Please everyone share this article with every GOP or independent voter you know.

Trump will lose if he is the nominee and probably take the Senate, House and who knows how many state governments with him. Kiss America goodbye if we have a Biden second term.

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It's not the GOP voters [or the Independent voters] she is yelling at. Ann is yelling at the money machine and election driver known as the GOP. They could run Trump off the ballot....

We just vote for whoever is on the ballot. And...even that gets manipulated.

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No. Ann is telling GOP voters not to vote for Trump because they are mad at the Democrats for persecuting him. I would add, the way to help Trump is to get DeSantis elected so he can pardon Trump.

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"the way to help Trump is to get DeSantis elected so he can pardon Trump."

not if he is convicted at the State level.

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I hope DeSantis does that after being called DeSancimonious

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Dear Ann,

I know you occasionally enjoy a glass of white wine or two. But your latest Substack sounds like you just downed a case of $2 Chuck.

I agree with Tucker Carlson: Trump became the nominee when the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago and went through Melania's underwear drawer on a bogus classified documents charge.

Trump has enormous momentum, and even more now that Democrats in five states have tried unsuccessfully in their attempt to keep him off the 2024 ballot. Colorado's latest attempt will also fail, as will California's. The Democrats keep getting their lawless asses handed to them precisely because Trump hasn't been convicted of any crime. Nor should he be since none of the other cases have any merit.

Why haven't you written a detailed article explaining why all these cases are bogus? You're an attorney.

Plan A isn't tricking the electorate. It's enraging them. Especially black men, who in interview after interview say they're on the Trump Train. He's their _________.

Massive cheating is the only path to the Democrat's victory. That's why the Democrats keep trying the keep-Trump-off-the-ballot ploy because their polling shows Joe losing in a landslide, with The Donald possibly even having California in play. T

DeSantis has the utterly preposterous notion that the attempt to keep Trump off the ballot is a scheme to secure his nomination.

I'll tell you why the legal persecution makes him a great candidate: People see it for the intentional fraud it is, deliberately being perpetrated to deny the people's choice. They know Trump is innocent. Do you? Most Americans take big exception to tyrants trying to bully their opponents. That's what happens in communist countries and banana republics - not America.

Plan B - Trump continues to hold a massive lead over his closest rival, Nikki "the warmonger" Haley, and your horse, Governor DeSantis, keeps putting that JAG foot in his mouth so that Ramaswamy now is polling second behind Haley.

I'll say again, if the Democrats plan to have 70% of the vote done by mail-in ballot the chances are high Biden wins but not because Trump is the nominee. Voter fraud makes who the nominee is irrelevant. It doesn't matter who the GOP puts up if voter fraud is the strategy again.

But the conventional wisdom says the Democrats do NOT want a President Harris. Biden's cognitive decline is exponential now and many believe they are going to swap Weekend-at-Biden's out for Governor Gavin "the Joker" Newsom, the evilest Democrat in politics.

But if there is no pandemic keeping people from the polls and there are no late-night ballot dumps permitted to sneak through, and if counting the votes doesn't take weeks, and if there's no broken water pipes or similar issues, and if the turnout by the GOP is going to be like attendance at a Trump rally, the Democrats are going to be in for a rude awakening on Election night.

People are tired of being manipulated. I say that applies to a lot of Democrats too who aren't on the Crazy Train with the uber-woke radicals. They're feeling it in the wallet.

Yes, the Democrats will keep trying to pretend J6 was an insurrection, but the videotape proves otherwise. Thousands of men just forgot to bring weapons when they descended on the Capitol. The weapons were all in the hands of the feds, not citizens. Oops!

Trump will sweep every, single contest. Not because they're fooled by the Democrats but because they're PISSED their rights are being denied. Haley will come in second in most of the contests and maybe third in one or two. Ramaswamy will do better than expected. DeSantis should have been loyal and nice to the man who made him governor of Florida. Had he been he might have been Trump's VP choice. Better still would have been Ron not running at all and endorsing Trump early. That might have gotten him tapped by Trump for VP. Trump will now choose Governor Kristi Noem, a very good choice, not because she's female but because she's MAGA. She's going to prove very tough for the media to assail and she would run rings around See-Spot-Run Harris, should Harris not be bumped, which word is that the Democrats are desperate to get rid of her, not because she's DEI but because she's an idiot.

