Jun 19Liked by Ann Coulter

I called in to Smerconish 6 months ago when some guest was peddling this partisan pap about crime. I told him the same thing: the BOJ BJS publishes this annual violent crime survey and major cities were absent those years - actually, unlike Ann, I thought those cities simply defected b/c their dim leaders grasped the consequences of reporting, rather than it being the result of a "technical" glitch - and urged him to do a show with some statisticians to dig it out.

In point of fact, the left is gaming economic and health stats as well as crime stats. I'm a crim defense layer now but traded bonds and currencies at big banks, did econ at the U of Chicago - I sussed out econ data daily for a dozen years. The econ data is patently accessible for anyone who cares to show how bad things are. But like the CoVid data, and the crime data.......... Don't get me started on immigration data.

These people are abject, shameless, demonstrable liars. It's Cloward-Piven meets Saul Alinsky, which is to say they are serious about destroying the country and unbounded by ethical norms.

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Jun 19Liked by Ann Coulter

The marvelous, indispensable Ann Coulter, Folks.

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It really is so true. I... marvel. Regularly.

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When crime is not reported it’s like the tree that fell in forest. In the words of Sergeant Schultz,” I see nothing!”

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Jun 19Liked by Ann Coulter

depending on the context, I often prefer the use of "Senatraitor" to the more traditional "Senator".

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People in LA, I believe, leave their car windows down, so that nobody breaks the window to steal what’s inside, and everybody say that shopping in California is like shopping in prison everything is behind glass… so if crime is down, which it’s not, it’s because of Americans having to readjust and reorganize their lives to protect themselves and their belongings. It has nothing to do with anything the democrats have done, speaking of which what have they done? What are they bragging about? Did they pass a bill or something that they believe fixed the crime problem?

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SCOTT: “Under Joe Biden, we've seen the movement to defund the police, leaving communities like the one I grew up in devastated and ravaged by a wave of violent crime that we have not seen literally in five decades.”

Unfortunately, Tim Scott, one of the worst Trump VP possibilities, was right there with the Defund-the-Police Dems after the drug death of Saint George. He was also upset, IIRC, by the shooting of knife-wielding Jacob Blake. Otherwise, a great article.

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absolutely right. I wasn't endorsing scott, just quoting the transcript.

plus side of Trump picking tim scott as his VP: It will be easy for me not to vote for Trump.

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You're badass, Ann! You're bad!

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I will never vote for that dumbass fraud…

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Would never trust him on crime. He would be an awful VP pick

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Tim Scott comes across as a generally decent guy, flip flopping on policy is an olympic sport in politics. Sadly, I don’t believe Scott is vicious enough for the VP slot.

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Bless you for pointing out the obvious. I wish the interrupted politicians would fire back with the same gusto!

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I always object to using the word "Democratic" to describe anything coming from the Democrat party... Democratic talking points, Democratic candidate, etc.

the Democrat party has half of the public brainwashed into thinking this country is a democracy... so when they use the word "Democratic" to describe anything of theirs, it's intended to make the public assume that it's fair, in line with democracy, and already has popular support.

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I hadn't seen Squeegee guys since the late 70s when I was a kid in NY until Joe Biden took office (and I saw them yesterday and they flashed me when I told them to stay away from the windows). Actually, the Cheap Fake is Joe Biden and the Democratic Party. They twist the facts and lie like the ambulance chasers they are. If they ask Trump about locking up Biden, he should say no, the special counsel says he is too old. He belongs in a retirement home, not a prison.

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The smokescreen of media-manipulated statistics that billow forth from what remain of the networks and broadsheets in a desperate effort to maintain narrative management is old hat by now, as is the GOP’s ongoing strategic stance in response.

Consider the interrupted answer Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida’s 19th Congressional District (and high-profile talking head of the ‘new’ GOP) who Ann points out managed to blurt out this gem on Meet The Press:

“The labor markets are OK, not great. Wages are down when you adjust them for inflation. People are struggling to make ends meet ...”

The labor markets are ‘OK’? For who?

The Center for Immigration Studies reported that in the fourth quarter of 2023 there were 3 million more migrants working in the U.S. and nearly 200,000 fewer native-born Americans on the job in contrast with the same period in 2019. Simply put, virtually all job growth has gone to the Democrats vaunted ‘newcomers.’

