I don't think these are Coulter's Laws* yet, but they should be:

'Whatever the NYT says, it's most likely that the opposite is the truth'

'Whatever the NYT recommends Republicans do, do the opposite if you want the Republican Party to be successful at anything'

'If you want America to prosper and succeed as a Nation, do the precise opposite of whatever the NYT recommends'

'If the NYT approves of what you say, you're either an America-hating Leftist or a completely misguided Republican whose actions would harm America or the Republican Party'


*Coulter's Law

From Ann Coulter: The longer we go without being told the race of the shooters, the less likely it is to be white men.

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I must admit I have no idea how this is going to turn out. Anecdotally, yesterday all I heard from anyone talking about this is “I hate them all”.

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The Republican Party will continue to founder and shrink nationally, until it becomes a post-Trump organization, once and for all.

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The majority of voters are amoral and vote democrat. Predictable result of broken families. We are beyond the point of no return. The lemmings are joyously stampeding to the precipice.

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Ann is always two steps ahead, but is never appreciated. I remember just before the first debate she had DeSantis on for an interview, and she TOLD HIM exactly what to focus on: Immigration. He listened, but never brought it up.

And now this: If the NYT puts Bannon on the cover of the paper, it's an obvious misdirection play on the Dems part, but dumb Republicans will get excited about it.

We're doomed.

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Come on Steve, if it feels good, DO IT! Go with the flow bro. Just because you see something wrong doesn't mean you have to do something. Works for the dems.

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Advice to GOP: Step 1: stop the leftward drift of the Overton Window. Step 2: work to move it back, first to the center, then to the right. This is what a majority of the people want and this is where the future of the GOP lies.

The GOP brand used to be: 'We're the sane, normal people." I believe there is a need in America for a political party to represent the alt-right, neo-Confederates, neo-Nazis, "Christian" nationalists (as real as Fred Phelps's "Westboro Baptist Church"), J6ers, and "militias," and the GOP is not it. The GOP's Sister Souljah moment has arrived. As with Clinton, you will risk alienating some voters, but will gain many, many more of the type of voter who values integrity and the principles of the American founding but sees no home in Bannon-world.

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Can't blame adults for freaking out when perversion is normalized by exposing children to it. Dems are smart. They check the wind and realize lemmings are the majority. "Let em jump, who cares? I got mine."

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How did the Roman Empire fall? I’ve got a book about it. Time to read it I guess.

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Oct 5, 2023
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Might also note that it was an “Empire” and not a “Nation”...i.e. it was a disparate collection of “cultures” and city-states of differing interests...a terminal kingdom of Multi-Cultural Diversity...if the US dies as a nation, the cause will be that we lost the unification of assimilating the population in a common set of values all based on the Western product of Judeo-Christian morals --->The Constitution

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While his advice may be misguided, the democratic agenda is so far to the left, that the only reason they survive is a Pravda press and ballot stuffing. Even Democrats despise these communists.

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True that, but that is no excuse for operating in stupidity.

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Stupidity, unintelligence, political miscalculations, or just plain old, not enough coffee does not cause this. Not a chance. "They Do This Because of Money". Follow the money and you'll find the reason. And who pays best in American Politics? Leftist!

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Thank you for follow up on this media (Bannons)company gone awry. I get it, negativity sells. Once again, so can irresponsible journalism. I, for one, more than appreciate the lack of madness and your straightforward, albeit witty, analysis of the news of our day. Please keep it coming Ann.

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That picture of Bannon holed up in his basement (or is it his attic?) surrounded by utter chaos captures the essence of the man perfectly.

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I don't like Republicans, RINOs or real, doing Kabuki for the glazy-eyed when in the minority with no chance of passing squat. Peacuck Trey Gowdy, his shiny-haired sidecuck Jason Chaffetz (née Dukakis) & Her Majesty Lindsey Queen of Carolina excel in it. Trey & Jason would ruffle their feathers, puff up, put on angry faces, point fingers ... basically a mating presentation for the FauxNews audience, engendering endless streams of viral tweets about how so-and-so should shop for orange jump suits🤮. Hard core conservatives caught on to the fundraising benefits.

But besides snark attacks, what's *your* solution, Ann? Roll over for every corrupt spending hike and ONLY whine about immigration, which the "majority" Rs in congress can do NOTHING about either? Why can't they do anything? They don't have the Senate or WH, or really even the SupCt. WHY don't even RINOs have Sen, WH & Court? They appointed LoLibertarian "Fed Soc" RINOs & sissy "Justices", winked at unprosecuted, blatant, growing election fraud until too late & beyond, and let Democrats STEAL tens of 1000s of elections nationwide the last few decades. And they sabotaged Universal School Choice campaigns. And because all Republican talking heads DO is whine all day long but take NO responsibility for their bully pulpit and the dirty work of *implementing* their agenda by putting real conservatives in office and holding them accountable.