Plan C - Nikki Haley is DOA. Trump's base likes her even less than it likes Ron "Meatball" DeSantis. I'd hold my nose and vote for her because she would be better than Biden but as you say in the end of your piece, Biden would beat Haley, too. I know you think DeSantis is the only unbeatable candidate but I disagree. Haley and DeSantis are both Bush Republicans. They're closer to McCain and Bush and light years from MAGA, the people tired of hearing they are white supremacists, racists, xenophobes, nationalists, nativists, deplorables, chumps, dregs, etc. MAGA makes the country hum. MAGA is why we have the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and independence from a tyrant.

On Trump's worst day, he's light years better than Biden. Haley, Ramaswamy, or even DeSantis or even Christie, as much as I loathe him, would be as well.

If Republicans lose this one, it's over. This election is for all the marbles. If we lose the radical Woke DEI wing of the Democrats will complete their destruction of the country or plunge us into another CW.

Republicans better plan to show up at the polls like illegals have been showing up at the border this time around. If we do Trump is President 47 and that suits me just fine. No WWIII, no endless money to Ukraine, and no endless waves of illegals at the border suits me fine, too.

And yes, the wall will be finished.

I'm still waiting for you to interview Victor Davis Hanson, Charlie Kirk, and Tucker Carlson, Ann. I'd love to hear their reactions to some of the stuff you've been saying.

You write as if you want Trump to lose. Is that your position?

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Abram, I like some of your points but I'll add a couple. Hidden Biden had the advantage in 2020 but now he can't hide Hunter. These are two incumbents with records to compare. It's not gas prices it's student debt, car, food, and, housing costs. If people have a bad or good business experience they will more likely complain than compliment. Biden voters won't vote for Trump but if they don't vote at all (complain) Trump wins.

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Once I got to the "the Donald possibly even having California in play" I laughed. I think that sentence says a lot about Trump people. This election is not about facts, it's about your feelings. That is such an outrageous claim, and it reminds me of the NYPost's article in 2020 saying that NY might be in play. You people are just as DELUSIONAL as Biden supporters.

If you believe California is in play, if you believe the most unpopular president in US history could win anything in a landslide, that's fine. Just don't vote. Please. Let the grownups and the non emotional run the show. Think, post, talk all you want. Stay home Tuesday.

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Best reply I have ever read. Thank you.

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excellent post, sir.

The only improvement upon it, or more specifically an incident mentioned within, would have been for a drive by at Mar a Lago that left every FBI agent at room temperature (as happened in Mayerthorpe, Alberta when RC's attempted to repo a half ton truck).

America's problem is not going to be solved at the ballot box. Let's say Trump wins; all the Dems and GOP have to do is wait out 4 years, unless Trump promises pardons for anyone who takes out a federal agent. Either the funeral home business will be the greatest growth industry in America or else there will be mass resignations as federal agents bail and put in applications at the local mall or amusement park( where pardons for their dispatch will still apply, so sorry guys, you have no where to run).

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Except Trump was already president once so he's not just an unknown private citizen accused of wrongdoing. Things will get worse if Haley is the nominee as the base hates her so losing all three branches is a lock with Haley as the nominee especially since she wants to raise the retirement age to 80. The slaves must be made to work for Israel and endless middle east and regional wars until they croak!

I'm not convinced DeSantis has the charisma and national appeal to energize and attract voters despite being the best governor in the nation.

Ann also forgets how ignorant and malicious, a bad combination, most voters are. Trump is a buffoon who broke many of his promises but was still a far better president than Biden and at least we didn't have 8-9 million illegal aliens cross our border. So Trump clearly is the lesser of two evils.

Biden and his administration are the most corrupt, radical and incompetent regime we've ever had and it isn't even close. If the American voters reward Biden given his terrible record then this nation is beyond saving.

