"The root cause is them." I love it. Kamala looked in the mirror and her work was over. Time for a cackle break!

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"Terrorists, murderers and rapists from around the world have been pouring across our borders . . ."

And worse, persons of such low average IQ as to be permanently useless to civilization. "IQ and the Wealth of Nations" should be required reading for public policy mavens. There truly is no cure for stupid.

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The democrats love to call Trump a liar, when they lie all the time on the obvious. Biden and the border czar Harris have been absolutely terrible on immigration. It is well documented. This administration is even providing benefits to illegals that we are paying taxes for. Kamala even talked about building a wall lol, she will say anything to anyone to get a vote. Great article, Ann.

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In NYC where I live huge increase in illegals is just too obvious. Even Midtown 6th Ave that is very much business / finance streets, plenty roaming around or selling stuff on the street. No matter what media says (more deportation???) it's just obvious plenty more are arriving to NYC, and presumably the same is felt across all big blue cities. There have been even anti illegal rally by Brooklyn residents near one of those illegals facilities. I wondered whether they reflected on their voting habit...anyway unless they steal all illegals voter registrations maybe even NYC could see slight shift in votes to the right, although I wouldn't count on it much.

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Thanks Ann, for explaining why we are right when we think this is obvious BS and propaganda. Now I know where I saw the self-described "iconic picture" of the little girl looking up at the dear leader (Kamala)- It was in Orwell's 1984 or a Twilight Zone episode. There is really no limit to the lies. That picture is not iconic. It is scary. It is a warning. "Obey! You are lucky to be alive child! Believe and Worship or Else you will be put on the yellow school bus to oblivion or worse, turn you over to my creepy assistant Walz who will expose you to the Venn diagram of pain while jamming the craters of the moon into your eyes!" She was talking about small business today- you know what she keyed on- the revenue small business provides to the state. Yup, joy totalitarian style.

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Spot on article Ann...personally I do not believe any government "stats". They could, I would guess, be some sort of starting point but the country has already been destroyed....I see no one with the balls to actually reverse this and we have now been overpowered. I never thought I would live to see the country in this shape but I have "only" been here 70 years.....sad...so so sad.

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What the Democrats really want is to establish a “voting block” of illegal immigrants to keep the Democratic party permanently in power! They would never allow these illegals in if they were to vote Republican!

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You know, I would have thought most illegals would have seen the FREE BUFFET! sign at the border and turned the other way.

For some reason, my guess is these people haven't been to college - or high school - or grade school, so I'm sure there's a job for them here teaching K-12. The output couldn't be any worse than it is now. Maybe we could have a syndicated show every Wednesday: Are You Stupider Than a 3rd Grader? We could pit the rabble coming across the border against public school kids from Illinois (or California). Teams will play for a month's stay at the Biltmore with a $10,000 EBT card.

I cannot fathom how stupid the dems think we are - to believe that we don't know they've let in the world. Virtually everyone is aware of it, some more than others. If our Border Czar has deported so many, why can't we walk down a sidewalk in LA without tripping over a tent? I know it sort of neat that some of our cities have taken on that edgy Karachi vibe, but the game is over now, it's time for everyone to go home.

That includes Joe and Kamala.

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“Or is the opposition to Trump merely a cover for your (Democrat’s) real objective: Destroying the United States of America?”

Well, in a nutshell, YES!

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The magnificent Ann Coulter on The Mark Simone Show - (9-4-2024


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Is big media catering to

Low information voters…..? Naa they are just lying.

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I thought in Democrat land deportations were evil and unjustifiable under almost all circumstances and anyone that risked crossing the border deserves to stay forever? Kind of surprised by this, I thought they would distance their position from his and play the sympathy card, "deportations are mean".

Could this be a good sign that her campaign is acquiescing to Trump's deportation promises? As in, they don't have confidence in their position so instead are aligning with his, which seems to be the trend so far; no tax on tips, child tax credit and now pro-deportations. They could be feeling the lack of support and enthusiasm as I would think a more confident campaign would brag about their record.

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The Democrats know that after letting 10 million in they are supposed to SAY they are pro-deportation. But just wait until Harris takes office. More of the same, or worse...

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Sep 6Edited

They would sooner start deporting American citizens than illegal aliens. I think the country is over, completely, in November aka Kamala Wins, but God may yet be gracious. Not that we deserve any grace, with Trump as our side’s riposte to gross immorality. I wonder what it will take to become a citizen of the Republic of Florida once the federal government collapses, and do I need to buy gold? These are just the musings of someone who knows the time is short for the good ole US of A.

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The closer we get to Election Day the Tragedy of the Commons goes into play. The news media is flooding the public square with tons of bullshit. We should be thankful we have Ann to set the record straight!

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The Israelis, the moral leaders of humanity, torment the native Arabic population of the West Bank with high-technology noises and high- technology stinks. Gov. Abbot should emulate the Israelis. Is the Rio Grande deep enough for motor-boats?

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Thank you Ann for update on the ongoing illegal activities of the illegals partying in the USA while the democrats encourage them. Will personally be glued to debate next Tuesday and Harris’s answers on immigration—provided David Muir and Linsey Davis ask for follow up—and don’t toss softball, wimpy questions her way. Thanks also for the byblines of the journalists who wrote false immigration stats.

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