An excellent column, Ann!

As the legacy media trash desperately try to convince us that they NEVER said these things and, if they did, they were just following CDC recommendations and so they can't be blamed...lets have a moment of somber reflection for the BILLIONS of people worldwide who had their lives needlessly upended over this.

~The unnecessary deaths

~The unnecessary suffering

~The businesses that needlessly went under

~The lives needlessly destroyed

~The politicians who found their true calling as jackbooted Gauleiters, reveling in their Emergency Powers and using them far beyond what was ever needed.

~All of the friends we've made on Twitter and elsewhere who were banned (and remain banned) because they dared to speak what we now know is the truth.

~The exposure of highly-touted 'experts' as mindless charlatans and fame-seekers

~Seeing how quickly our friends and neighbors eagerly became "Covid Karens", embracing their inner bully "for the public good"

Hopefully this Covid Madness will have been an educational experience for all thoughtful people. but it wasn't worth the cost. Police beating up people for the crime of not wearing a mask, families crying behind glass barriers because they couldn't comfort dying relatives...it was all WAY too high of a cost.

And the ones who caused it all only got fabulously wealthy.

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Brilliantly said, and all true!

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Thank you so much Talmadge for your exceptionally kind and gracious compliment! :-)


I'm delighted if you've found my post to be worthwhile.

Best wishes to you and yours. :-)

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But did those who created this mess see these ‘unfortunate’ results as unnecessary, or were they indeed necessary to a purpose, however ‘unfortunate’.

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Oh absolutely. Many policy-makers have an active antagonism for the USA, and anything that brings us down a notch...or ten...will be embraced as long as they have sufficient political cover. In this case, "we were just following CDC guidelines" is a giant umbrella that they will forever use to shirk responsibility for the devastation that anyone could see coming from miles away.

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Dr. Murtaza Akhter, clinical assistant professor at the University of Arizona College of Medicine: “Natural immunity is fine for a little bit. But that is not the way to protect yourself. The way to protect yourself from COVID is by being vaccinated and by just not getting it.”

-- "All In With Chris Hayes," Oct. 18, 2021

The way to protect yourself from COVID is by being vaccinated and by just not getting it.”

Not getting it, good. But there was never any vaccine for Covid. There was only a highly experimental immune system modification. Don't ever confuse this with vaccines for diseases like polio or measles or small pox. This is some Frankenstein shit that they forced us to take, against our will in many cases. It turns out that many of us should never have taken it. But the even greater concern is that our government acted blatantly to make nearly all of our civil liberties no longer relevant nor enforceable. If we don't hold our individual elected officials responsible for how this was conducted, then we have to accept whatever they want to do to us and whenever they (or their funders) want.

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In my mind, two things, no, three things make Donald Trump totally unacceptable to ever hold the office of President of the united States again.

1. The exploitation of Ann Coulter and her book, Adios America.

2. Deliberately breaking his promise to build the wall, a betrayal to Angel moms and dads and to the country.

3. His and Jared Kushner's willingness to brown nose the ass of Anthony Fauci, shutting down the country for 15 days to flatten the curve, nothing more than a damn mealy mouthed lie!

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Your point number 1 could not be more of a dead center statement. Without that book, there is no Trump Presidency.

I think Trump's biggest failure is that he does not in his bones have an American Patriot contempt for government. I'm a tiny Canadian who read Ayn Rand when I was 17 and it forged a hatred of government that grows every day. In the case of Tim McVeigh, 168-1, and to paraphrase Colonel Troutman in First Blood, 'you're goddamned lucky he didn't kill all of them.' It IS too bad there was a day care center in there in a space that could have been better occupied by the IRS or FBI agents.

The gov't was sure quick to kill McVeigh. meanwhile Nuland still breathes and Xiden is President.

Trump never viewed government as a threat and I wonder if he does now. Even after Mike Rogers visited Trump tower and told him he was being spied on, I think Trump was too naive to believe it was all that bad.

I think that Trump went in with the same attitude he had with negotiations with NYC pols and mobsters in the matter of constructing a building, that he would be able to grease who needed to be greased and everyone would have given up something and gained something by the 'negotiation.'

As Rush noted early on, perhaps even before the election, Trump is not an ideologue; he doesn't see Schumer in ideological terms, he thought Schumer would be willing to 'work with' him.