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If it's Trump, the voters won't be "reward[ing]" Biden, they'll be voting against Trump. I'd LOVE a president with less "charisma" and more "competence."

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"radical and incompetent regime "

To pose the question by Dan Bongino (and I am sure many other pundits and maybe even a few GOP pols)...... if Biden were trying to destroy America on purpose, would he do anything different?

You still chalk it up to incompetence?

You think the fuckin monkey 44 isn't pulling the strings exactly the way he means to....fundamentally transforming America....?

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Crappy domestic policy is deliberate and with malice aforethought because the people controlling Biden hate America as founded. But on the foreign policy front it's driven by incompetence and globalist ideology.

And you think some Jewish billionaire elites aren't as much or more responsible than Barry Obama? Soros is just the tip of the iceberg.

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Ann tells the truth but so many in the GOP ignore her warnings to their own regret.

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do you think Paul Ryan regrets not listening to Ann's warnings vis a vis Adios America? Do you think any of the 55 GOP reps who decided not to run again before the (was it 2018 or 2020?) election regret not helping Trump get his agenda moved forward? Do you think any of the white males who didn't show up for Trump in 2020 regret their decision to sit it out because black and hispanics were getting more attention?

Do you think the Supreme Court regrets not taking Texas's case against Pennsylvania?

[side note, Sundance over at Conservative Treehouse posted yesterday the machinations within the Supreme Court...Mary McCord, who is behind ALL of the anti Trump stuff including leaking the Flynn call and invoking the Logan Act...her husband is the chief counsel to John Roberts, ie, he helps (or tells) Roberts which cases to take or not]

Canada is fucked because we don't have a second amendment. The US is fucked because you do and no one is using it.

Go ahead and nominate DeSantis. Nominate whomever the fuck you want, it isn't going to matter; don't you see that the Dems are going to to to every length to make sure they win?! Now you have a bunch of pro Palestinian (ie, non white) sympathizers in the country to help with that whole colored folk protest movement. If only there WERE a Hitler somewhere in the country to take the reins.

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<<[side note, Sundance over at Conservative Treehouse posted yesterday the machinations within the Supreme Court...Mary McCord, who is behind ALL of the anti Trump stuff...her husband is the chief counsel to John Roberts, ie, he helps (or tells) Roberts which cases to take or not]>>

Are you 10? Please stop hyperventilating about whack-job conspiracy theories.

The chief counsel to CJ John Roberts is Robert Dow Jr. He is not married to Mary McCord. He is a conservative. It's an administrative position, having nothing to do with advising Roberts "which cases to take or not." Roberts doesn't have sole authority to decide which cases to take. All the justices vote.



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so there was a valid reason, then, for the Supremes to not have taken up Texas v Pennsylvania...?

all the justices may vote, but what if the conservatives were outnumbered? Sotomayor gets a vote but she doesn't know the difference between de jure and de facto; Kunta Kinte Jackson doesn't know what a woman is.

This is not your grandfather's Supreme Court, to hijack a phrase...

Roberts is the blank slate you warned about in 05 and he has done an excellent job of undermining the US .... ObamaCare, Texas v Pennsylvania...

[edit; "Are you 10?" Your idealism exceeds even my own. You actually think Trump lost fair and square.

Truckloads of ballots driven across State lines, water main breaks and late night multiple counting of the same ballots, papered over count room windows, changed election laws, ballot harvesting (and in the case of Obama, having black panthers standing out front with baseball bats), statistically impossible ballot dumps all had no impact.

None of those measures taken by Dems should have been necessary if Biden is a good as they say he is (and why wouldn't a candidate whose previous kicks at Presidential glory featured 1-3% support be able this time to get 82 million honest to god votes?) and if Trump is as bad as you say he is].

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Aren't we a bit vitriolic?

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Sadly, people like an underdog and Trump’s removal from the ballot will embolden his base and their persecution complex.

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an underdog with 70% support....

Yeah, go f*** yourself with that talking point.

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You don’t understand my point. Please stick to Canadian politics.

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have a banana

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I wonder how Gingrich would have done in the general, compared to Romney's loss....

