His lies are weird, but his truths really creep me out

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With Biden we have a combination of someone who has spent his life lying whenever it was convenient and served his goal of padding his resume, aggrandizing himself to the audience of the moment or just when he didn't know the answer to something and he lacked the personal character and quality of upbringing to simply say "I don't know the answer to your question but I'll look into it and get you the answer shortly."....exacerbated by a painfully obvious case of dementia.

We all knew that of course, but what's astonishing to me is that the NYT is finally taking notice. I confess that I'm not a regular NYT reader (Ann Coulter helps me to keep my blood pressure down by sifting through their toxic spew and writing about what they've said that we really ought to know...eternally grateful for that, Ann!) but haven't they been pretending that Joe was perfectly fine and healthy all these years?

What might cause this shift toward acknowledging obvious realities?

Could it be that they want Kamala promoted soon...before Joe's term is up? hmmm....

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'With Biden, people have decided these are not the kind of lies that matter,' Mr. Alterman added. Really? 'People have decided?' No Alterman, most people think Biden is a despicable, pathological lying sack of spit. That's the 'God's honest truth' about Biden and his constant lies. 'People' are sick of all of the Democrats lies. Except other Democrats.

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I'll bet that people are getting sick of all the lying politicians whether D or R...Their greed and narcissism are destroying our beloved country and freedoms.

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Both parties are corrupted by donors but Democrats run a political cash machine that feeds billionaire wealth to party loyalists. It it disgusting to have criminals like Omar fully funded by oligarchs to spread her hatred and undermine our national security. All because of the D and the dummies who only vote D.

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I think it's time to take the keys away from Grandpa. He could get somebody killed if we let him drive anymore. So sad in less than 2 years he just keeps f...n up everything. Carter's smiling (:

Stay Strong Patriots !!

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Joe Biden is a deeply insecure person. He knows he is a below average intellect when it comes to any complicated issue, foreign or domestic. He developed a habit of touching people, which is a way to enforce power, in order to compensate for his insecurity. He feels the need to embellish every aspect of his life because he knows that he is outclassed by practically everyone he meets and knows in Washington. At his core, Joe Biden is a fraud. So he tries to 'put the arm on people,' and distract people with dumb jokes and tall tales all to hide the fact of what he truly is. A guy who is and always has been out of his league. I don't know how Americans missed that for the last 50 years that he was a Senator. He has always been the same loser guy, groping women, girls and telling lies.

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Just know this about Biden’s middle class hard working roots: his Dad owned a car dealership much like my uncle did in the sixties. Yep I know which of the side of the economic scale he was on. But hell ain’t America the land of opportunity. And we can thank the mafia backed Teamsters for his start!

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Please note that the entire Biden family spend their waking hours hiding behind sunglasses...they either all have had cataracts since puberty; have a strange pseudo-sexual fetish with Top Gun or, most likely, are incapable of looking anybody in the eye during their 24/7 pathological lying cycle.

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Biden: "I remember when a pipeline blew up while I was taking a bath. I could see the bubbles. I could never figure out who was responsible, though."

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The msm let's Democrats get away with it.

Actually the msm covers for them and gas lights ppl.

Don't get me started on social media platforms.

Big tech is guilty of literally killing ppl with their medical misinformation.

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“Do anything, Say anything” Therein lies the problem with lies. They eventually eat away at the soul forcing a person to try to forget (or remember) what they did to get wherever they think they want to be. Not only weird, but sad. Thank you for sharing your perspective Ann.

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Prior to hid last political campaign for election, the political rumor about career politician and long time US Senstor from Thode Island " Uncle Joe" Biden attested to how well-liked he is inside the Capitol beltway. Maybe so. I find the man's smiles pregnant with hostility. So are his policies, politics and party.

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The 'lies' become less weird when you realize it's just your old and decrepit grandpa remembering things that never happened.

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As usual Ann..you are spot on. Take it to them..Duluth loves ❤️

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When my Dad was nearing the end of his life and in a memory care facility for dementia a few years back he believed it was 1987.

Not sure why.

We learned to not try to convince him otherwise as doing so just made him more confused.

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Biden doesn't lie. He produces metaphorical cardigans.

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