The cringe spectacle of women who are in precisely zero danger of ever becoming pregnant anyplace but in a laboratory shrilly hyperventilating over their supposed inability to murder their children is peak Leftist lunacy.
Excellent article Ann. It can be added that the biggest abortion advocates are always gay men and butt-ugly lesbians, in other words - creatures who could never get pregnant to begin with. It's like subconsciously they mad at their parents for not aborting them in time.
A spectacular column Ann! You're a national treasure.
As the years roll by and it settles into the national psyche that 'just maybe' it might be a good idea to think for about ten seconds as to whether it's a good idea to hop into bed with this person you hardly know...or don't know at all...especially when murdering your child as a back-up birth control option might involve the terrible, horrible oppressive requirement that you drive over to the next State that still gleefully maintains an industrial-scale mass murder operation for children, hopefully we will see an increased level of Balkanization in the country. Those people who insist on being able to murder their children on a whim will gravitate toward the deep-blue States while those who want to give life a chance will not, and this, I contend, will make for a much better quality of life in the USA.
Those people who demand a no-consequences Hookup Culture and who think nothing of going to an abortionist to have them (gut-wrenching graphic details of dismemberment omitted) will not be forced to share a town with gentle, friendly people who believe that life and families are important and innocence should be protected, will undoubtedly be giddy with joy over the prospect of never having to be reminded that they're killing someone because the child is coming along at an inconvenient time.
Eventually the differences between entire States will be so dramatic that it will serve as a National Referendum of sorts on what America is to look like as we move forward. I contend that Life will win, not only because it is the only morally defensible choice but also because the Death Cultists will eventually die off.
The advocates for abortion rights in the Dodds case, including the Solicitor General, failed to advance the best argument
to preserve Roe-Casey. That missed argument is based on an actual provision in the Constitution: The Thirteenth Amendment which prohibits now and ended then the institution of slavery and any form of involuntary servitude.
The argument is that forcing a woman carrying an unintended pregnancy to take that pregnancy to term and delivery is a form of involuntary servitude. The woman did not intend to get pregnant, she does not have the financial means to properly care for the baby, she was raped or is the victim of incest and many other reasons why she wants to terminate the pregnancy. So if the State comes in through statutes or other means and mandates that despite her wishes, the State demands that she take the baby to term regardless of the circumstances, including her health, her financial condition, her plans for her life, her desire to complete her education, or her hatred of her rapist or incest male producer of the pregnancy, the State tells her regardless of her desires and choices for her own body, she must complete the pregnancy and take the baby to term.
When the State issues these demands that are contrary to what the woman wants to do, she is being coerced against her will to complete the pregnancy. When the State so demands it is imposing a form of involuntary servitude in forcing the woman to complete the pregnancy. That coercion by the State is clearly involuntary servitude and as such it is prohibited by the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution which prohibits any form of involuntary servitude.
I think that is a powerful argument based on the literal words of the Thirteenth Amendment. Unfortunately, the attorneys for the abortion clinic in Mississippi and the U. S. Solicitor General failed, without explanation, to make that powerful Thirteenth Amendment argument.
There may be an opportunity to make that argument in another case.
Could it possibly be that there is a CONNECTION between the MILLIONS of abortions of what WOULD have become "TAX PAYERS" into the U.S. Social Security system (that) we are continually told is going BROKE - and the fact that so-called "border" with Mexico has been more or less WIDE OPEN since the 1970s when ROE began - allowing foreign nationals to 'enter' the workforce which automatically deducts Social Security 'contributions' from their paychecks?
Yes, many 'illegals' (work) for cash only, but certainly not ALL of them. And, yes many illegals use phony SS numbers - or STOLEN SS numbers, but again, certainly not ALL of them.
If it were winning for them they'd keep talking about abortion. Even us pro lifers who are ecstatic about the decision have calmed down. The leaker did ys a favor, everyone has gotten used to Roe now. The New Yorkers and Californias weren't moving to South Dakota or Utah anyway so they'll go back to not caring as well.
There's nothing a liberal values more than sexual freedom. I think he'd gladly accept concentration camp in exchange for permission to bunghole the guard dogs.
I laughed when I saw videos on Twitter of the angry women wanting to launch a sex ban.
I thought “Wow. You just magically found a previously undiscovered way to NOT make a baby“ 😂😂
The cringe spectacle of women who are in precisely zero danger of ever becoming pregnant anyplace but in a laboratory shrilly hyperventilating over their supposed inability to murder their children is peak Leftist lunacy.