I am so very torn on Trump 2024, not that it matters, I can't vote. I have said before here that I cannot dispute any of Ann's condemnations of him for failing to build the wall, tax remittances, end the carried interest loophole, not undertaking mass deportations, not abolishing the FBI, CIA, NSA, EPA, TSA, not asking for a Bill to repeal the Patriot Act and FISA court.

On the other hand.....(be gentle in your roasting of me), he does have a genuine connection with average people who show up to his rallies of crowd around him in McDonalds. Some estimates I have read in various place suggest he got upward of 100 million votes in 2020, but whatever the actual number, if was more than Xiden got.

I wonder what impact Trump's treatment of the media and foreign nations has had on DeSantis now being tough on Disney and covid. Put another way, would there be firebrands like Boebert and Jordan and MTG in Congress if Trump hadn't paved the way?

McCarthy apparently f***ed over Tucker, instead of letting Tucker have the tapes, McCarthy now says Tucker's people can view the tapes in the equivalent of a scif.

Like it or not, Trump in my opinion is the only candidate capable of beating the Dems. And if he gets f***ed over again, I eagerly anticipate the sound of lead flying through the air because at that point, the US is over. Who really wants to live in the upcoming police state?

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if you could combine DeSantis's legislative success with Trump bull in the Chyna shop, that would be a formidable candidate.

The Trump Administration was such a gigantic missed opportunity, and being the fatalist that I am, it was the last opportunity. DC is at least as corrupt as Kiev.

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Imagine how different the last 3 years would have been if the public health authorities AND TRUMP ADMINISTRATION had simply protected the elderly and those with significant co-morbidities, cautioned those who were obese to diet and exercise, and left everyone else alone.

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“America’s biggest problem today is suicide, not China.” (Ann Coulter)

Don’t be fooled again by the DC crowd and those in the pay of the military-industrial complex, even if they’re on Fox. All this tough talk and war drum beating about China is just another stupid Con, Inc. diversion to prevent Republicans from paying attention to American white people.

If China is such a threat, why are there 450,000 Chinese in our universities, taking spots middle and working class Americans could have. Did we ever have even 4,500 Soviet Russian exchange students?

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Maybe for the same reason that the American public was brainwashed to believe that we had no Japanese spies in the US pre-Pearl Harbor; Japan was a country of near-sighted buck-toothed technologically backwards people who were no threat to the US; the Rosenbergs were innocent victims; McCarthy was a full of BS human rights monster; we lost almost 60,000 American lives “winning” in Viet Nam; for 20 years we brought democracy and victory by dying in Afghanistan and then opened our unvetted borders to untold numbers of the Taliban and other assorted terrorists.

Maybe because China might well indeed matter despite the fact that history proves that the US can be lead by treasonous and/or idiotic quislings both in politics, the media and the culture creators who have repeated sold our national interests down the drain without consequence. 🤷‍♂️

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What you pithily document are the wages of empire, my friend. They are the results of seeking to slay monsters abroad, which you will recall wise men warned us against doing.

Invade the world, invite the world.

“The Euphrates flowed into the Tiber.”

In Bleak House Charles Dickens wrote of the telescopic charity of Mrs. Jellyby. America has had a “Mrs. Jellyby foreign policy” for decades. It’s time to turn away.

Forget China.

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I cannot forget China as we continue to give away our technology while economically prostituting our nation to them and allowing the PRC to outmaneuver US national interests both domestically and internationally. Right now the South China Sea is boiling like a clone of the 1930’s with China playing the role of Japan on steroids.

I am not talking about a war...far from it. I am advocating for America to act 100% in America’s national interests...our version of foreign aid is a welfare program while China’s version is a loan backed with secured hard assets which the PRC is more than willing, in fact hoping, to foreclose in the event of default.

The People of the PRC do not take their direction from a gaggle of crazy old witches on The View. American leadership has to trash their PC testosterone-free propagandizing of the American people and enter reality.

The PRC is a bully nation of Asian Bernie Madoffs...soulless.

The 1% of America that leads this nation (i.e. political, media & culture creators) need a 180° turn and actually start working for the advantage of real legal American citizens who pay the bills before China, India, and assorted shitholes eat our lunch.

I am certain that you will agree that the best way to avoid a fight with a bully or any other predator is a take no shit policy that makes the predator’s expected costs far outweigh any gains.

Let’s see how far the PRC gets on a level playing field against the US instead of the current compromised policy of our idiot leaders to treat China like an under-served community.

