Fantastic article by John Tierney in the current City Journal:
There is overwhelming evidence of conscious, blatant, and widespread discrimination against boys and men in modern societies.
If you haven’t heard of this evidence, it’s because of the well-documented misandrist bias in the public discussion of gender issues. Scholars, journalists, politicians, and activists will lavish attention on a small, badly flawed study if it purports to find bias against women, but they’ll ignore—or work to suppress—the wealth of solid research showing the opposite. …
Numerous studies have shown that both sexes care more about harms to women than to men. Men get punished more severely than women for the same crime, and crimes against women are punished more severely than crimes against men. Institutions openly discriminate against men in hiring and promotion policies—and a majority of men as well as women favor affirmative-action programs for women. …
Who criticizes “femsplaining” or pretends to “believe all men”? If the patriarchy really did rule our society, the stock father character in television sitcoms would not be a “doofus dad” like Homer Simpson, and commercials wouldn’t keep showing wives outsmarting their husbands. (When’s the last time you saw a TV husband get something right?) …
Economists have studied… millions of Uber trips in America. Female drivers are assigned trips and paid fees determined by a gender-blind computer algorithm,…both sexes give bigger tips to the female drivers.
Yet the male drivers still end up earning more per hour than the female drivers—about 7 percent more…. [T]the main reason—the factor that accounts for about half the pay gap—involves a basic difference between the sexes. Men typically drive faster than women do, and Uber drivers are no exception. Their average speed is only 2 percent higher, but that small difference means more trips per hour.
This is the sort of sex difference that equalitarians prefer to ignore. They’ll blame the gender gap in highway fatalities on males’ tendency to drive faster and more recklessly due to “testosterone poisoning,” but they won’t admit that males’ greater aggressiveness and penchant for risk-taking can also be advantageous.
By Alexandra Lange
In 1868, the designer Charles Eastlake published “Hints on Household Taste” …
In his introduction, rather than taking a supportive tone, he chastises the reader. “When did people first adopt the monstrous notion that the ‘last pattern out’ must be the best? Is good taste so rapidly progressive that every mug which leaves the potter’s hands surpasses in shape the last which he moulded?”
“He blames it on the housewife,” said Jennifer Kaufmann-Buhler, the author of “Open Plan: A Design History of the American Office” and an associate professor at Purdue University. The message is, “Women have terrible taste, and we need to correct them” …
Maybe the message is, “Women do most of the home decorating because they’re better at it than men.”
Thank you for this current events/state of affairs of civil rights information Ann. Had never heard the term “femsplaining”. Paragraphs 1 and 4 are downright frightening. If I may piggyback on the doofus dad…..I also have noticed, as of late, of advertising commercials a new lack of representation of the white family. Honest to God truth: I do not have a knack for household decorating and very much value and appreciate the insight of a visionary who is talented in this field—man or woman, black or white, any person-inclusive-group-of-persons. Thank you Ann.
In TV ads it is invariably the man and white people, generally, who are the idiots and the women and black people who are the smarties. You see this enough and, assuming you are of feeble brain (most people), you start to believe it. Repetitive propaganda works!