Ann, your comment to Mark Simone about where the BLM signs are reminds me of the great Joe Sobran’s quote:

"The purpose of a college education is to give you the correct view of minorities, and the means to live as far away from them as possible."

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That was pure gold by Joe Sobran.

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I used to love listening to Joe Sobran in the 1980s. Then it turned out he went psycho racist-antisemite like PCR. And you.

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Perhaps you recall: Northerners; "we don't care how big blacks get if they don't get too close." Southerners: "We don't care how close blacks get, if they don't get too big." Still true today.

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Ann, when a D-average student suddenly bypasses an A-average student on the exam, there is every reason to suspect that D-average student has cheated. Especially when professor wasn't allowed to proctor the exam. That's exactly what happened on Nov 7th 2020 when Biden got 12 million more votes than Obama. In key states poll watchers were kept 30 feet away from the ballot booths. The foul play was evident when Biden with the record 81 million votes failed to win Ohio, and other bell weather states. Democrats even lost seats in Congress, when they should win by the landslide. So it was obvious to anyone that elections were stolen. Just because left-wing FBI refused to investigate and present the evidence of fraud, doesn't mean elections were honest.

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rarely mentioned is the curiosity of how the rotting bag of oatmeal garnered such massive support this time around when his previous Presidential efforts ended up with him a level of support hovering around 1%.

Not even the endorsement of the SC monkey, Clyburn, can square that circle.

The US, and the West, is finished. Even if Trump does win and abolishes the Deep State and deports every single post-1970 third world arrival, all 100 million of them, it is a 4 year window. After that, it will be back to business as usual, complete with reparations for the third world detritus that will be flown back into the country.

He could waive every environmental review for oil refineries and nuclear power plants and declare it open season on exploration and development of fossil fuels, the nation could enjoy unprecedented prosperity and the next election will be stolen back and the WEF will be back in charge, perhaps with President Jean Pierre (who will give a lesson on Voodoo Economics while she is at it).

DeSantis continues to decline as more people learn about him and his billionaire support network. Yeah; he really knows and cares about average people.

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Good points, except I think that's unfair to DeSantis. Far as I can tell, all the alleged control by &collaboration with Soros, Bushes, Rove etc ... just the usual vicious Trump smear-propaganda. I'm supposed to be appalled DeSantis was photographed at an event with ¡JEB! even though they were both Florida govs? I'm supposed to be horrified Soros said DeSantis is "ruthless", clearly intended as a backhanded "compliment", which we really should be happy about? Don't we want OUR side to start USING power when we have it, which DeSantis does very effectively? I'm supposed to be shocked & disappointed the donor class prefers DeSantis over Trump's clown show? I'm supposed to be upset some wealthy person gave DeSantis money he didn't return? If an enemy's dumb enough to give you money, you're even dumber to give it back. Why not keep it & use it against him? I wouldn't give it back. DeSantis's actual platform, policies, appointments & record in Florida is superb, best in the USA, hardly something ¡JEB! or Soros would support. E.g. hiring Joseph Ladapo as his surgeon general, which is huge.

It's possible DeSantis could just be a tool, but I've seen no credible evidence of it.

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fair points, especially about taking a billionaires money and using it against him.

Whoever beats the Dem and becomes President had better start gathering some actual scalps and putting the owner of said scalp into a SuperMax. Failing that, I would not be disappointed to see a bunch of pissed off Tim McVeighs come out of the woodwork and start collecting the skull fragments off the ground in lieu of scalps.

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Fed! Fed! Fed! Fed! Fed!

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lol... well done.... lol

false, but funny nonetheless.

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Maybe just maybe Epps saw his name in orange, jump suit color, and pissing himself with cowardice went to the feds and pledged his allegiance to the State and vomited everything he knew about Jan 6th in return for no prosecution. Remember he was the poster boy very early on and he knew it. They had him on posters. He was going down until he said to the feds ‘I want to help’ I may be wrong but I don’t think so.

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Funny stuff as always. Some nits:

~"How about the lie that black people are the victims of relentless racism in this country?" Actually that's no lie. "Black" people ARE victims of racism - their own. Well, racism by leftist "blacks" and primitive feral tribal "blacks", which is sadly most. And more fundamentally, racism by their "white" Democrat feudal masters. Certain useful idiot "white conservative" racist fanboys (or pretend fanboys i.e. provocateurs) help perpetuate the Democrats' neo-feudalist system at the expense of the Republic by "fighting" racism with racism. In the words of another Ann - well, Ayn - "Racism is the lowest form of collectivism."