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Bigger loss. Since then he's teamed up with Nancy Pelosi to cut ads about "climate change," and teamed with George Soros to release criminals in California.

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crap, yeah... I remember those ads, now that you mention them.

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Plan D: Trump does not win the Republican nomination and runs on a third or fourth party ticket simply because he needs the donation money to stay afloat.

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Nah, he'll have to campaign for the Republican because he needs a pardon. OTOH, all he cares about it money, so maybe you're right.

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Ann's TDS is out of control today. As always, working overtime to get a D, any D, back in the White House. Sad.

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What's your real name chrisattack? I'd like to check in with you the day after the election if Trump's the nominee.

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Ann, have followed you for years. Have read many of your books and honestly think you are almost always the smartest person in the room. The high light of my Wednesdays is your column. And...you're hot. Vivek is my favorite but at some point I need to be realistic about his chances. As will you with Ron; who I also like very much. At that point we will hopefully be on the same team. It is a primary so trashing the opponents is fair game especially with Trump who is the worst offender. And...I apologize for accusing you of working for the Ds. My bad. Keep up the good work. The party of stupid is lucky to have you.

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Chris, you did provide her with your real name, didn't you? Ann Coulter wanting to check in with you after the election....damn, what's not to like?

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you know, there's ANOTHER brand of TDS... it's when someone blindly supports him, no matter what.

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I know we don’t want this to be an echo chamber, so I won’t say anything bad about people who still defend Trump…but you have to take one look at the country now and wonder, did Trump’s good policies (all one of them: tax cuts) have any lasting effects? No, and one bad president undid it all in less than one term. Do I have to mention the DISASTER Trump was during Covid? He’s responsible for it, he didn’t fire Fauci, the country got shut down and we all were forced to watch hooligans burn everything down on tv. But keep making lewd jokes about Ann calling out Fat Orange’s screwups. That will get us far when we lose the election.

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"did Trump’s good policies (all one of them: tax cuts) have any lasting effects?"

Just as a thought piece, I have wondered who is having the longer term impact on the US; Trump or Bernie? Bernie opened the door for outright socialism / left wing radicalism to enter the political blood stream, helping create The Squad, and now Minnesota has made a new flag that looks like the flag of the part of Somalia from which Omar (why hasn't her immigration fraud resulted in her deportation?) emerged from the sand dunes.

The world would be at least a bit better a place if none of those We are the World charity songs had been written, if nature would have been allowed to take its course and wipe out a few million of them.

'the trend of things is for liberty to yield and government to grow.' Sounds right, and it makes all this talk of elections and candidates and policies and walls a bit pointless.

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Wyattauster on instagram just noted that...

'if you got the most votes in US history, you don't need to arrest your political opponents

...but if you stole the election, you pretty much have to.'

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That makes no sense. Why would you "pretty much have to"?

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without further theft (or original theft), there is no victory.

I think the point is clear, though grammatically it could have been phrased better.

'if you stole the last election, you pretty much have to if you have any hope of winning the next one.'

Thank You for all the excellent writing you do, for all the thoughts you bring to the table. I've been a fan of yours since the late 90s and your essays on why Clinton deserved to be impeached (I believe one of the points was 'if the Founders intended for people of low character to be President, then why bother with any mention of impeachment at all...?).

Merry Christmas from me and Kitty and Super Grover here in Western Canada (where there is still no snow and the temps hover around freezing). :-)

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If the CIA was trying to sabotage the GOP, it couldn’t do a better job than the Republicans have done at shooting themselves in both feet.

An ill-timed Supreme Court abortion decision turning the mid-term party into a gaggle of political suicide specialists; abandoning the poor (and misguided) January 6th political prisoners; unleashing insane so-called family-values incompetents into a do-nothing (except extramarital groping and sex) Congress; getting sucked into kicking McCarthy’s ass to the curb in the lead-up to the most important election of our collective lifetimes and then, said McCarthy proving what a narcissistic ass he really is by throwing a hissy fit and leaving his House seat thus reducing a razor thin majority to microscopic...all add up to the $64,000 question...Is the Republican party just a Democrat-beard date to an election party?

