depends on who is doing it.
When a conservative likes a meme with an eagle and an American flag, it's "code" for right-wing terrorism and they're a clear and present danger to democracy.
When a liberal posts "Death to America! - Kill whitey and the Jews!":
“The personal political and social views (of it's founder) are separate from the work Woke Kindergarten did with us,” Bazeley said.
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Why no mention of Richard Stans?
The clenched fist always connotes cool and superior intelligence. It seems to be the core of this innovative nurturing of future nihilists and anarchists.
It’s laughable how insecure, inadequate narcissists look in the mirror to design curricula which are nothing more than dogmas to create a world of “mini-me’s”…I guess misery is comforted by company.
So, you want better test scores (i.e. better performing students)? Maybe the proven centuries-old method of nurturing critical thinking is the answer lurking directly under their pierced noses.
We are talking about kindergarten and elementary students who do not have a basic vocabulary let alone the ability to take a thought and express it in a sentence being propagandized with complex moral, social and civic concepts. Or better yet, giving tablets and laptops to children who think 2+2 is the name of a rap artist.
Education, like almost all human advancement, is an incremental process progressing from basic building blocks of knowledge towards the goal of critical thought…Voila, one is transformed from an organic blob into an analytic, contributing member of society (civilization).
Perhaps the issue is that the “creators” of these woke stillborn curricula themselves are and will always remain nothing but organic blobs that consume and pollute while contributing nothing.
How insane is it to be asking kindergartners and other small children to build a non-existent state in a part of the world they know nothing about? And the founder of 'Woke Kindergarten' apparently couldn't be bothered to do any research, which would show her that the Palestinians have received more international aid than almost any one else on earth, and that much of this has not gone to building "Palestine", but instead to funding terrorists like Hamas. But you'd need to be a thinking adult with world experience and critical thinking skills to understand that. Why are these people hell-bent on indoctrinating children to accept their own political maxims? I firmly stand with Israel, but I am not expecting children to comprehend this conflict, which most adults don't even understand! I want children to learn to read and write, and do their sums, something that clearly isn't happening in American schools.
Excellent reply!!! Thanks you for your thoughts.
I always look at the woke idiots clamoring incessantly about how horrible America's Founding Fathers were while, there same woke idiots, perpetually cry about their "rights" (actual or imagined).
Where do these idiots think their rights came from?
Most adults might start understanding what Israel is facing when someday they are dragged out of their Mommy's basement to be raped and beheaded by internationally funded terrorists. Try screaming about your "rights" then!
I'm sure the Hayward school district researched prior successes by the person promoting her "Woke Kindergarten".
I am very familiar with "Woke Kindergarten."
Here are a few takeaways:
~Students are encouraged to address each other as COMRADE.
~Woke Kindergarten teaches its students about the beautiful policies of the Left.
~What better place to start questioning your gender than in kindergarten?
~Students will learn that open borders are liberating, baby.
~ For $259,000 your kindergartners will learn how to use their power together! (Whatever that means).
This is their mission statement:
"Woke Kindergarten is a global, abolitionist early childhood ecosystem & visionary creative portal supporting children, families, educators and organizations in their commitment to abolitionist early education and pro-black and queer and trans liberation."
How looney must a school board be to allow their children to be propagandized so?
There are approximately 2,000 school districts in the US.
In every single one there is a gap in academic performance between whites and blacks.
Blacks are on the higher achieving side of that gap in NONE.
Eliminating that gap is the sole focus of all American educational reform and pedagogy.
Instead of eliminating the gap, American educational reform should be focusing on the education system itelf. Academic performance statistics are meaningless in a country where education has declined dramatically. A population that mostly doesn't read books and has become infamous among foreigners for lack of knowledge about foreign countries. The schools are at fault. And so is the failed doctrine of university expansion, which was designed, in my view, to cover up the educational deficiencies of students graduated from high school. Everyone's educational outcomes would improve if the academic system returned to its original rigorous standards and universities returned to selecting on merit (and good behaviour).
I wonder how the failure rate in kindergarten and 1st grade was impacted by this moronic Idea?🙄
It's heart-warming to see the government, at every level, laying out the stratification for the coming race-war, culture-war, partisans-war, civil war.
I mean, they could just as easily, leave it for us to figure-out for ourselves, so it's nice to see our tax dollars drawing the lines of demarcation, so we don't have to... That's just good governance.
Proof that woke ideology is based on empty slogans and produces nothing useful for society. And what a surprise that attacking Israel is apparently essential to the woke movement. Yet more proof that these people are steeped in the very bigotry they accuse other people of nurturing. Will anybody be held accountable for prostituting the academic futures of young African-American children on the altar of anti-American fulminations and grievance politics? This is California we're talking about, so I guess not. When the new woke initiative is unveiled, the media goes into orgasmic positive reporting mode. But when that initiative ends in failure, namely making the lives of their pet victims far worse than before, we hear a resounding silence. It's time to chase down, expose, and question the purveyors of this nonsense, and then vote to ensure they cannot keep ruining the lives of children!
Thank you for update on the education crisis Ann. The woke decision makers’ problem is systemic and its tentacles reach far and wide and last for a very long time. A child being denied a safe and appropriate education is the problem. When will the adults learn this?
I don't know how things work over in the United States, but there need to be public enquiries. People need to collect a body of data that shows the calamitous decline in academic performance engendered by these destructive initiatives, and demand publicly that purveyors of racial division and national destruction answer to the American people. We've seen before that when grilled with tough questions, the woke edifice collapses under the weight of its own contradictions, distortions, fabrications, and moral ineptitude. A series of damning exposés will encourage the American people to push back on this corrosive, anti-American ideology.
Aside from the point you made about the schools being bad/worse, why use the word "sucks" in this case ?
What is your appreciation of the origin and meaning of this word and its current use?
Thank you.
U.S. education has been the best in the world since 2014 thanks to the efforts of two genius Texans (
"In 1965, President Johnson signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) into law. . . . ESEA doubled the amount of federal expenditures for K-12 education, worked to change the relationship between states and the central government in the education arena, called for equal treatment of students no matter where they reside and attempted to improve reading and math competency for children in poverty. . . .
"ESEA is still the law of the United States today. However, the law has required periodic reauthorization, which has led to significant changes since 1965. One of the most well-known reauthorizations was President George W. Bush’s No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001. NCLB called for 100 percent proficiency in math and reading scores nationwide by 2014 . . . "
Education in America is about money, organized labor and politics...somewhere, like dust on a shelf, come the students.
Give me no more than ten 200 year old books; a single room; no Dept. of Education (municipal, state or federal); no parents allowed and I will give you back a thinking, intellectually curious and mostly sane graduating class.
If our education is so good than why do only one of three fourth-graders tested proficient in reading on NAEP tests.
It is worse in some cities. For example, only 10 percent of fourth-graders and 15 percent of eighth-graders in Baltimore and Detroit public schools are proficient in reading.
Might have been a bit of sarcasm in my post. LBJ & Shrub Bush as educational geniuses?