Jun 18ยทedited Jun 18

Hey I like the "5 things" updates! Great idea! ๐Ÿ‘

But, "Terrorists at the border?" Haven't you heard? They're at the 7-Eleven down the street! ๐Ÿ™‚

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Entertaining, except that the Alex Jones coverage was shallow, as Ann more or less confessed. First, Jones was among many who saw apparent anomalies in the Sandy Hook shooting. One example of out of dozens: helicopter footage showed a man running into the woods behind the school, pursued by police and then detained, an hour or two after the shooting. It took forever, but all the authorities would ever say, weeks later, was that, yes, it was an unnamed armed officer from another jurisdiction, but he had nothing to do with the shooting. Why was he there? Why did he run? No answer.

Second, I've never seen any evidence that anyone harassed the parents. The "harassment" of FBI Agent William Aldenburg, the "Sloppy Sniper," was, according to his own testimony, that someone called his office to ask if he was really an FBI agent. Jones had shown footage of the strange way he carried his rifle, but never mentioned his name, and there's no known relation between Jones' coverage and the phone call. According to Jones, it was Aldenburg who organized some of the parents to sue, and Aldenburg himself was awarded an insane $90 million by the jury.

Third, Jones was defaulted in both the Connecticut and Texas cases. He turned over an enormous volume of material, including all his cell phones (later leaked by the prosecutors), but not the "marketing plan for exploiting Sandy Hook" which the prosecution said he must have had. He's denied having such a plan, and I haven't heard of any evidence that it existed. But having been defaulted, he was declared guilty by the judges in both cases, prior to any trial, and told neither he or his lawyers could argue his innocence during the penalty "trials," where the juries would determine not guilt or innocence, but only the size of the settlements.

In short, this was the same kind of lawfare we just saw in the Trump "hush money" case, except that the Jones cases were even more egregious, in that he was denied a jury trial on guilt or innocence, and his only underlying "crime" was having, as a talk show host, unauthorized though reasonable questions about some of the very strange characters and events surrounding the shootings.

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And you think men get all the sex they want if they are married? What world are you living in?

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Why not do the podcast on Substack like Bryan Dean Wright on the PDB? Itโ€™s ad free for subscribers.

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Sorry, meant to say Bryan Dean Wright of โ€œThe Wright Report.โ€

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Ann, are you serious about gays having a good taste? Everything they touch turns to shit! Whether it's fashion, modern art, interior design, Hollywood or TV ads. Every industry hijacked by gays, producing nothing but dreck now days. As for the gay flag, the only reason why sodomites picked rainbow as their symbol is to get closer to children. Before rainbow was stolen by homos, it was very popular with kids, so pedophiles picked it up to get one step closer to our children's bedrooms. Sodomites won't rest until pedophilia is legalized.

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Off topic.....

these fuckin Feds are precisely the types who should be lit up as they approach someone's house. Then stuff them through a fuckin wood chipper and send the video to Wray.


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I just informed a subscriber about the podcast who didnโ€™t know he wouldnโ€™t be getting it thru Substack. Now he has subscribed on Apple.

I also just let someone else (a fan but not a Substack subscriber) know this podcast was available and could be subscribed to on Apple at no charge. He just did that.

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Ann, please announce to your subscribers that this news items podcast will not appear on your Substack. It is a separate production and requires a subscription (No Charge) on a podcast app like Apple or Spotify to receive automatically and listen to.


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Thanks Ann for such great content, nice being first..!

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Thank you Ann for this weekโ€™s five things to know. And for the ricochet link to more ways to discern current events and information. A great idea movement for free speech and thought provocation.

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The best part of this was calling the pride flag ugly, because it is abominably ugly! This is the gay paradox, they have an eye for beauty in so many respects, but the pride flag was clearly designed by someone with no taste whatsoever. (Burner from Portland comes to mind...) ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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Nice update AC. I have only listened to about 30sec of Alex Jones, if he screamed a little less maybe it would take longer to realize he is off the rails. Unless he prints money in his compound you will be broadcasting from Mars before it gets paid.

Keep swinging ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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I want to actually read this, not listen to some podcast.

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Ann, you are only my second favorite talking woman and that is due to your great beauty. My absolute favorite talking woman is Shirley Phelps and you managed to botch up the facts of her free speech defense lawsuit. At the funeral of the dead American soldier, God Hates Fags was a minor aside. What caused America to unite in hatred of the Westboro Baptist Church was the moment Shirley Phelps approached near the soldier's parents's car and yelled at the top of her lungs "your son is going to hell".

I fell in love with her instantly for her clear sense of moral outrage.

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Maybe she had "moral outrage," but I don't think she had any love for those she spoke to. I once saw a pamphlet that said on the cover, "What to do to go to hell." I was curious. The inside was totally blank. The back of the pamphlet said, "Nothing! There's absolutely nothing we need to do to go to hell since all have sinned. Those that don't believe in God's son are condemned already.'" So whether the sin is disobeying one's parents, lying, cheating on one's taxes, "baring false witness against one's neighbor," stealing a paper clip, "coveting your neighbor's wife"- God doesn't grade on a curve - any sin is enough to go to hell. All need to repent and turn to God. Maybe she could have said that instead.

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Nah. There's mortal sin (murder; torturing animals, etc.) and venial sin (stealing a paper clip, coveting your neighbor's wife, for 2 examples). No way will you fry in hell for a venial sin.

"According to Catholicism and Lutheranism, a venial sin is a lesser sin that does not result in a complete separation from God and eternal damnation in Hell as an unrepented mortal sin would."

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