~"The only person killed on 1/6 was Ashli Babbitt." Wasn't there another unarmed "right wing insurrectionist" woman beaten by a cop, denied medical treatment, died on the steps outside? I recall a video with testimony of an unarmed "right wing insurrectionist" who tried to save her.

~"Trump's an idiot & he lost the election." I agree he's effectively an idiot - narcissistic arrogance leads to idiotic actions, and "stupid is as stupid does". But its abundantly clear it was stolen. I've followed election fraud for over 30 years and was actively involved trying to stop it. From close activist connections and elsewhere, I've seen significant evidence Biden stole it. You seem to hate Trump so much you're willing to pretend Biden won, just to make Trump look bad, which makes you look bad.

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Elaboration on the last nit:

I've got testimony from a highly reliable highly effective activist and longtime close friend who with a handful of others randomly audited in the Las Vegas area, and found that upwards of 80% of the votes were cast by the dead, by people who had long moved away from the registered address, and by large groups of registered "voters" allegedly voting from the same highly sketchy addresses. This is "old school" fraud, the kind you don't need machines or software to pull off. They informed the Trump campaign at a very high level (hint: Jr), and here's where Trump's narcissistic negligence comes in: What did the campaign do? NOTHING. Too busy with the C-team Giuliani & Krakken, LLC (Loser, Loser & Clown) yapping about unprovable machine & software fraud to address massive, easily provable old-school fraud.

I've seen a whole lot of other evidence that Biden stole it.

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Ann is right about the white males who stayed home though, even without the fraud Trump might still have lost legitimately.

Keep in mind 2016 was very narrow. 

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I'm sure she's right, but Dems have been steadily stealing more and more votes for many decades. I think 2016 was only narrow in the sense that Dems were way overconfident, believed their own bs, and didn't steal enough in the right states. I think if all the fraud was removed, Trump would've won (and really did win) handily.

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"Wasn't there another unarmed "right wing insurrectionist" woman who was beaten by a cop, denied medical treatment, and died on the steps immediately outside? I recall a video of it, with testimony of an unarmed "right wing insurrectionist" who tried to save her"

Roseanne Boyland. Also, Kevin Greeson and Benjamin Phillips died shortly after being separately hit by flashbang grenades the cops were firing into the crowd in front of the Capitol for some reason.

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Thanks! Worse than I thought. Ann should do more homework on that and vote fraud. Their names should not be forgotten, nor should we pretend Dems actually won the election just to make Trump look worse than he already does.

Ashli Babbitt

Roseanne Boyland

Kevin Greeson

Benjamin Phillips

I think there have also been some "suicides" in prison, no?

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Yes there is a video clearly showing a blak female capital scum bag wailing on Rosanne Boyland as hard as she could, a dozen times or more with a stick, while Rosanne lay on the ground defenseless. This piece of shit was honored at some nfl football or maybe baseball game some months afterward along with farone and the big fat stupid blak pig who cried before congressional committees. Know who I mean. Animals all.

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"primitive feral tribal 'blacks'"

They're rednecks. Most Blacks in the south had assimilated to the surrounding redneck culture before migrating to mostly northern cities in the first half of the last century and have retained that culture.* Blacks who immigrate here from Africa and the Carribbean do quite well here when they avoid assimilating to Black redneck culture.

(*Thomas Sowell, "Black Rednecks and White Liberals", "Markets and Minorities")

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Interesting. Thank you. I know "black" African immigrants don't tend to behave like feral humans. Probably the go-getters who are most motivated & able to GTFO of S-holes like Nigeria. Exceptions include the guys who collaborated with Jussie Smollett.

But incentives & culture ultimately rule. Today's Social Democrat/Vichy "Republican" culture now incentivizes welfare, loafing, corruption & vicious tribalistic racist behavior. Some will be assimilated into that neo-feudalist culture in the 1st gen. More in the 2nd & 3rd as their kids flow through the gvt-owned union-run commie-racist-groomer illiteracy-camp meat grinder, aka "public education".

