Thank you Ann. We need your common sense voice and intelligence and sane voice for our Republic. I support Donald Trump, not merely because he took a bullet, and much more, for our democracy, but because he loves his country, the country that taught him how business is done. Mr. Trump and his intelligence is a person who shares and is willing to share all that is best. For the US. In addition he humbly is willing to show the world how to share—All that is good.

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It will be funny to watch the white Dems realize that their Diversity officials are not yet ready for prime time.

I have to chide you for your insensitivity, Ann. The Dems are not just the party of women and minorities, they are also the party of homosexuals. Please try to be more inclusive.

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I welcome the opportunity to comment on Director Cheatle's brave appearance before the House today, but since she only just appeared, and the incident in question only happened ten days ago and is still under investigation, and probably always will be, and fearing that anything I might say could reveal sources and methods or incriminate her or her agency, I'm sure you'll completely understand why I can't comment further at this time. I must also defer comment as to whether the inclusive and equitable 30 by 2030 program will continue to fail or whether the brave female agents will eventually learn to reholster without catching their notoriously wide Glock triggers on their belts, holsters, suspenders, ammo pouches, or belly fat, but I hope you'll all join me in wishing these brave women and their protectees all the best.

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The kid Vance likely seems to have smarts ,stuffing , and honesty. Hope he doesn’t lose any of these as not so many young hopes with all three these days in DC . Very corrupting place from which I hope God protects him.

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Man has Kamala Harris set this up well. Prosecutor v Felon is definitely her best move, not that she isn't grossly incompetent. Plus, Trump will not be able to resist calling her names and being seen as racist/misogynist to all the voters who can't see things for what they are. He'll be on the defense except when he's fighting back which will look bad for him. I'm officially nervous but I know there's a good chance her idiocy will shine through...

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24

" ... Kamala Harris set this up well."

Alternative view: She's along for the ride. She does what she is told to do. She is unburdened by what has been and continues to be.

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Oh I'm sure this was all carefully crafted by consultants but it's still a tough obstacle for Trump because calling her names won't work. He's got to stick to policy. Make this all about immigration and her record.

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Ann forgot to mention one of last week's most important events! Only in New York the capital of Jewish humor can Trump get convicted of 34 felonies, lose a $83 million civil law suit for a sexual assault in Bergdorf Goodman almost 30 years ago, and the President's son Hunter Biden get convicted of three felonies in a gun charge, but only Trump's nebbish accountant Allen Weisselberg goes to prison.

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Great Recap AC. In reference to female police officers, if I remember correctly, the first on scene during the Rodney King beating was a female Cal. Highway Patrolman. The quote I remember was,” If the gang unit cops had not showed up I would probably have shot him.”

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In retrospect, doesn't that sound like the best solution all the way around?

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Please dear God, I can’t wait for some Trumpism or conservative populism without Trump. DeSantis, Vance, Kris Kobach, whomever. I just can’t listen to him anymore. Going on and on about his crowd sizes compared to Kamala instead of attacking her pathetic record in CA as AG and all her DEI nonsense. He’s going to find a way to blow this against one of the most unlikeable politicians in 75 years. Especially if they fool voters into pairing her with Kelly that they’re some kind of moderate ticket. He should be calling the whole party and press corps a bunch of liars for covering up for Biden and instead he’s obsessing over his criminal cases and the crowd sizes.🤦‍♂️

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So the NYT, et al, can't decide what they think about democrat strategy? That means they don't know which faction is in charge yet. I keep hearing an Obama faction is anti-kamala. There is still a Clinton faction. Is the rest a Muslim-Immigrant-Lawbreaker-Socialist faction?

There is still a convention and nomination to go through. I figure there is some drama still left to unfold.

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"A lot of people recognize that we need to do something with Iran—but not these weak little bombing runs. If you're going to punch the Iranians, you punch them hard."

So said JD Vance on Hannity soon after being named Trump's VP pick. He then proceeded to blather about the need to strengthen Israel, "our greatest ally." The illogic of being allied with a nation that has its hands full with a ragtag people's militia like Hamas seemed to escape him. I see no point in drawing down Ukraine if it means ratcheting up the Middle East.

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we were allies with Israel before the ragtag people's militia existed. Israel has its own problems in the region (which they can handle if left alone) and we have ours. They do overlap some.

Next problem: start by telling Ukraine, NATO, and the EU they better decide how much they support Ukraine, because our support has found new limits. Get serious about resolving this at the diplomatic level.

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