And though Americans of every ethnic variety have seen their shareholder value in the national enterprise greatly diminished, the majority stakeholders have seen their legacy portfolio delisted to penny-stock status and now a future that offers them little more than a fistful of Pink Sheets.

Bloomberg has proudly reported that in 2021 the companies comprising the S&P 100 added more than 323,000 new employees to their rosters—with 96% of those corporate new hires being non-white. The sheer rapidity and scale of the national ‘Whites Need Not Apply’ pogrom and the blood libel that infuses it clearly demonstrates the depth and duration of its planning.

While white Americans constitute more than 60% of the U.S. population, they represented just six out of every 100 new hires by the S&P 100 in 2021. On commercial television, as we’ve all seen, the sudden erasure of white Americans has been even more dramatic.

And yet the Republican Party’s response to this mass demographic disposal operation is to mumble about markets and industry sectors that aren’t operating at maximum capacity, the plight of regulatory obstacles and the bane of higher taxes—all while their core constituency and the single largest racial population in the country is being buried alive.

Accordingly, it should be of no surprise that, come November, the GOP is buried along with it.

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this was astonishing. thank you for reminding me:

<<Bloomberg has proudly reported that in 2021 the companies comprising the S&P 100 added more than 323,000 new employees to their rosters—with 96% of those corporate new hires being non-white. >>

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Juneteenth winding down. One more hour to go here in Buffalo, NY. Glad our nation took a day to remind itself that 160 years after a couple hundred thousand white boys died to end slavery black Americans are STILL oppressed by white male racists.

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Likewise astonishing that - despite the rank accessibility of the correct data that could so thunderclap any one of these media appearances - the Republican Party cannot seem to adequately equip the luminaries it trots onto these sets every day...while the Dims show up armed to the hilt with the calumny of the day. Gov. Noem got bushwacked on the same MTP with bad data on violent crime writ large as well as immigrant crime. And she took it on the chin, flatfooted.

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Ann, you are a shining ray of analytical truth trying to penetrate the Dem/Left miasma. Figures lie, and liars figure.

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Ann does the work that most journalists don't.

It's too bad she couldn't have moderated the 2012 Romney/Obama debate, rather than fat Candy Crowley.

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I would be an excellent debate moderator! except I'm against having ANY moderators. just let them debate, give them lights for when they have to stop -- and cut the mics 10-15 seconds later to show we mean business -- and let them ask their own questions of one another.

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Ann is describing the preferred Lincoln-Douglas debate model. All that is needed is a timekeeper; not a panel of questioners framing what they think are the key issues.

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Isn’t that how Lincoln/Douglass debates worked? No moderator; just a Q and A, a back and forth between the candidates? You are correct, Ann Coulter: let the candidates duke this out without outside (ie, woke, Biden-friendly) influence.

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I believe the mics will be cut after each candidate makes remark or response.

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whenever Democrats and their whores in the media start reporting things that fly in the face of the obvious, citing some version of "statistics", I always wonder if they're cherry picking from valid information, have changed how the relevant statistics are calculated, or are just outright lying...

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All the above

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Brilliant(as always) :)

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Remember the old saying, "Statistics never lie but liars use statistics!"

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I remember a book that was required reading in my Stat101 course:

"How to Lie with Statistics" by Darrell Huff. The book is still in print and a must to truly understand the rants of pols, especially leftist pols.

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Thank you for the update on crime Ann. Kinda sounds a lot like indoctrination is going on on these Sunday morning programs…

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The only people stupid enough to believe crime is going down are the people who would have been gullible enough to trust Fauci and lockdown, mask up, quarantine , socially distance themselves from others and vax and boost in response to the appearance of a treatable respiratory infection in 2020. We needn’t worry about that because we have at this time in our history a nation of dutiful Christians who have at their centers religious principles—the Belichick ethic: get out of bed, off your ass, off to work and do your job; and the corollary, do it well.

You know what, folks? We got Trouble, big Trouble, going forward. OJ Simpson to Howard Cosell: Howard, you have a marvelous grasp on the obvious.

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