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Sure. But that 180 ain’t going to happen anytime soon.

In the meantime, don’t take your eyes off the guys and girls who are already getting their hands on the levers of power in the US government and industry — and who already rule in the UK and Ireland.

Vivek in 2024!

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You have just talked me into another Old Fashioned...at least, for now, good rye is still legal...have a good one patriot 🥃

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It was always obvious from the start that the virus escaped from the lab. The wet market canard was never plausible. You have a virus lab doing research on the exact kind of virus that infected the world and the New York Times is telling you that the lab 'theory' is a crazy conspiracy. Quite simply and obviously, What are the odds? Let's talk about other obvious truths. The Nordstream pipeline didn't blow itself up. It is obvious who did. Start with the guy who bragged that he would blow it up and go from there. Ukraine is not winning the war. And they never had a chance to win a war against Russia. I also have my doubts about Santa Claus and the Easter bunny but they have some remote plausibility that these other obvious truths lack.

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Argue with your Substack host: https://youtu.be/SIN7BuglgMY

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Thanks for the link Mr.Hickey.

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You’re quite welcome. Subscribe to the channel, Ann appears every Wednesday morning on the Mark Simone show, just before she releases her weekly column to her syndicator. It’s always entertaining.

Mark is a great host. He has stuck with Ann all through the Trump years, when so many other fair weather friends and two-faced hypocrites who are afraid of their own audiences ran away from her.

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Good column, of course. But there's so much more. Fauci was told virtually on day one by scientists he knew professionally from advisory panels, etc., that the virus was made in a lab and could not have evolved naturally. Fauci convinced them to say otherwise for public consumption, then rewarded them, as he has since HIV days, with Federal money. One of the reasons he did this, of course, was his own role in funding gain of function and the virus itself.

Even worse, the government's tardy admission that the virus was made in Wuhan is just a new layer of coverup designed to conceal the U.S. government's role (DOD, Fauci, and many others, including universities like UNC) in creating the virus then sharing it with China. Maybe someday that layer will be peeled away too and we'll find the real culprits pulling the government's strings. The World Eugenics Forum? Bill Gate's and his friend Jeffrey Epstein, who liked to blackmail scientists along with presidents and "royalty"? China itself? All of those working together?

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Mar 1, 2023·edited Mar 4, 2023

Really great story. I am happy that I don't personally know anyone who died from COVID. But--I do know a few people who knew people who died from it. Some were old, some were young. I do know one person, very much into her senior years, who survived but has lasting neurological damage. People who are getting the more recent strains seem to mostly get over it, although some state that they were sicker than hell with it. The censoring of views that differed from Fauci's narrative and the unreasonable mandates were unfortunate as it has caused people to lose trust in those who are supposed to be the authorities. I only hope a lot was learned from this.

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Yes some outcomes were ‘unfortunate’ weren’t they? But it’s now all in the past. Let’s all look ‘forward’, pledging to work with our ‘good friends across the aisle’ while moving to the center, avoiding the extremes on the left and the right because together we can get America back ‘on track again ‘. That’s what Americans want. Americans just want to work hard, raise their families and pay their taxes. And on and on and on…

America is being crushed lifeless, murder from within from those many who wish us evil, murder from without by those who wish evil, and suicide woven in. We got to get out.

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

The contempt I have for these people is boundless. They brainwashed my family and friends. It felt like invasion of the body snatchers or some kind of zombie movie. Ann noted it, the most sickening part, they loved the power. Dictators had to kill or wage war for years to get the kind of control these imbeciles were able to exercise in a week's time once COVID became this "worldwide pandemic". Healthy people were forced to inject themselves with Lord knows what out of fear over their health ultimatums, the threat they'd be fired. No one told overweight people to exercise or stop smoking, almost everyone I know gained weight closed up in their homes. I only maintained because I bought an exercise bike because my gym closed. Then George Floyd died and suddenly COVID was over so people could burn and loot. My favorite local restaurant went out of business. The foreigners in Latin America got poorer. All the young people in Cuba have left, crossing the southern border or using hereditary laws to enter Spain or Europe. Now unvaccinated people are this minority. I don't even want to date vaccinated men, I can't respect anyone who gave into this though I understand it was a pressure cooker.