Even the good ones in the 1st gen come out of corrupt, violent, bigoted cultures, and at these crushing levels of immigration could not be assimilated into the old dying positive American culture even if it still existed. Far too many too assimilate. That's why it was slowed to a beneficial trickle from the 1920s under Coolidge through the 1950s under Ike. But now Dems encourage them to bring their crap culture with them to assimilate what's left of ours.

I also agree with Ann's observation of reality: Most will vote for their Democrat serfmasters however much delusional Republicans pander and "reach out".

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Why don't you test that theory by living in Lagos for six months? It might be true, but t would be an interesting experiment for someone to take up.

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I've had employees who were the children of African immigrants. I lived for a few months in a university dormitory in Moscow under the Soviet regime and my floor was mostly African students.

Believe me, African Blacks are not American Blacks.

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I've known more than a few African blacks myself. I've also met members of my biological family in Europe who sometimes seemed like almost a different species from the ones who live in US. Almost everyone with some history in the US tends to get imbued to some degree of Anglo-Celtic crudity. There's generally something of a screening process for those from the less developed sectors, so I think you'd have to live in West Africa for a while to avoid making a rush to judgement on this issue.

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"The most shocking fact was that the mob was right-wing. Every other violent mob in the nation’s history has been left-wing."

Also, the first time in recorded history that a crowd of middle-aged and elderly people launched a riot.

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It's shocking that Ann could think that. It's one of her few errors, on par with arguing that Covid wasn't made in a lab (we now know the very people who published articles in science journals denying lab origin were themselves involved in gain of function work and knew damn well it was lab made).

Anyone who thinks Jan 6 violence was primarily right wing, and not the work of undercover operatives, should see Darren Beattie's Jan 6 articles at Revolver News. I've seen the videos of Trump supporters trying to stop the people who were breaking windows, but none of the window breakers have been identified or arrested, while people who were waved inside are being prosecuted.

Similarly, cell phone data was used to track down most everyone in DC that day, but the FBI says they can't identify the person who placed fake bombs at the RNC and DNC headquarters because the phone data was "corrupted." One of the fake bombs was "discovered" at the very moment needed to distract attention from the initial breach of police lines under the guidance of Ray Epps, who bragged that he organized Jan 6 but was been defended by Dems and RINOs alike and never charged with anything. And who was the FBI official in charge in DC?--why the very guy who previously ran the Whitmer fake kidnapping plot in Michigan, who was then elevated to the plum position heading the DC field office. Who better to arrange a false flag op than the guy with the most recent relative experience?

There's so much more than can be covered here, including the former head of the Capitol Police, Steven Sund, who's written a book describing how the Capitol Police were set up, denied intelligence from the military, and left at half strength on a day when huge crowds of both Trump supporters and Antifa were known to be coming. When Sund's officers were overwhelmed, primarily by undercover operatives, Nancy Pelosi and her people wouldn't take his call asking for help. Trump had wanted 10,000 National Guard troops in advance, but silly Mark Milley threatened to resign if Trump "put troops on the street."

Jan 6, cui bono? Dems, RINOs, Deep Staters, Never Trumpers.

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Dan Rostenkowsky would like a word with you.

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OMG! Just last week you told us to stop talking about Donald Trump! I guess your the only one to be able to talk about The Donald! Yikes!

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Even if Republicans walk away from Trump, where are the guarantees that Democrats won't indict DeSantis (presuming that he is the next nominee) or steal elections the same way they did in 2020?

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100% agree. Unfortunately this also means constantly having to explain how Trump's policies were still right when the person was wrong/incompetent/egomaniacal. This was always the risk we ran choosing him in 2016: damage to the conservative movement, or at least damage to those trying to stop extreme left-wing politics, if he couldn't behave like an adult. I had hoped he could at least do that to enough of a degree that the policy wins would overshadow it, but we ended up with not a whole lot of either. And to those wanting to defend him just because of all the drama that surrounds him...when is enough enough? Trump will always be chaos and exaggerations and self-aggrandizement. That's not how you win elections. And as we saw, it's also not how you govern effectively.

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Move on from Trump? Right when Jack Smith just handed us a gigantic club with which to beat the Bidens and the Democrats into the ground? Stand back, don’t get in the way of the swing.

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Absolutely right, Ann. It’s time to walk away -- from Trump.

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Hilarious to think that walking away from Trump will cause the media to stop destroying the Republican Party. Just stop...too funny.