Even the debates were nothing more than high school pissing contests.

As much as I would enjoy sleeping securely with DeSantis as President, it ain’t going to happen unless he gets a makeover than enables him to smile at the fat, finger-pointing and savagely rude competition to his left and right and focuses on inspiring the Republicans and the electorate with a clear, optimistic vision for America.

Think “The Great Communicator”!

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Please give up on the poor January 6th "political prisoners." They're morons and their moronitude screwed over the Republican Party more than any Democrat ever could have dreamed of. You think BLM helps the Democrats? No, it's a disaster for them. That's what Jan 6 bozos did to the GOP, but worse because the media will never let us forget it, while BLM has already been memory-holed.

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I have had total respect for your insight since your CR days, but on the treatment of those indicted resulting from January 6th I must differ.

Many of those people (I am referring to those in the bell of the curve not the crazies on the tails of the curve) got caught up in the moment after relentlessly getting ginned-up by Trump et al.

BLM was only a long-term negative for the Democrats with people who don’t vote Democrat anyway because the Democrats in power and the media propaganda machine either turned a blind eye towards the BLM riots or outright supported them.

You are absolutely correct that Jan 6 is a long-term negative for the GOP because of the disparate treatment of those protestors compared to the BLM “protesters” in the media, the prosecutors offices, the courts and, of course, the University of the View.

But calling the average Jan 6 protester a moron is as harsh as calling those who immediately enlisted after 9-11 morons...a “smart” person knew that Afghanistan was a meat grinder just waiting to maim and kill the patriots that served because W picked a fight he did not have the stomach or backbone to win and “leader” after “leader” continued that Afghanistan folly/lie for 20 years.

One can get led down a garden path and make very bad decisions with the best of intentions because they were duped by a world-class con-artist.

My point is that if the GOP “leadership” will not stand-up for the non-rocket science, but well intentioned, conservative Americans who are in an apples/oranges criminal justice system, who will? Or do they just get kicked to the curb and forgotten?

That is the unanswered question that got Trump elected and that is the still unanswered question that is allowing the liberals to use well intentioned but unsavvy people as their useful morons to keep Trump on the shelf way past his use-by date.

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"got caught up in the moment after relentlessly getting ginned-up by Trump et al."

is there any validity, then, to the videos showing them mulling around outside, peacefully till the moment the rubber bullets and tear gas were shot into the crowd? Given the fact that the police / authorities in the Capitol allowed a monkey with a history of leaving his gun behind on bathroom counters to remain on the force, and that said monkey shot Ashley Babbit, the preponderance of evidence would suggest that similar king shit cops were on duty at the Capitol that afternoon.

And what of the countless people who were let into the Capitol by police, led to the Senate chamber, high fived with police as they turned to leave...? They were hardly ginned up.

Maybe there was some confusion among police, 'oh my god, some people already entered the building and they are just walking around...now what..?! Open fire!'

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I actually watched the last Republican debate, as we had two friends visiting who wanted to see it. In it, DeSantis said that if elected, he will build a wall on the Mexican border. If he means it, the establishment will do whatever is necessary to defeat him, as they have with Trump. Moreover, his body language was awful, and from what I see online, liberals hate him as much they do Trump. Much the same with Ramaswamy--more than DeSantis, he's uttering truths that are poison to the establishment. So that leaves the two disgusting "electables" acceptable to the donors.

As an aside, if there is an election (wartime, you know, have to unify behind strongmen like Biden, Netanyahu, and Zelensky), Biden is unlikely to be the Dem nominee. He's decrepit, corrupt, and unpopular, and the evidence keeps rolling in that he didn't even win in 2020 (https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/washington-secrets/coming-clean-1-in-5-admit-2020-election-fraud). Unfortunately, a "fresh" face touting the same rotting slogans might be hard to beat in our current Idiocracy.