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I used to think the difference between conspiracy theory and reality was 9 months. This one had a much longer gestation period. My wife and I were vacationing out-of-state when the pandemic hit. My kids were panicked and urged us to rent a car and drive back. We didn't. Spent March 15th in a crowded bar in Savanah (pre-St. Patrick Day) and lived.

I was working as a bartender at a country club at the time. I still have the letter in my glove box for the police informing them that I was an essential worker. You know how essential bartenders can be. Everyone was in lockdown, but not us proles. I guess we were expendable.

I started on the Swiss protocol that March (zinc, Vit C, quercetin, bromelain) the quercetin was sort of a poor man's hydroxychloroquine, in that it acted as an ionophore which transported the zinc through the cell wall. Once inside the cell, zinc inhibited viral reproduction. Seems to have worked well. Ivermectin worked as well. I didn't give a shit what the media said about off-label uses as they appeared to know far less than they were given credit.

It became apparent that being put on a vent was a death sentence.

Political morons put the infected in nursing homes, better to kill of the 'surplus population' (Scrooge).

States and countries that didn't follow their dictates were supposedly doomed. Sweden did fine, Florida did fine. That didn't keep the druids from wanting to inoculate 2-year olds.

Fauci, didn't he kill a couple thousand gays with his AZT back in the '80s? What a pompous ass of a bureaucrat. I'm surprised he's thus far avoided the firing squad.

Anyone with any awareness knew the virus came out of the Class IV Wuhan lab, which at the time was running as a Class II lab. They threw the original French contractors off the project and finished with the home team, who didn't know squat about about Class IV. Subsequently, testing fluids were flushed directly into the public sewers, lab assistants sold some of the test animals after the experiments to make extra money.

The wet market never sold bats. The horseshoe bats in question were hibernating 850 miles away in caves. The spike protein contained a sequence never found in nature. The only way you could get that sequencing is with CRISPR-9 engineering.

Apparently no one wanted to hurt China's feelings, so they went along with the ruse as long as possible. China is responsible for all of this, millions of deaths, thousands of businesses gone under, toxic world economics. The hell with isolating them from semiconductors, someone needs to put a thermobaric on the Wuhan lab.

That would be a good start.

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Considering the fact that Covid "vaccine" is mRNA based, it's quite possible that modified retrovirus was used as a delivery mechanism to inject DNA segments into recipient's genome. Once retrovirus is inside the human's body it doesn't go anywhere and stays inside the host forever. Since HIV is also retrovirus, it won't be a surprise if in 5 years majority of vaccinated will develop AIDS and be in need of anti-retroviral drugs for the rest of their lives. Anti-retroviral drug manufacturers will be the biggest winners in this scheme.

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Or there will be a valid reason to reactivate Monsieur Guillotine 🥳

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“[D]id way better than New York, New Jersey, West Virginia and Washington, D.C. -- all top 10 ‘most aggressive’ lockdown states.”

Me, a West Virginian: We were?

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The Great Barrington Declaration was published on October 4, 2020, but was probably in the works much earlier. It would have taken great national leadership to push back against Fauci, Cuomo and the like in 2020. Bottom line, Trump did not supply that leadership.

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Ann, your peerless wit and sharp pen need to be in the fight to hold the Branch Covidians accountable. It was clearly the biggest political event of our lives. Great job w this salvo and keep it coming.

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Ann I was going to point out how nauseously and chokingly the diversity filling your column had become when I got to the final few sentences of the column…

You must have thought of my post before I wrote it. So just ignore it.

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Senate and House committees conduct oversight. They can investigate the agencies of the executive department, but unless they deauthorize an agency or defund it, the legislators depend on embarrassment to remove bureaucrats.

Devin Nunes did more. He took on the other party, the intelligence community, the media and the “interagency consensus” of the administrative state, not merely a recalcitrant witness. His own leadership (Paul Ryan) did not have his back and his only allies , Trump and Trump’s White House, were out of their depth and paralyzed. So he was sidelined. He was lucky he wasn’t Kavanaughed.

Our side plays for show. The other side plays for keeps.

Why does our side just play for show? Because right wing voters in the US are satisfied with having our grievances voiced, not our interests attended to or our problems solved. Trey Gowdy did it over Benghazi and now he does it on Fox News. Same gig, different place.

(Read the comment threads on conservative sites. They are filled with repetitious and detailed bitching, most of it cribbed from right wing media. In the movie “Shane” a farmer called such useless performances “poking holes in the air with our fingers.”)

