After Gender Dysphorics, one naturally wonders which severe mental illness the Left will deify next.

Violent psychopaths come to mind, given that so many of them are in the service of the Democrat Party as Antifa members....and many Gender Dysphorics are proud Antifa members already.

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The loonies are out in full force. If you’re able, get a few acres away from high population areas, a good handgun and shotgun, and a dog or two. I’ve done just this and thank God for it every day.

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Michael lived a privileged life and now pretends to be a woman named "Norah." He is "transitioning" to further enhance the farce of being female. Looks like he will end up in a women's prison section - where hopefully he won't harm anyone else. To me, his impersonation of Anne Frank shows a total disregard and an utter lack of compassion for a woman who suffered greatly. Total mistake to put him in a female lock-up.

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Red Flags all over the place.

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Almost like foreign hormones to a males body increases their depression and mental Illness huh

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Carrot Top has seen better days.

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Some schizophrenics think they're Napoleon, others try to pass for teenage Holocaust victims. Psychos like that used to be isolated from society, now they freely roaming among us, imposing danger to themselves and others. The bigger problem, is that Democrats are exploiting these incidents trying to make all of us to live under the rules of the loony bin.

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This is what you should expect from the insane! I am surprised it hasn't happen more often!

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Thank you Ann for follow up story re: crime. Scary.

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are there any statistics with regards to the trans community and violent crime?

is it disproportionate compared to other demographics or subcultures within the country?

(at this point, I assume it is...)

when it comes to violence from black people, I'm always seeing that 13% of the population commits ... the numbers I see vary from 50% to 70% of the crime. I keep meaning to look it up and see what's accurate. I think Ann has commented on it before, but I don't recall the exact numbers.

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Not sure how to communicate to Anne? But we need to answer citizen problem by allowing citizens to sell the citizenship. They would then value them and get rid of unhappy citizens. China pays $500k for such.

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I think I should compile a top five list of female names so that I eliminate one more task for the eventual journey, if only a declaration. Sort of like joining a prison gang for protection.

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