Most of the accomplished African-American women are those that raise their children to be good citizens, and be productive members of society. They are the unsung heroes, that we never hear about Those that we see in the spotlight are no different from incompetent white women. They too are in positions of power and produce nothing. The Claudine Gays of the world highlight the problem with DEI. Yet, they do not even come close to

the poster child of DEI, former President Barack Obama.

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Good pt. Incompetent white women just get fired a little bit faster. (e.g., U Penn president.)

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Of course, the incompetent individuals of color need to have their potential termination run through the Sharpton Shakedown Show first, which takes time.

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Jan 3·edited Jan 3

PANDERING to 13% of the population is the worst mistake this country ever made! I say this as a NON white person. NO other nation on earth has passed a law PANDERING to a small % of the population like this! My parents came LEGALLY from India where Muslims are 14% of the population. A UFO would land on the White House lawn before Muslims get a civil rights law in India! Africans have never done that either! Big mistake for it to happen. Blacks already have it a ZILLION times better here than they'll EVER have it in Africa or ANY black majority nation!

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EXCELLENT comment, Naveen. You remind me of my favorite character in "Camp of the Saints" -- an Indian immigrant who keeps trying to warn white liberals what they'll do to their countries if they admit shiploads of poverty stricken Indians.

COTS is, of course, ACTUALLY banned -- unlike the anal sex books for kindergarteners which are available everywhere but not in public schools supported by the taxpayer. But you should try to get it anyway. It's used to be $1k on ebay, but hopefully the price has come down. It's hilarious and amazingly prescient.

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It's SO nice to hear from you Ann! I'm a big fan of yours! As a NON white minority here I'm a HUGE fan of Western civilization & do not want to see us turn into a 3rd world country just like you. Keep up the good fight!

Can you please answer me? I'm in St.Louis btw. The suburbs. "White supremacy" is the biggest LIE ever told! What they mean is they don't like white PEOPLE! Like Rush Limbaugh said liberals believe the very FOUNDING of America is ILLEGITIMATE. That's not because of Native Americans or the Chinese or something! Just like BLACK Ph.Ds Carol Swain & Thomas Swain said their ANTI white agenda is VERY clear!

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Yes, it's so obvious, but no one will say it. Instead our side insists on using weird euphemisms, like CRT, identity politics, D.I.E., "woke," etc. Libs think they're so clever asking "what IS 'woke'?" (They know we won't answer because we'd have to use the word "white.")

To wit: The answer is: Anti-white racism, plus anal sex cartoons for kindergarteners. But 90% is anti-white racism.

Try to use the word "white" in a speech and a roomful of GOPs will start shifting uncomfortably. Heather Mac and I have talked about this. you have to warn them, "I'm about to use the word 'white.' I know this is disturbing, but try to stay calm."

Seriously, merely saying that white voters are the only swing voters in the country freaks them out. THAT'S KIND OF AN IMPORTANT FACT IF YOU WANT TO WIN ELECTIONS. but Republicans will not allow themselves to think it.

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Jan 3Liked by Ann Coulter

The last two lines, "      I think we’re all on board with the idea that one shouldn't be denied a job because of his race or sex. What we’re learning the hard way is that no one should be given a job for these characteristics, either."

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I'll tell you what they have "accomplished". They are succeeding in the pre-planned, and ongoing, ritual humiliation of the populace, per their design. They are doing exactly what was expected of them when they were implanted into the establishment. Their racist, obstinate, indignant refusal to perform properly in their gifted capacities is not a bug, it's a feature.

And what's worse? There are thousands of them, in government at every level, doing the exact same thing.

Ritual Humiliation!

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True, but watcha gonna do about it?

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Oh that the answer could be summarized in a Substack quip.

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Let’s take a moment to admire professor swain the fabulous black conservative Vanderbilt professor whose work this Claudine person stole .

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BTW, she is cited (not plagiarized) in my book, "Adios, America!"

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You are a good girl.

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The real question now is whether Claudine Gay wrote her own resignation letter? A great time also to remember that young, not yet demented Joe Biden had to step away from his 1972 presidential run after plagiarizing a speech by British pol Neil Kinnock, not even changing Kinnock's reference to his ancestors who were coal miners (ancestors Biden keeps claiming as his own even as president). So while Joe didn't march in Selma in 1965, and was best buds with segregationist southern Senators including former KKK Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd, today he marches proudly with comrades Gay and Mosby in the campaign to "Adios America".

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No one but Ann would do this series. Thank you.

Interesting that the two best American writers on crime, policing and race are both exceptionally cute blondes, the other being Heather MacDonald. Maybe its the uniform thing.

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LOVE this comment! Sending to Heather.

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If anyone is bored look up how many principals in the palm beach county school district are black and how many got “reassigned” to cushy county jobs because of incredibly stupid, selfish things like...selling old furniture on eBay, pawning school computers, taking families on European field trips that kids were supposed to go on. Meanwhile, white administrators are admonished for disciplining black kids. The district called my wife in to question why 98% of here suspensions in her school were black males. They didn’t bother to look up the fact that 98% of here student are black. Which reflects the national crime rates. Ever wonder why 12% of the population commits 54% of the murders? Just facts, not opinion. Facts can’t be racist.

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Jan 4·edited Jan 6Liked by Ann Coulter

Look, racism was rampant 100 years ago, when President Wilson was separating white and black blood on the battlefields of WWI and showing Birth of a Nation privately in the White House. Our history of race relations was horrendous.

But things have changed. We now have no where near the racism, overt or "institutional" as alluded to in the national media. So now minorities have to manufacture their own where none exists: This is MAGA country; Hands up, don't shoot; I can't breathe. It's beyond their ken that white people aren't as racist as they are and their multiple Dunning-Kruger type attempts to drum up scenarios are as instantly transparent as they are strained.