Right wing movements in other countries have never been wary of exercising power. Ours is. There are many reasons for this strange American right wing attitude, but it seems to me to have originated in 1964.

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Devin Nunes is a genuine American hero. Trump, I wager could not have survived without Devin Nunes. What he did was selflessness in pursuit of justice, for the sake of justice.

But he got neutralized in much the same fashion as did Trump. They were targets and they both got hit by traitors and villains these evil people being everywhere.

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so there is no legal remedy for Hillary refusing to tell the truth or for that bitch today who lied to Hawley....? So much for the experiment in self government.

Canada is even more of a lost cause; my only hope is for the shit to really hit the fan in the US, ie antifa types getting their heads smashed wide open on curbs without consequence to the stompers because it is far past obvious that the ballot box solves nothing.

If that US elephant rolls over in its sleep, maybe Canada can be woken up, too (fingers crossed).

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Self-government works, when there is an actual self, ie, a single people.

I honeymooned in Toronto in 1977. The city was clean, safe, entertaining and easy to walk in. There were a few, very small minority communities that leant it “color.” It was a famously white, Anglo city. People clapped for the Maple Leafs

Not surprisingly, self-government worked. Things that needed to get done got done. The city and provincial fathers looked out for their constituents and the future their constituents’ children would live in. THEIR CHILDREN.

Immigration and nothing else has destroyed that Toronto and Canada. Trudeau convinced the citizens to bring in others, for growth. It seemed like a good idea to the frog in the kettle. After all, Canadians weren’t like those bigoted Americans with their Negro prejudice.

“A little more heat will be OK, it's not bothering me yet.”

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Canada's 'Constitution and Charter of Rights' has always been a suicide, no wait, homicide pact. The BNA Act specifically avoided anything like the experiment in self government that was going on south of the border, and the Charter merely got the Queen out of the way.

The Residual Clause is Peace Order and Good Government, which means (and it is written down, FFS) 'any of the Rights we just got done telling you you have can be suspended immediately in the interest of POGG.

The only thing that kept a semblance of western civilization was the fact that leaders were men of their time, products of the Great Depression or sons of European immigrants, people who saw the contrast between collectivist Europe and a country that shared a continent with the US. None of them viewed speech as a threat, nor did they care much about guns.

What Trudeau did regarding the Emergencies Act and freezing bank accounts and militarizing the police against the public is exactly what the Charter was designed to do, it just so happened in our time because the PM is Castro's son who is surrounded by WEF types.

If not for the US being next door, Canada would always have more closely resembled East Germany than West, and the US being next door as an escape value kept the communism in the Charter in check. But now the US doesn't even resemble the US, so Trudeau knows we have no place to where we can escape.

This on its own would go a long way towards wrecking a developed nation; bringing in third world trash only serves as a cigarette being extinguished in white Canadians' eyes.

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When EU parliment minister Anderson visited Canada Trudeau took to his pulpit to trash her and wound up being supported by some prominent members of the ‘conservative ‘ party! Your Conservative party.

Christine Anderson, to my complete surprise, being from suicidal Germany, had told Trudeau, in her ‘welcome’ statement to him before Trudeau addressed the EU last year what she thought of his admiration of China and his putting the boot on the neck of his own people during the truckers’ protests last year. She shoved his self righteousness right up his arrogant ass. If you haven’t seen her statement to him, with him present at the EU parliament it’s on YouTube. And it was fabulous.

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thanks for that, I only saw a little snippet about her having visited, nothing about what was said or what happened.

I haven't read a newspaper in 15 years and I have never watched TV news so I have literally no idea what is going on in canada because I have no voice, no choice, and all the news does is piss me off. There have been a few times when someone has asked me the day after, 'did you so see The Eagles / Alice Cooper / Fleetwood Mac yesterday?' "I didn't know there were here."

My sources of news / information used to be Rush every day but now Bongino gets my everyday attention. Also Ann's work, of course, and Tucker. Timcast is pretty good, too. At least I can listen to some philosophically similar content even knowing that it will have no effect upon things up here.

I vote Conservative and target shoot with my .223; I can currently hit within 1.5 inches at 100 yards and hope to improve upon that this summer. I have had a few runs of hitting within an inch consistently over the course of a box of ammo, but then I hit outside of that and am sad.

I have no doubt that I am the most right wing person in Canada; I have no political home.

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Get to know your enemy as well as you know your friends. It may save you for a time.

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