“I may be cruel, brusque or impatient, but I don't lie. When I say something, it's because I think it's true....”

Ann, please take the credit you are due for the prodigious exercise of the almost lost art of research and documentation.

You have made it so considerately easy for your fans to defend the thoughts you posit in all of your best sellers due to the quite spectacular job of research and use of an incredible amount of legitimate footnotes...not the kind of bullshit “sources” liberal scholarship is based on.

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I was waiting for a succinct explainer on Scott Adams and Coulter didn't let me down. It should be an IQ test for right-wingers.

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Ann you never fail to deliver. You are not only brilliant but the funniest person I have every had the pleasure to read.

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Over at National Review and in the corporate media, the takedown of DeSantis is being attempted on Ukraine because 0f DeSantis answer to Tucker Carlson (which I am perhaps totally in agreement with). I noticed a lot of people (and maybe some trolls) are invoking Ronald Reagan - you know, the guy who took on the Soviet Union and blasted them into the stone age...oh yeah, didn't happen, as I put in my old boss' speeches and I am sure others have said, he won the Cold War without firing a shot...pretty much. I don't count Granada and sending some anti-tank missiles to the Afghans. You see our beloved Ronald Reagan is a Neocon! Don't you remember? Oh you don't, me neither and I am a pretty big Reagan fan and have been all my life. I even have a Reagan signature model Stetson and give money to the ranch. I am not fooled. The Reagan I remember wasn't trying to start WWIII with the Russians, he was trying to prevent it. Peace through Strength, not War through Idiocy.

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It's also not 1980 anymore.

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YES, that too!

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But with Biden it feels that way sometimes, 1980, not 1981.

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Lindsey Graham asserted Ronald Reagan would take strong action if the Russians knocked down an unmanned US drone.

Fill me in -- what action did he take when jihadis killed about 250 Marines in Beirut?

It’s amazing the memories of these neocons.

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good point.

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excellent point.

If memory serves, he pulled out on the notion that 'what the fuck were they doing there in the first place?'

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I absolutely love you, Ann! Please continue commenting on the issues of the day. I definitely find myself wondering what you think about certain issues that come up in the news, and how you would argue for/against. I live for your takes!

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Mother Ann comes through just when you need her the most. I love you Ann 💕

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Dear Ann: It's time you gave up on Americans and ran like hell -- to some place where the left can't find you because they will take everything you've got for repeatedly exposing them. You have utterly failed to make a dent in their power but they will destroy you just the same. The USA stopped being 'worth it' on election night, 1932. It effectively vanished on that night. There is absolutely nothing to do here, nothing to save.

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For me it’s November 22, 1963 when an old school Democrat was assassinated.

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On the subject of Scott Adams' advice, he was actually speaking out *against* white supremacy. I don't know if you've noticed, but the white supremacist movement is becoming incredibly diverse these days. Even black people are joining up. If our friends at CNN and MSNBC are to be believed, Larry Elder is the "blackface on white supremacy," Winsome Sears is a "black mouth" speaking white supremacist views, etc. If you really want to "stay the hell away from black people," you pretty much have to go where the MSNBC talk-show hosts, Democrat leaders, and other limousine leftists live.

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A lot of people combusting over Scott Adam's remarks live in towns and neighborhoods whiter than the average "right winger" as Ann proved. It's ok for them to stay the hell away from black people, their dysfunction and violence but not us plebes.

Rasmussen is a legitimate polling service and just taking the poll results at face value shows that nearly half of blacks oppose whites and white racial identity. Reverse the races in this poll and the same idiots on CNN and MSNBC would be caterwauling about "white racism". If any black celebrity encouraged other blacks to stay the hell away from white people they would he praised and promoted by all the left wing media outlets.

It's not an exaggeration to say that anti-whiteness is now the de facto religion of America.

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Thank you for sharing your perspective Ann. Your perspective(s) are an important equalizer of truth for the madness out there on the waves and wires.

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Haha! That was great. Thanks. If I ever have an interesting question I will post it.

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I'm not sure who told Walker to run for pres. but he is a minor leaguer compared to DeSantis. He did get the dimwit Ds to storm the state capital though :) If it comes down to DJT vs RD, one on one, he could beat Donny but we have lots of egos to deal with.... What would you be willing to give up to save the Republic? The OGs put it all on the line. Stay Strong Patriots !!

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How many books has Amazon banned/blacklisted/purged? No one seems to have a complete list. It's important since Amazon controls 80% of the book market.

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DeSantis needs to show more anger about the anarcho-tyrannical police state the Democrats and their allies have built.

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Ann Coulter on the Mark Simone Show 3/15/23


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DeSantis may or may not love to get the US in wars. I fear he loves wars.

DeSantis knows who to listen to. Would not have been taken in by Fauci, Jared, Kim Kardashian, etc...

Trump does not like wars. Period.

Trump says one thing. Then may do what the next guy tells him. Which may be the opposite.

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