You'll deny all that because it makes Trump look *slightly* less ridiculous & justifies the dereliction of talking heads. Annoying establishment robot Hannity used to say "3 hours a day is all I ask", as if listening to his whiny bot-puke elects a single person. While entertaining, Rush refused to get involved in elections in any way. Never volunteered even at a high level. No idea how they worked. Refused to even interview good conservative candidates and give out their websites. Doing one show per cycle from a campaign HQ, and 5-10 minutes an hour during the election season would've made an enormous difference. Rush said he was "not interested". "Not my thing." Who's "thing" is it? I didn't volunteer, donate & organize campaigns because I LIKED it. I did NOT like it and I had far more enjoyable things to do for my own benefit. I did it because it's every American's DUTY to *sacrifice* to save the Republic. Voting & listening to talking heads is no kind of sacrifice. (Well, unless it's voting in statewide California elections & listening to Hannity, Shapiro & Gorka. Those are a pointlessly painful sacrifice of sorts.)

From the mid-1990s on, Rs OWNED talk radio, really cable too with FoxNews. Yet they kept whining about the mainstream media, pissed their advantage away and kept LOSING because they didn't use the incredible power they HAD to ORGANIZE for effective, focused *action*. The last 30 years proves reading & listening to talking heads, tweeting all caps memes to collect followers on Twitter, and personally voting alone, do NOTHING to save the USA. Talking heads & Twitter function as sterile bee queens building sterile bee hives. All buzz, no honey. Hospices for conservative bees to imagine they're doing something, buzzing angrily but harmlessly while their territory is taken over by aggressive bees from the Latin America, China, etc.

Aside from backing & interviewing DeSantis (good), recognizing immigration as a huge problem (true), being wickedly funny and having fewer followers, how are you much different?

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The megalomaniacal always that it's the other guy's fault, but they can fix it. If one single Ann could do so much and didn't, then get off your ass (and keyboard, (warrior)), duplicate what she has done and improve upon it. We have all been slow cooked!

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Nice try, Chatroom Commando. Did I say ANN was the only one? Are you already drunk this early? I've done plenty of actual activism, campaigns, donations. Why would I want to duplicate a sterile bee hospice?

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Ask me if I love Ann Coulter.

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Do you love Ann Coulter?

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I love Ann Coulter.

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Ask *me* if *I* love Ann Coulter.

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"Being sane is your STRONG point, Republicans. Please don't give it up." Is giving "bipartisan" support to demonic Dem bills sane? McCarthy and McConnell, sane? Nimarada? 30 Pence (so insane he settled for a single establishment token, not even a single piece of silver)? Doughboy? Could anyone hurt the Republican Party more than those worthies? Yes, DeSantis is sane (though holding a Florida cabinet meeting in Israel wasn't smart), but like Rand Paul (my initial choice in 2016), he isn't winning over voters.

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Meanwhile, pretty much all of the government stenographers in the MSM are decrying what happened to poor uniparty hack Kevin McCarthy.

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Just remember, Democrats have college students and recent college grads in their back pocket.

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So beside Trump himself, who undermined his administration more, Bannon or Kushner? At least Bannon had the discernment to hate Kushner, according to the 666 golden boy himself:


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The other odd thing here is that the "crazies" who opposed McCarthy seem to be exactly the people who, like Ann and her readers, really want to close the border and end useless foreign wars. The RINOs and "Cis"-Republicans who support McCarthy and SBF-friend McConnell and opposed the "crazies" are exactly the people who might criticize Biden's open borders but do nothing about it should Republicans ever regain power. Their motto might as well be "vote for us if you hate open borders and we'll give you 5% fewer illegals."

In a similar vein, Revolver News this morning linked to an American Spectator article by former DeSantis supporter Rabbi Dov Fischer. Fischer now concedes that Trump can't be beaten by the other Republican candidates, but he thinks Nimarada's great performance in the debates has earned her secretary of state in a second Trump administration--if Mike Pompeo doesn't want the job. In other words, Fischer now "supports" Trump, but wants a second Trump administration just like the first one: larded with anti-Trump sis-Republicans to keep the arms sales and illegals flowing.

With Biden's real approval numbers said to be around 10%, and even Dem mayors realizing the disaster at hand, maybe it's time for "crazy" real opposition rather than pretend Romney-style election-time uniparty BS.

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