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So most of the media, all the Ds and pretty much all of our justice system, fed and state, are engaged in a 4D chess move to convince the Rs to nominate Trump by putting him in jail, taking him off ballots, etc. Seems like alot of effort to knee cap their preferred opponent. They have to be very careful to not go too far but they fear him not. Not one bit. Vivek is the best candidate but doesn't have a chance. Ditto DeSantis. God forbid the other two warmongers. Pretty pathetic situation. Welcome to the losing side.

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Do we think we can actually reverse what has happened in the last 3 years with one more year to go? If a Rep wins imagine what damage Biden will do going out. Look what that obama trash did in his 8 years, what he did on his way out and what he is still actively doing. This is a country screaming toward the cliff faster and faster. We better start on an escape plan or we are going to be part of the western civilization ash heap.

We must separate. Let the freaks go their way. In a generation we’ll get an unconditional surrender.

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Plan D: Destroy the USA by flooding it with so many illegals the situation can never be reversed, no matter which party wins the White House.

Plan E: Make voters think they are going mad. Men are women. Jews are the oppressors in the vast Arab middle east. Blacks cannot be racist. Two parent families are destabilizing. Capitalism is a failure (so why is everyone coming here?)., Etc.

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Only DeSantis will build a wall and send them home.

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RDS needs to talk about NOTHING but the border and exactly what he’s going to do about it. That’s what made me trust Trump - when I heard the words “stop the flow of immigrants from countries that sponsor terrorism - until we figure out what is going on” and build the big beautiful wall etc.



SEND THEM ALL HOME THERE ARE NO ASYLUM SEEKERS ONLY WELFARE SEEKERS (needs to be emphasized over and over and please never EVER use the term “economic migrants”)

Establish penalties for illegals who try these stunts again and allow the states to pass their own laws to expel them

That alone should get RDS elected.

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Great. We all know who encourages this and why. Knowing that isn’t a solution. DEPORT THEM ALL. Every stinking last one. You mentioned establishing penalties. THERE ARE PENALTIES in the current law. The law is ignored. Increase severity of penalties, yes. MISREPRESENTATION of a material fact in seeking asylum or any other benefit is grounds for removal. Always has been. Misrepresentation is, simply put, lying to immigration authorities. That is a first time automatic 5 year bar to reentry. Make misrepresentation a bar to reentry for life. Illegal entry, a bar for life. This is a completely corrupt government staffed by bootlick civil servants. It is actively participating in the destruction of our country.

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"Make misrepresentation a bar to reentry for life. Illegal entry, a bar for life. "

Excellent point, 'for life.'

Rush said in the early 2000s, 'ok, let the illegal aliens come in but don't let them vote for 25 years.' His heart was in the right place, as at that time 25 years into the future was a long time. But here we are.......those earlier arrivals have passed the time limit.

I also like the part about pols and pundits saying 'the broken immigration system' without mentioning what is broke. In their view, Biden fixed it.

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Robin the "Big Lie" (no not that one) is that the old Republican Machine loves open borders because of cheap labor, higher rental pricing, etc., etc. Texas would have half the growth, half the wealth, and half the size of the population without fence jumpers. The underground economy thrives in the border states supporting 1/4 of the GDP in the countries all the way to Brazil and their cousins want in on the action.

Have a Merry New Year !

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Chris Kobach of Kansas stated exactly that - the biggest problem isn’t just liberal politicians gaming the immigration system to get 25% of a states population to forever vote leftist - it’s the damned chamber of commerce! THEY want the cheap labor and to ship their sick and injured workers to the emergency room in the taxpayers.

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"Plan D: Destroy the USA by flooding it with so many illegals the situation can never be reversed, no matter which party wins the White House.


I like the part where the monkey Van Jones talks about whitelash and 'a changing country.'

Why doesn't anyone point out that there is a difference between a changing country and a country that is being changed? It would be funny to confront Jones with that and watch him unpeel a banana, climb his jello tree and throw around his feces.

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Hard to imagine someone losing in a bigger landslide than Romney in 2012

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It's not really that hard.

Bush lost to Clinton by 202 electoral votes.

McCain lost to Obama by 192 electoral votes.

Romney lost to Obama by 126 electoral votes.

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