Internal messages show employees conspiring to deplatform the "genocidal" Twitter account
“Libs of TikTok” has gathered nearly 2 million followers on Twitter merely by posting liberals’ own videos — often nonbinary, trans and queer teachers bragging about how they are indoctrinating their students.
Here are a few of her posts just from the last few days:
Yesterday, internal messages among Twitter employees show them demanding that Libs of TikTok be thrown off the platform:
“[L]ike I don’t get how this account, which exists solely to generate targeted violence at marginalized people, continues to be allowed to post.”
“But if we deplatform this account, we might erode trust in our platform from users who already think we’re irredeemably biased against conservatives.”
“Trans people are being targeted for genocidal violence during pride month.”
“I mean we successfully deplatformed Trump — I don’t think deplatforming Libs of TikTok is going to cause a mass exodus but I guess it may not be in our ‘fiduciary’ interest to enact a ban on a high profile account right now…”
“I apologize — I was not speaking from my own perspective but applying a commentary on how leadership has behaved recently. “I could have phrased that better and will be more conscious in future messages.”
“I despise and despair the activity that is currently flourishing on our platform and empowering white supremacists/fascists to act with impunity in conducting harmful emotional and physical violence on trans folx and the broader LGBTQ+ community.”
Libs of TikTok is now available on Substack.
“If we continue to be blatantly biased people might think we are biased”
Also I like how fiduciary is in quotes like it’s not a real responsibility for a company ... just ridiculous behavior from alleged adults who don’t know how the world works
So many on the Left appear to be unaware of something everyone else has known for decades...when you post something on the internet, it can be seen by anybody, anywhere and can be used in ways you might not like. They seem to want everything on the internet to conform to their extremely narrow and toxic worldview. And then, of course, they call OTHERS 'fascists' merely for commenting on what they've posted. What fragile little snowflakes they are, but they have such shrill and angry little voices. This is what totalitarianism looks like when it tries to assert itself without the barrel of a gun backing it up. When on an even intellectual playing field, the Left loses every time...which is why they're so adamant about hysterically inflating or simply making up the words of the opposition and demanding that any and all opposition to their agenda be silenced. That's their only hope...by having their bootheel on your neck.