In the meantime, those race-baiters lucky enough to garner enough votes from the bodegas selling singles are busy fleecing their employers, embezzling cash, and trying to turn their lives into a long-running episode of Cribs.

Race relations are poisoned, but not because whites are inherently evil. There's an agenda.

We're supposed to be distracted by all this.

2024 is going to suck.

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Torpedo, I agree with your overall view of improved race relations. IMHO, things do get better even as social media gives ill-doers more power since it also makes their ill-deeds more transparent. Even this Gay fiasco is a positive. Finally, the crazy left-wing corruption of education is being exposed. I am a glass is half full kinda guy.

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"So now minorities have to manufacture their own where none exists:" Spot on. Hence the increasingly insane list of fictitious infractions that supposedly "prove" racism. We're having a similar problem in the United Kingdom, not least because we've imported so much racism hysteria and half-baked racial theories from the United States.

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I don't want to rag on all black women in charge, but specifically about the Big Three who attended the House Education and Workforce Committee Hearing. These women who feel that calls for genocide/antisemitism "depends on the context" are still making a boatload of money and influencing education at their "respected" universities. The Philadelphia Inquirer January 3, 2024 (Wednesday): "Harvard president Claudine Gay has resigned, just weeks after University of Pennsylvania president Liz Magill also left her position following the university leaders’ congressional testimonies on antisemitism last month. . . . Magill resigned from Penn, where she remains a tenured faculty member, shortly after the congressional testimony." wgbh.org states, "Gay will return to her faculty position. She also said in her resignation letter that she hoped continued "rancor and vituperation" would not further undermine the "vital process of education." Incredible temerity. Despite 50 counts of plagiarism.

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Jan 3Liked by Ann Coulter

Please, please, please do at least three video substacks on this. I need the full Schadenfreude.

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Jan 3·edited Jan 3

It's a black, Soros and Zionist-funded country now. We just live in it. Obese (is their any other kind?) black females are the worst type of midwit there are... low IQ, entitled, and rude, with BS social sciences degrees (that they couldn't have gotten without DEI quotas) adding to their hubris. Really terrible people. And they run the country now.

Low IQ blacks like them, hispanics, and dumb white females now make up >51% of American voters, so it's too late for "democracy" to save us. And if that weren't bad enough, these dysgenic PoC procreate like jackrabbits (thanks to redistribution), while Whites barely do so.

Privatized Eugenics is the only way to stop this catastrophic viscous cycle: https://childfreebc.com/candidates/ - free market & voluntary. Use $5 donation voucher: 5freecbc1 -- to try it out, no registration needed.

Whites only make up 8% of the global population, but control 2/3 of global wealthy, or $300T. A fraction of that donated to CBC would be transformative. It's mathematically guaranteed to flip our current dysgenics in the West, to eugenics.

Referral Bonus = 10% of donations: https://childfreebc.com/referral/.

Ann, you've never been one to shy away from controversy. What is your take on privatized eugenics and CBC? An article, tweet, and video by you about it by you would get them more traffic and more donations, so they can sterilize more Candidates, and hopefully start a flywheel of growth and more sterilizations.

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That site is a gold mine!

Who could have guessed that exactly the right people that should never procreate, would self select with such strong reliability!?

It's like they just know, genetically, that they have zero business creating progeny!


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It ties in perfectly with their inability to delay gratification. They'll take one cookie now, rather than wait an hour and get two cookies. Besides that, I suspect most blacks don't care about "procreation" -- they just wanna have sex like animals. And I don't care, let 'em have at it... I just don't want my kids and grandkids to have to pay for their bastard progeny. I personally fully funded the sterilization procedures for 4 Candidates there -- 3 black males, and 1 black female -- and I gotta say, it felt good. I spared the world of 5-10 black deadbeats in the future.

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This site is SATANIC! good luck with playing God you no mind Satanist!

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How is it "satanic"? It's entirely voluntary for all parties. And unintended pregnancies and childbirths harm all parties... mother, father, child, and society. So if the Candidates CHOOSE to register and have their sterilization procedures funded, what is wrong with that? I'm genuinely asking. Thank you

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You'll think satanic when white people become public enemy #1.

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You are correct. They are 21st century Bolsheviks and history will repeat itself in our once fair nation.

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Jan 4Liked by Ann Coulter

great start on what will be a ground breaking series. Ann the Forthright. Ann the Factual. Coulter the Courageous.

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"Other than not being white men, what have they accomplished?"

Not being white is their ONLY purpose. They're not meant to accomplish anything and they're not actually competent so there's nothing they're capable of accomplishing. Affirmative action is the definition of incompetent, unqualified, and dumb.

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Jan 4Liked by Ann Coulter

Good thing the Baltimore policemen weren’t in Minneapolis, being persecuted by Crump and a mob of ambulance chasers, with a witch doctor testifying “I could tell Floyd suffocated just by looking at him!”, and cop hater Cahill lording over the circus on the bench, noose in hand.

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It's not just that they won't prosecute criminals, it's that if you defend yourself against criminals, they will prosecute YOU. And it's not just inner-city prosecutors, mayors and judges. It's also the inner-city jury pool. You don't have a chance.

The only thing to do is to NOT go into their jurisdictions. Pull your businesses out, don't go downtown to dine or party, don't ride the subway with them. Just stay away from them. And when they tell you about the "food desert", tell'em, 'well, that's the way you want it'.

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Mayor Catherine Pugh of Baltimore -- “Lagos on the Chesapeake” -- deserves a nice write-up in this series.

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