"Actually, the murder rate started its decline under David Dinkins."
Yes, and the rate of Jew-killing began its decline under Hitler!
Amid the left’s ecstasy at having finally gotten Rudy Giuliani, they’ve decided to really stick the knife in and take away his greatest accomplishment: Saving New York City.
You’re going to hear a lot of liberals claiming, Actually, the murder rate began to decline under Mayor Dinkins.
And the rate of Jew-killing in Nazi Germany began declining under Adolf Hitler!
Liberals have even doctored charts, narrowing the focus to right before Dinkins came in, creating the illusion of a major drop-off in murders, thanks to Dinkins’s tough-on-crime policies. (Ha!) Although the murder rate did drop in his second two years in office, that’s only in comparison to the epic, historic rise in murders in Dinkins first two years in office — numbers New Yorkers hadn’t experienced even in the 1970s.
Here’s a complete chart of murders in New York City, courtesy of the FBI Uniform Crime Reports:
Green line: Dinkins inaugurated.
Red line: Giuliani inaugurated.
Don’t be fooled. Locking up criminals works.
For more, see Smart Policing: Lock Up Liberals:
Instead of understanding criminals, Giuliani thought we should lock them up. And guess what? It worked! In his first three years as mayor, the drop in crime in New York City alone was responsible for 35 percent of the reduction in crime nationally.
When the murder rate in New York plummeted an amazing 20 percent his first year in office, The New York Times heralded this accomplishment with an article titled: “New York City Crime Falls but Just Why Is a Mystery.”
Over the course of his mayoralty, the number of murders in New York declined from about 2,000 a year to a few hundred a year –- and kept falling as Mayor Michael Bloomberg continued Giuliani’s crime policies.
The results weren’t so great in cities that refused to implement Giuliani-style policing. While New York became a wonderland, some cities continued their decline into dystopian nightmares. Detroit didn’t turn around. Baltimore didn’t turn around. Philadelphia and St Louis didn’t turn around.
Read the full column here.
Despite inflicting the same failed policies upon cities and Nations around the world again and again over the past century, the Left has precisely zero success stories to hold up as justification for the reign of terror and rivers of blood that are unleashed whenever they gain political power.
San Francisco
Los Angeles
New York City
...and many more.
All are shadows of their former selves - entirely and exclusively as a result of Leftist 'soft on crime' policies, profligate spending that would make a drunken sailor in a dive bar blush with embarrassment, and an open, proud and visceral hatred of Western national borders and Western Civilization. All are in a death spiral which will only continue and accelerate throughout our lifetimes.
Leftist fellow-travelers will never, ever admit to their failures and they will never, ever apologize for the cataclysmic devastation they have forced the world to endure. They will smugly stand by and watch the world burn down while bleating "you deserve this fate because you're all racists."
Poland will soon fall as a result of their most recent election, and Hungary along with a very few others will be all that's left, standing alone as unwelcome reminders of what White people can do when they're allowed to freely think, speak, create and build great things.
Mayor Giuliani (he will always be 'America's Mayor' to me) has had a judgment made against him that is clearly designed to send a message. If you dare to speak up against the leviathan crushing the West, you will be destroyed.
Enjoy the freedoms you still have as best you can, friends, and tell your children that it wasn't always this way. Carrying the truth down through generations will be the way that we will ultimately emerge from this Dark Age.
It’s also why you also lock up members of the mafia. Rudy’s claim to fame besides his handling of 9/11.