Dec 13, 2023Liked by Ann Coulter

Amen Ann. Haley would be W’s third term even if she were to not lose.

If Trump is not the nominee, the Dems will ditch Biden.

Vote DeSantis or kiss America goodbye.

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Brilliant insights, as always!

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A beautiful recent history lesson. Either you have a mind of an elephant or you stockpile/index news articles like the Library of Congress or you have a pit-bull researcher or two.

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Ann, I also want to point out that your prediction of Tim Scott getting inflated guilt polls catapulting him to the front seem to be ringing true, just for the wrong candidate. This cycle, it seems an Indian woman has stolen the only predictable present black Republicans get this time a year.

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McCain, Romney Haley are all grifters who couldn’t care less about the country or everyday Americans. While Ron D would be an exceptional choice, his days on the campaign trail are numbered. Trump is the perfect choice to run against Biden. It will be more plausible for the CIA to fake the votes and have Biden victorious over despised Trump, rather than Ron D. As we presently see the Feds are throwing their weight behind Joe B with no rate change today and proposing rate cuts next year. The only wild card will be if the Weekend at Bernie’s President really passes. It happened with Associate Justice Ruth Ginsburg at SCOTUS, so I’m sure The Puppet Masters are filling their Amphetamine syringes in advance for FJB.

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But no we can’t have nice things. All the big boomer energy in the party will make Trump the nominee and we will once again have walked right into the Left’s trap. It’s depressing honestly that we get a candidate as good as DeSantis and this is what happens.

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I know that most of what I read aligns with what I believe and I do spend time in a bit of a conservative vacuum. Live that warm fuzzy feeling. Ha! However, it was especially warm and fuzzy after reading this. The truth is the truth.

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Nimrata would be a disaster. She has no chance of winning which is the whole point. She's a partially woke Democrat on domestic policy and a raging, Israel first neoconservative on foreign policy.

The megadonors are using her to rid the party of Trump since if she wins the nomination by underhanded means Trump is toast since he can't run for president at 82yrs old. Once Nimrata plays her part she will be handsomely rewarded with millions of dollars and be a regular on all the networks attacking right of center Republicans.

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Great column Ann! Just like Romney and McCain, Nikki Haley is part of controlled opposition, destined to snatch defeat out of jaws of victory if she ever secures the GOP nomination. The moment both McCain and Romney became the nominees, they surrounded themselves with "MSNBC conservatives" who advised them not to criticize Obama. The week before the election, both suspended the campaign all together and handed corrupt socialist from Chicago named Barack HUSSEIN Obama a landslide victory (in case of Mccain, Democrats gained a filibuster-proof Senate). Nikki Haley would campaign the same way.

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it doesn't matter who the GOP nominee ends up being. Dems are already putting in place plans to steal the election (I have a hard time being sympathetic to poor oppressed jewish people as long as Mark Elias remains alive). Be wary of water breaks and fire alarms and ballot images that don't scan in ballot machines.

Maybe take flashlights -- the ones with the little ball on the end that serves as something with which to break your auto glass in case of emergency -- along to counting stations in order to break the glass so that it can't be papered over. And bring lighters in case the windows ARE papered over (you can just pull the fire alarms to set off the sprinklers after the paper has burned away).

And what October Surprise will the Intelligence Community come up with? Will 52 of them sign some P0s intelligence report?

If Trump does win he should dispense with any senatorial advice and consent by simply not nominating anyone to cabinet positions since his Administration will be his and his alone; as if any DC functionary has any ideas on world affairs ('no, Mr President, don't call him Rocket Man!' 'No, Mr President, you can't send missiles to Syria at the exact moment you are sitting for desert with the ChiCom leader!'). Would any other candidate in history have had the instinct to, on the spot, say 'because you'd be in jail'?

The only person he needs at his side is Flynn, and since Trump will have abolished the FBI on his first day, there won't be any worry of Flynn getting hoodwinked by double agents.

I would be in favor of Trump using his Executive power to send cruise missiles to the NSA and amazon server farms along with a battery of missiles to WEF headquarters, the UN, the WHO and the southern border.

These are the bare minimum actions that need to be taken to start the draining of the swamp, and no other candidate would even consider such actions. Therefore, if you care about the future of the country, you need to vote for Trump.

Not that it will matter [see point 1].

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What would the leftists do if Biden refused to debate ANYONE? Vote for him anyway?

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How is it that any republican does not favor Desantis? The guy almost singlehandedly led the country out of the absurd covid morass. He has governed perfectly as far as I can tell. Has there ever been a more effective governor of any state, ever? He makes everyone that opposes him politically look silly, knocking them down like carnie ducks. Come on people.

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DeSantis did not keep FL open during Covid. I really enjoy reading Ann Coulter, but she needs to do some better research on this topic. Talk to people who lived there during that period.

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It was fun to watch Nikki's face when Ramaswamy was indicating she didn't even know which Ukrainian oblasts were in play. The face that says "Don't say a word, mine field!"

When it comes right down to it, Vivek has the brains, motivation, and stamina to be an almost 40 year younger version of Trump, but the diehards stick with their septuagenarian the way the democrats stick to their octogenarian. And when it comes down to results, did Trump really drain the swamp, build the wall, take us all back to morning in America?

I'm sorry, I know he doesn't have a chance in hell to win, but Vivek is the closest thing we have right now to a Javier Milei, and we need radical, not incremental change. Now.

Of course, if Alex Jones is right and the deep state has a leftist kill Trump and a right-winger kill Biden, all bets are off. At that point they might just off RFK Jr. and Vivek in the bargain.

Then we could have Gavin Newsom work some of that "California Miracle" on what's left of this country.

That would be hard on the markets, wouldn't it?

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Ron DeSantis is the most ideologically pure, intelligent, historically and constitutionally literate and extemporaneously articulate candidate in my lifetime. And I voted for Reagan. And, yet, Republicans and the media are on another Bataan Death March.

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