Thank you again Ann and Mickey K. for your thoughtfully discussed perspectives. Listened twice/again to your Mickey and Me. Personally, and respectfully never considered Mr. Trump to be a choir boy. I do believe that his business acumen and respect for military informed his Presidential decisions on behalf of the people/citizens. In contrast, Mr Biden has used government and the office of the Presidency to pad/benefit his life. Oftentimes to the detriment to citizens, persons seeking citizenship. Thank you for the opportunity to continue to express a free thought.
Thank you again Ann and Mickey K. for your thoughtfully discussed perspectives. Listened twice/again to your Mickey and Me. Personally, and respectfully never considered Mr. Trump to be a choir boy. I do believe that his business acumen and respect for military informed his Presidential decisions on behalf of the people/citizens. In contrast, Mr Biden has used government and the office of the Presidency to pad/benefit his life. Oftentimes to the detriment to citizens, persons seeking citizenship. Thank you for the opportunity to continue to express a free thought.