Over the decades, I have seen this discrimination against our children more and more. So often I have marveled at the great kids I have known (some with perfect SAT scores) relegated to second tier colleges. Whenever I point this out, the usual response is "they probably didn't have enough extra-curricular activities to qualify!" When will our people wake up?!

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As a white Christian male I have never been discriminated against by any educational institution when it came time to: pay full tuition and fees; not receive any financial aid; have to achieve the real minimum standards for admission and graduation and, especially, when it comes time for alumni spirit and contributions...but forget any recognition for any of the forementioned unless a check for a minimum $50 Million donation is included...what an odd concoction of systemic white Christian male racism.

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Last week the American Bar Association dropped the LSAT requirement for law school. Soon the MCAT will almost surely be dropped or switched to pass/fail as they've already done for the USMLE Step 1, a medical licensing exam which used to be the main factor that determined your competitiveness for residency. Furthermore, almost every MD medical school operates under a pass/fail grading system as well now. Of course this is all to further conceal and exacerbate discrimination against whites (and Asians).

Let me paint the picture: Imagine you're a fourth year medical student applying to residency programs now. Well you can't show your USMLE Step 1 score, your medical school grades don't matter (insofar as you even have grades and not a list of passes), and by then your MCAT score is irrelevant. So essentially the only things left to assess are soft factors like extracurriculars, your personal statement, answers to woke secondary questions unique to each program that you are applying to - oh, and how could I forget: DIVERSITY. Of course every medical specialty matters, but at least less competitive ones like internal medicine aren't gonna be life or death situations. When you need emergency open-heart surgery, you better pray your thoracic surgeon wasn't selected based on diversity.

One final point that's worth mentioning: the chief justification for affirmative action in medical school is this idea that black and hispanic patients self-report higher satisfaction with black and hispanic physicians respectively. Thus, they position it as a medical imperative that we admit more black and hispanic students because otherwise their health will suffer. First off, these studies merely demonstrate basic in-group bias and provide no evidence that the quality of care is actually improved when your doctor shares the same race as you. They just showcase differences in subjective assessment of that care. But secondly, and more interestingly, without fail each one of these studies shows that the physicians most consistently rated worst are actually... Asians.

My theory is that Asian physicians raised in America aren't being rated poorly, but because there are so many immigrant doctors from India and the Middle East (lumped together as Asian), this drags down their overall score. I currently work in a clinic, and the number one criticism I hear from patients about medical providers they switch away from is "I couldn't understand his accent." Now I wouldn't mention that uncomfortable reality if not for the fact that every medical association under the sun demands diversity based on subjective patient assessments of their care. You can't have your cake and eat it too. If we need to boost black and hispanic students through medical school based on patient preferences, then by that same logic we should bar immigrant doctors with hard to understand accents from practicing in the US because patients of all races resoundingly reject them. But of course that will never happen because these doctors are diverse and diversity trumps everything.

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Just as proudly racist Democrats had to be forced, literally at the point of a gun, to desegregate public schools in the 1960’s, so also the proudly racist Democrats of the New Millennium will need to be forced, probably at the point of a gun, to remove the racist and sexist preferences from public and private Universities. Racist segregation is integral to the entire Leftist social culture to such a degree that they will forever be working toward undermining and skirting any laws put in place to bring color-blind, gender-blind and merit-based admissions back to schools, and so it will probably be necessary to forcibly put schools under a perpetual audit system to ensure compliance. Will President DeSantis be up for the task? I hope so.

Booker T. Washington (Republican, 1856-1915) knew of the hunger Democrats have for maintaining racist plantations back in his day:

“There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs – partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”

Some things never change, and just as the Republican Party was originally created as “the anti-Slavery Party” we are being forced to continually re-fight the battles for true equality of opportunity for all over and over and over again. Democrats will never, ever, willingly embrace real equality because leveraging inequality and falsely claiming it to be virtuous has been the secret of every success they’ve ever had.

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This was terrific! Thank you for posting bakkes scores, shocking disparity

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I took a promotion exam for NYPD Sgt along with 18,000 other cops. 3,500 made the promotion list, of which I was one. Many were promoted off that list. Then the bottom fell out. The Department of Personnel made an announcement that the list was cancelled as we "have enough white police sergeants". At least that was the quote in the NY Times. No one even took notice. No one cared. The public sector was the proving ground for affirmative action.

These were the original diversity programs. Happy Thanksgiving!

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About ten years ago I was denied a promotion in my line of work. When my boss looked in to why HR had denied the promotion he uncomfortably told me that he was advised (by the black HR lady) that too many white males had been promoted that year so there was a freeze until the end of the year. I was surprised he was so frank about it especially since that would have potentially given me a legal basis for a discrimination lawsuit.

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Republicans used to at least pay lip service to ending affirmative action but they don;t even have the courage to do that anymore. The consultant class has told them that whites are declining and they need to build inroads to non-white constituencies and taking a stand against anti-white discrimination could alienate non-whites. So this means Republicans can and will make overt race based appeals to non-whites while acting like white people don't even exist. They take our vote for granted and honestly I don't know if I'll vote anymore since they act like Democrats anyway.

I had a younger female cousin graduate with a 4.0 GPA majoring in the sciences but when she applied to medical school was told she would likely lose a spot to non-white immigrants or American racial minorities, so she went into a different field. It sickens me that we tolerate this.

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My friend (Irish 100%) married to a Korean (100%) woman. They were blessed with a boy. They told me they only checked "white" and never "Asian for their son in any academic context. The reason? They have learned over time being white was better than Asian. At least that's what they told me. My friend is by the way a Harvard graduate, so it's kind of funny in an odd way.

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Thank you for follow up information on the systemic discrimination in our college admissions processes Ann. Personal experience causes me to agree with Justice Barrett’s: “risky and potentially poisonous nature of race classifications if it comes at the cost of something Grutter itself recognized was very dangerous and corrosive to society.” The fact that persons discriminated against-including white persons-must “live with it” and how it affects their lives throughout life does not “fix” the problem and only adds to creation of new and different discriminatory practices. Thank you Ann.

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White people who are afraid to call out Jewish ethnic nepotism deserve to be losers.

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The “lame old White guys” are currently keeping things running and operating. What’s it going to be like in ten - definitely twenty- years when they’re gone? That’s when all the DEI policies will have pushed through fully. Horrifying. The day will come when companies fall on their knees in gratitude when the smart White guy walks through the door to fill an opening.

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Cornell's Finest.

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UW Madison is still allowing applications to enroll without ACT scores because of extended CHIFLU changes. 40% of UW Madison student's are from out of state/country. Cha Ching. $$$$

kids "..will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character"

I miss the good old days (:

Happy Turduckin or Tofo Day to all !!

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It's impossible to do justice to a race. You can only do justice to individuals.

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