Ann I know you are right. I started looking at the fbi crime statistics reports a long time ago and it confirms everything you say. I too know who is doing the rapes and murders and it has been so for the last 50 years. The media doesn’t really have to identify the perpetrators of this violence for if we just take a guess any non-peasant would be right 97% of the time.

I think the ‘peasant culture’ is the perfect phrase to describe the otherwise people known to be from ‘shithole’ countries. It has that softer, welcoming , inclusive , non judgmental, tone.

You do good work.

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third world migration / invasion works like this:

Add a drop of sewage to a vat of wine, you have a vat of sewage.

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Gohloombuss, mang.

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Soooooooo, it's not a hoax?

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Unfortunately, mestizo peasants tend to be on the dumb side, and they have trouble assimilating into American culture. You're left hoping it doesn't lead to criminal behavior.

At least my Aunt Quini, who I believe never learned English after decades in the US, only got into trouble with the IRS, and high-tailed it back to Mexico as a result. She didn't kill anybody (I think).

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Trump should know what a rapist looks like as he was accused of forcibly raping a woman at Bergdorf’s

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Okay, this is what I'm talking about, Harold. There are one million totally legitimate ways to attack Trump - grifter, narcissist, infantile, ginned up desperate "left behind" Americans only to betray them ... but liberals push the nonsense stories about him, forcing people like me to say, "yeah, that one was B.S." -- such as the wacky advice columnist who suddenly materialized at a time to get her maximum publicity alleging an extremely unlikely "rape" in a bergorf's changing room. even the media decided (after brief "flood the zone" initial coverage) to drop her as a genuine victim.

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Jean Carroll's defamation case against Trump is alive and well, and Judge recently ruled Trump cannot countersue her.

I had a construction vase in the mid 1980s, and one of Trump's lawyers was involved. So at a break, I asked him what it was like representing Trump. He said awful as Trump lies to his lawyers as everyone else. And he said Trump would never pay more than 75% of the contract he signed. He always said sue me, and people would not to avoid big legal fees: Trump's technique. Many small businesses terribly hurt by Trump tactic.

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Thank you for sharing this important story Ann.

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Of course Trump was accused of forcible rape at Bergdorfs. I believed the woman over the pathetic liar.

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Ann, Are you honestly, assuming honest is a word ever considered by Republicans, trying to convince us that only illegal alien are rapists. Boy are you wrong on that gross and false generalization. Try giving real statistics next time/ You’ll find that whites score a high proportion of rapes. In the old south, whites raping slaves was something done day in and day out.m After his death we found out Strom Thurmond raped a housekeeper, and she bore his child. And how about that writer of the Declaration of Independence, Tom Jefferson. He had a real hard time keeping his pants buckled. So what is your point Ann? Just some prurient interest in very old stories?

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Ann has replied to that 'concern' in the past, including I believe on her appearance with Jorge Ramos just before getting a call from someone in the Trump orbit asking for a copy of her upcoming book at the time, Adios America.

Specifically, why are there ANY crimes being committed by illegal immigrants (setting aside for one moment the fact of their entry into the US illegally is itself a crime)? You'd think they would lay low....

Further, she has said that the US already has enough home grown criminals; why would it invite more?

Thanks for playing.

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Read your history, Harold, about TJ. I know Ann knows it but probably has better things to do than explain it to you. You can go read it yourself. Also, Biden is not trying to bring back the old south. But he is hell-bent on letting illegal aliens into our country. Dems da facts.

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Gee what is TJ? Secret Trump handshake before he foments an insurrection and couo? Kimosabe, me use English words in talk unlike right wing people who speak in gestures.

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Ask anyone who went to the University of Virginia (and actually knows something about Thomas Jefferson) and they will tell you who TJ is. People with TDS (uh, oh, do I have to explain that one to you, too?) have Trump living in their heads rent free and see everything in the context of Trump. In case you had not noticed, Ann is not a big fan of Trump(nor am I) so you cannot try to tar us with alleged Trump allegiance. And, you might want to drop the racist references to native Americans. Makes you sound like "taco" Dr. Jill! "Speaking" in gestures -- that's a new one. Thanks for trying to play.

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Thanks for letting me know who TJ was. Initials make communication ambiguous. Of course, my pointbwas that while Ann is attempting to fill up her substack account she pulls up a story about some hideous rape of a ten year old by an illegal immigrant. But so what! She is apparently using itbas did Trump to make it appear that illegal aliens are responsible for the majority of forcible rapes, but like always she never produces any statistics to back up her apparent claims. Who domyou think commits the largest number of rapes of children 10 and under? Yes these rapists are daddies, brothers, cousins etc. It us called incest depending on who is the perpetrator. Though I have not seen statistics, on a population basis, I’ll bet the predominant incest perpetrators are white and citizens of the US.