I'll wager they won no hearts or minds.
You are freaking hilarious ... and spot on. Love you to pieces Ann! 😅
Excellent article Ann. It can be added that the biggest abortion advocates are always gay men and butt-ugly lesbians, in other words - creatures who could never get pregnant to begin with. It's like subconsciously they mad at their parents for not aborting them in time.
A spectacular column Ann! You're a national treasure.
As the years roll by and it settles into the national psyche that 'just maybe' it might be a good idea to think for about ten seconds as to whether it's a good idea to hop into bed with this person you hardly know...or don't know at all...especially when murdering your child as a back-up birth control option might involve the terrible, horrible oppressive requirement that you drive over to the next State that still gleefully maintains an industrial-scale mass murder operation for children, hopefully we will see an increased level of Balkanization in the country. Those people who insist on being able to murder their children on a whim will gravitate toward the deep-blue States while those who want to give life a chance will not, and this, I contend, will make for a much better quality of life in the USA.
Those people who demand a no-consequences Hookup Culture and who think nothing of going to an abortionist to have them (gut-wrenching graphic details of dismemberment omitted) will not be forced to share a town with gentle, friendly people who believe that life and families are important and innocence should be protected, will undoubtedly be giddy with joy over the prospect of never having to be reminded that they're killing someone because the child is coming along at an inconvenient time.
Eventually the differences between entire States will be so dramatic that it will serve as a National Referendum of sorts on what America is to look like as we move forward. I contend that Life will win, not only because it is the only morally defensible choice but also because the Death Cultists will eventually die off.
And every photo showing people celebrating the Dobbs decision was mostly women.
The power the Dems credit to Trump, simply amazes me.
I'm gonna miss the drag-queen performance art.
The advocates for abortion rights in the Dodds case, including the Solicitor General, failed to advance the best argument
to preserve Roe-Casey. That missed argument is based on an actual provision in the Constitution: The Thirteenth Amendment which prohibits now and ended then the institution of slavery and any form of involuntary servitude.
The argument is that forcing a woman carrying an unintended pregnancy to take that pregnancy to term and delivery is a form of involuntary servitude. The woman did not intend to get pregnant, she does not have the financial means to properly care for the baby, she was raped or is the victim of incest and many other reasons why she wants to terminate the pregnancy. So if the State comes in through statutes or other means and mandates that despite her wishes, the State demands that she take the baby to term regardless of the circumstances, including her health, her financial condition, her plans for her life, her desire to complete her education, or her hatred of her rapist or incest male producer of the pregnancy, the State tells her regardless of her desires and choices for her own body, she must complete the pregnancy and take the baby to term.
When the State issues these demands that are contrary to what the woman wants to do, she is being coerced against her will to complete the pregnancy. When the State so demands it is imposing a form of involuntary servitude in forcing the woman to complete the pregnancy. That coercion by the State is clearly involuntary servitude and as such it is prohibited by the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution which prohibits any form of involuntary servitude.
I think that is a powerful argument based on the literal words of the Thirteenth Amendment. Unfortunately, the attorneys for the abortion clinic in Mississippi and the U. S. Solicitor General failed, without explanation, to make that powerful Thirteenth Amendment argument.
There may be an opportunity to make that argument in another case.
Could it possibly be that there is a CONNECTION between the MILLIONS of abortions of what WOULD have become "TAX PAYERS" into the U.S. Social Security system (that) we are continually told is going BROKE - and the fact that so-called "border" with Mexico has been more or less WIDE OPEN since the 1970s when ROE began - allowing foreign nationals to 'enter' the workforce which automatically deducts Social Security 'contributions' from their paychecks?
Yes, many 'illegals' (work) for cash only, but certainly not ALL of them. And, yes many illegals use phony SS numbers - or STOLEN SS numbers, but again, certainly not ALL of them.
If it were winning for them they'd keep talking about abortion. Even us pro lifers who are ecstatic about the decision have calmed down. The leaker did ys a favor, everyone has gotten used to Roe now. The New Yorkers and Californias weren't moving to South Dakota or Utah anyway so they'll go back to not caring as well.
There's nothing a liberal values more than sexual freedom. I think he'd gladly accept concentration camp in exchange for permission to bunghole the guard dogs.
Thank you for sharing your perspective Ann.