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There are several reasons why leftist democrats will never stop attacking Trump. Trump can lose all his legal battles, the next election, if he manages somehow to persevere, and even go to prison, and leftist will not let-up on attacks. Hell Trump could die of a heart attack, and it will not matter.

I believe we'll see many more various attack strategies against Trump (We'll be able to write a book, "1000 Ways to Destroy Your Political Enemy" in a few years) for the main reason that the left wants to send a clear unmistakable message to any non-politician outsider considering running, like Trump did, against them for the presidency, "We will never stop destroying your life, even if we cause your death, we'll dig you up and continue until time ends."


Want to get heartburn like never before? Imagine for a moment that somehow Trump wins the next presidential election by the slimmest of margins. A "You can't get this on cable" moment for sure.

I want to say it will never happen, but then I hear a wise old saying in the back of my mind, "Never say Never in Politics", so I come to you Dr. Ann, to relieve my belly ache. I know you won't tell me......you put the lime in the coconut and drink 'em both up......and call you in the morning.

Suffering from The Trump Sour Blues.

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BONUS ANN AUDIO CONTENT! Her appearance today on the Mark Simone radio show.


Ann discusses NYC’s illegal alien woes and why immigration must be halted. (Sorry, Vivek. Your “high-skilled” cousins will have to stay in India.)

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Great interview. I agree 100%.

Can't trust Vivek on immigration. He's really just mouthing a slick version of what all the RINOs do: Talk tough on stopping illegal immigration. But then he's for moving to "merit-based" legal immigration "in our interest", to address all the "shortages" instead of cutting legal immigration and letting wages rise to incentivize the training and hiring of American citizens.

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"Trump lied to his supporters about election fraud, which led to the Jan. 6 riot by a right-wing mob."

It isn't a lie if you believe it, and he had good reason to.

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I don't understand why Ann and other don't acknowledge that several mostly battleground states with Democrat governors (illegally) changed their election laws in 2020 outside the state legislature to allow for mass mail in voting which was a boon to Democrats. The Democrat strategy was to bring the polls to the lazy segments of Democrat leaning voters. Trump didn't have patience for some of the outlandish conspiracy theories being peddled but seemed to truly believe that the election was marred by dirty ballots in the battleground states. There's no evidence that he admitted he lost fair and square only that some on his team told him his efforts to reverse the election would be futile.

The problem I have is that Trump raised 200 million dollars to "stop the steal" and only spent like 8 million in failed court challenges.

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The US credit rating just got downgraded and BRICS is having their meeting about their own gold- backed currency. This is very good news because fuck Wall Street and all the gas chamber afficianados who run that place not to mention the gas chamber afficianado Larry Fink and his DEI human rights tribunal hedge fund.

The single worst decision of the past fifty years (52, to be exact) was when Nixon closed the gold window on Aug 15, 71, yet not a single Republican President reversed it. It was even more catastrophic than giving women the vote.

But Trump is a goof, so lets talk more about that.

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It’s DIE. Don’t use their bastard language.

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Yep. I've been saying for 15 years that anyone who comes out with an asset-backed crypto-currency, preferably one redeemable into shares of an extremely-low-expense-ratio index fund tied to S&P 500, Gold, or whatever, would be instant king of the world and drive bitcoin to zero. Originally it seemed to me that the Swiss would be naturals, but Switzerland is now America's bitch like the UK and so many other countries. Then it seemed Elon Musk would be a natural. I tweeted him about it, but you know how that goes...

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Not sure what you mean by "walking away" from Donald Trump. Does this mean we tacitly support this abuse of the judicial system. I agree with most of your observations about Trump and I hope he is eliminated quickly in the primaries. However, as you stated, none of what he did was not a crime and we know the election was rigged and actions were taken that circumvented the existing laws. There is credible evidence the election was stolen. The merits of the indictment are irrelvant. We know Trump WILL BE convicted by a biased jury of black DC residents just like the conviction of Michael Flynn and the acquittal in the first Durham trial. All they have to do is go through the motions. This is not something that should be dismissed or scoffed at. I will support his legal efforts.

The sad truth is that if we were a sane, healthy society the Democratic party should ge no more than 10-20% of the vote. White males should have voted for Trump by 80% margins. You have well documented his flawed character and lack of focus however, Disantis has the support of the Florida legislature and Trump had no support (in fact, opposition) from the worthless Republican leadership. The future does not look bright.

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