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This is why I had to put it in a book, Harold. You want hundreds of child rape stories being intentionally hidden from you by the media? Read "Adios, America!"

Neither Thomas Jefferson, nor Strom Thurmond ever raped anybody, though Thurmond did have an illegitimate child with a black woman -- in 1925. Apart from that, it would be a very powerful argument to compare the hundreds of Hispanic child rape cases committed by people who just got here -- thanks to your government's idiotic immigration policies -- to two white men from 100 or 300 years ago, respectively

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Jon Meachum, noted scholar and continuing MSNBC contributor, says the following about Jefferson and Hemings in his book, Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power. “In this tempestuous time [1788 and 1789] Jefferson apparently began a sexual relationship with his late wife’s enslaved half sister.” “Hemings had been paid some small wages- twelve livres per month for ten months. Jefferson had bought clothing for her and had her inoculated against smallpox.” .. . “Sally’s day-to-day routine was less clear.’” “It could have been, as some have argued, coercive, institutionalized rape.” See pgs 216-217. There is more.

Did you know that Sally Hemings was Jefferson’s deceased wife’s half sister? Boy he gets around: sort of an All in The Family Show. Facts are tough aren’t they? Better to just be a bloviator with no facts but plenty of opinions.

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I sent you a couple of emails yesterday using an address of: anncoulter@substack.com

i got that format from Nick Kristoff, but I do not know if that works. Did you get any direct emails from me?

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Here are data from Uniform Crime Reports for 2020 for Race or Ethnicity of Offender

White 39,470

Black 18,311

Unknown 7,986

Asian 733

American Indian or Native Alaskan 674

Not Hispanic 26,559

Unknown 12,275

Hispanic 7,271

So who are the biggest rapists: White boys.

There is data on victims, but that requires more work, and my eye surgery is giving me eye pain.

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I have read credible historical books by academic historians who say when Jefferson first [went to France, he took Sally Hemings with him. I think she was about 18. Though it is not definitive, some accounts say Jefferson’s first sex with Sally was hardly consensual. aas to Thurmond, do you have credible evidence that Strom did not involuntarily insert himself into the Black housekeeper. I hope you know tha attitudes that Black females were there to satisfy white males, a view that survived for at least 100 years after the end of the civil war.

As to current rape by race, ethnicity or national origin, those sraristics are kept by the FBI in the annual crime reports. I’ll look up the numbers and give you reference citations.

Just got back from piloting a pontoon boat around Assawoman Bay, west of Ocean City, MD. Beats trying to tell lawyers how to win their case instead of stupidly losing their case.

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Harold R Berk -- The point of this article by Ann.....was the Democrats love abortion so much.......they will leave out the distracting piece about the rapist being an illegal immigrant.....until they have to include it, because nobody believes the 10 year old exists. Then she shows other evidence of that same thing happening in years past. The press leaving out the fact that a rapist was an illegal.

Everything you said is true....except what this article is all about. You need to read more carefully.

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But the real news reported it was a real rape and arrested the rapist But the fight wing crazies including the Wall Street Journal claimed it was a hoax and Ann picked up on the same right wing BS. Too bX it was real and the 10 year old bictim had to leave Obio because Ohio and Republicans think 10 year old rape victims should be forced to go through pregnancy with the rapist stuff in here

This story first published in Indianapolis News and Star. Then the crazies doubted it

I practiced law in Indianapolis from 1971 to 1975 and I can tell you the Indianapolus paper is very vonservative in the old sense, but they check their facts unlike WSJ and the Wacko worldvwho express opinions without facts or contrary to facts as does CriminAl Liar And alleged Bergdorf rapist.

Facts matter, but bullshit unsupported opinions are less than worthless.

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Jul 14, 2022
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When I was writing "Adios, America!" and started looking at court cases, it was overwhelming -- and overwhelming how police, prosecutors and the media would knock themselves out to avoid giving the ethnicity or immigration status of the perp. (Pro Tip: look for the word "translator.")

The massive cover-up was the very reason "Adios, America!" became "Adios, America!" I'd planned to write about a larger theme, with immigration being one example, but the damage done by mass third world immigration and especially the politicians and media's lies about it was a much bigger story.

I may do a video on this topic over the weekend. I'm STUNNED that the media have finally been forced (by a pro-abortion zealot) to tell us about a child-raping illegal immigrant.

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But according to Law & Order: SVU, 83% of perpetrators are upper class whites.

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